如果只是简单查一下 楼上说的已经足够了
当然 如果是论文这样正式的事情 当然需要权威的结果了
很好用 能查到德黑兰的邮编 省很多事
或者这样 能全面一点
Now,Follow me
Visit the website "http://www.upu.int/"
Click on the hyperlink "Postcodes" in the middle of the webpage(under the item of "sources")
then enter "Searching for postcodes in member countries"
then "List of sites"
Select the country you wanted and press "Postcode info"
然后你就会进入不同国家的官方邮编查询页面 具体的查询方法不同
有的是直接就可以查到 有的是把全国的邮编做成Excel让你下载
http://www.upu.int/是国际邮政联盟的网站 当然足够权威准确
非英语国家的文字读不懂的话 需要借助谷歌翻译
很强大 能翻译几乎所有的语言 如果输入网址并选择语言 可以翻译整个页面
http://www.upu.int/已经能解决你大部分的需要 尤其是几乎所有的西方国家
少数国家 像伊朗就比较尴尬 upu没有直接连到查询邮编的页面 并且出来一个大阿拉伯语网页
一是把整个页面用Google翻译 即将网址输入谷歌翻译 并选择正确的语言 然后在上面找邮编
二是用谷歌翻译把邮编翻译成网页上的阿拉伯语 你自己在网页上找(这是理论)
在网页上找找看有没有英语版的链接 有时会有意想不到的收获
大部分的国家这都适用 但是遗憾的告诉你 这对伊朗不太好用 阿拉伯文实在看不懂
对的。美国的邮编就是由5 个基本的号码加上4 个号码。 A ZIP Code is the postal code used by the United States Postal Service, which always writes it with capital letters. ZIP is an acronym for the Zone Improvement Plan。 ZIP+4 In 1983, the US Postal Service began using an expanded ZIP Code system called "ZIP+4", which are often called "plus-four codes" or "add-on codes." A ZIP+4 code uses the basic 5-digit ZIP plus an additional 4-digits to identify a geographic segment within the 5-digit delivery area, such as a city block, a group of apartments, an individual high-volume receiver of mail, or any other unit that could use an extra identifier to aid in efficient mail sorting and delivery. Use of the plus-four code is not required except for certain presorted mailings. In general, mail is read by a Multiline Optical Character Reader (MLOCR) that instantly determines the correct ZIP+4 code from the address and—along with the even more specific Delivery point—sprays an 11-digit POSTNET barcode on face of the mailpiece. This technology has greatly increased the speed and accuratecy of mail delivery and in turn, kept costs nearly constant for over a decade. The first digit of the ZIP code is allocated as follows: 0 = Connecticut (CT), Massachusetts (MA), Maine (ME), New Hampshire (NH), New Jersey (NJ), Puerto Rico (PR), Rhode Island (RI), Vermont (VT), Virgin Islands (VI), APO Europe (AE), FPO Europe (AE). 1 = Delaware (DE), New York (NY), Pennsylvania (PA) 2 = District of Columbia (DC), Maryland (MD), North Carolina (NC), South Carolina (SC), Virginia (VA), West Virginia (WV) 3 = Alabama (AL), Florida (FL), Georgia (GA), Mississippi (MS), Tennessee (TN), APO Americas (AA), FPO Americas (AA). 4 = Indiana (IN), Kentucky (KY), Michigan (MI), Ohio (OH) 5 = Iowa (IA), Minnesota (MN), Montana (MT), North Dakota (ND), South Dakota (SD), Wisconsin (WI) 6 = Illinois (IL), Kansas (KS), Missouri (MO), Nebraska (NE) 7 = Arkansas (AR), Louisiana (LA), Oklahoma (OK), Texas (TX) 8 = Arizona (AZ), Colorado (CO), Idaho (ID), New Mexico (NM), Nevada (NV), Utah (UT), Wyoming (WY) 9 = Alaska (AK), American Samoa (AS), California (CA), Guam (GU), Hawaii (HI), Northern Mariana Islands (MP), Oregon (OR), Washington (WA), APO Pacific (AP), FPO Pacific (AP).