
答案 First, the changes of China's trade structure (A) the changes of the export structure 1. Export growth depends mainly on industrial products to drive, in which high-tech products export of electromechanical products and particularly rapid growth By 1


First, the changes of China's trade structure

(A) the changes of the export structure

1. Export growth depends mainly on industrial products to drive, in which high-tech products export of electromechanical products and particularly rapid growth

By 1995, the proportion of total exports of manufactured goods has risen to 85.6%, to a very high level. On this basis, the proportion of manufactured goods continued to increase, and in 2006 rose to 93.6%, indicating that the growth of China's exports are mainly manufactured by the industry to boost export growth.

Secondly, the export of high-tech products become a new growth point

In 2005 and 2006, high-tech exports of computers and communication technology products, the proportion of up to about 80%, the share of electronics exports is about 12%

Since the last century, since the mid-90s, manufactured exports of textile products from the most to the mechanical and electrical products accounted for the majority, then the proportion of high-tech products, a significant upgrade, you can clearly see that our export structure from labor-intensive to capital intensive and technology-intensive transition trends.

2. Processing trade has become a major trade,

Since the 20th century, since the mid-90s, China's processing trade exports to maintain steady growth, its average annual growth rate of slightly more than 20% of total exports over the same period the average annual growth rate of 19%, the proportion of exports from about 50% increased to 53%. I also

Feeding increased the proportion of processing exports in this period that the competitiveness of China's processing trade increased; the other hand, the large proportion of processing trade and export of high-tech products with a high degree of cross also shows China's export industry is on foreign technology, equipment, and dependence of R & D capabilities, even high-tech exports, the core components and more by foreign manufacturers to offer to undertake the labor-intensive of the assembly or production stage, so although the exports are classified as high-tech products, but the technical content and additional value needs to be improved.

3. Intermediate semi-finished goods and spare parts exports increased rapidly,

1995 to 2006, although export of raw materials still account for the bulk, but its share of exports of intermediate goods dropped significantly over the same period the proportion of semi-finished products and accessories from about 18% to about 42%. In fact, in raw materials, exports of unprocessed raw materials declined, its share declined from about 14% to 4%, while rough exports of raw materials have moderate growth.

Semi-finished products and accessories that increase the proportion of intermediate goods, the export structure of China's gradual shift from low value-added raw materials and resource-intensive and labor-intensive exports to higher value added exports of semi-finished products and accessories. The proportion of total exports of capital goods increased the production capacity of China's own description of the strengthening of the export commodity structure is expected to continue to promote the upgrade.

(B) changes in the structure of imports

1. Imports a shortage of energy, increased the proportion of primary products and raw materials, machinery and equipment increased the proportion of

Imports a significant structural change is characterized by import of primary products of mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials accounted for the majority, and to maintain the trend continues to rise, the performance of its share from 69% in 1996 to a sharp rise 92% in 2006, reflecting the substantial increase of the fact that energy imports. Another noteworthy feature is the imports of manufactured goods continued to increase the proportion of machinery and equipment, from 48.3% in 1996 rose to 59.1% in 2006. These two features indicates that China's import structure focus on key equipment and shortages of energy and raw materials

2. The pattern of mainly intermediate goods remained unchanged, the proportion of capital goods declined

Statistics show that from 1995 to 2006, semi-finished products and components account for intermediate goods imports rose from 21% to 41%, almost doubled, indicating that imports of intermediate goods increased technical content

Second, the decision to change China's trade structure elements

(A) the deepening of international division of labor restructuring and refinement of China's trade structure, especially the important changes in the export structure of incentives

Changes in the structure of China's trade with the international division of labor is closely related to the reorganization of the environment.

(B) large population size and rapid economic growth to provide a constantly expanding market for domestic production of a variety of products to provide a demand based, and attract multinational companies targeting the China market, the transfer of industries.

Third, the proposed revision of China's trade strategy

(A) take advantage of differences between East and West, the regional comparative advantage into competitiveness

(B) the development of domestic demand, the adjustment for the trade structure to provide sustainable support

(C) encourage and support local enterprises to research and development activities, and enhances the competitiveness of high-end products


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