1、天线硬件接口?Antenna hardware interface,“Ant”就是前三个字母。ANT就是天线接口,用来连接天线,常见于收音机,或者GPS等上面,在收短波或FM时需要外界天线,以增加接收灵敏度。
Although antenna engineering has a history of over 60 years, it remains, in the words of a recent review article .虽然天线的引擎已经有60年的历史了。但是,仍然是最新鲜的话题。 “ . . . a vibrant field which is bursting with activity, and is likely to remain so in the foreseeable future.” 一个非常活跃的领域正在飞速的成长,也许在可以预见的未来仍然保持如此的劲头。Within this field, if the numbers of journal articles, symposia papers, workshops, and short courses are any indication, it is probably safe to say that microstrip antennas form one of the most innovative areas of current antenna work. 在这个领域,如果评论的数量,讨论文章,研习会,以及短期课程可以提供任何的方向的话,它将为微带天线从创新领域中脱颖而出提供可能。This paper will review some of the most significant advances in the design and modeling of microstrip antennas that have been made in the last several years.这篇文章将会回顾在最近几年微带天线设计和安装中所取得某些最重要的进步。 The idea of the microstrip antenna dates back to the 1950’s .but it was not until the 1970’s that serious attention was given to this element. 这个关于微带天线的数据的想法可以追溯到1950年,但是直到1970年,这个方面才被引起了足够的重视。As shown in Fig. l(a), the basic configuration of a microstrip antenna is a metallic patch printed on a thin, grounded dielectric substrate. 正如所显示的,关于微带天线的基础的程序集是一种金属性的领域,一种非常薄的、绝缘的材料。Originally, the element was fed with either a coaxial line through the bottom of the substrate, or by a coplanar microstrip line. 本来,这个元素是一条穿过这个物质的底部的清晰的线,或者是一个微碳的线。This latter type of excitation allows feed networks and other circuitry to be fabricated on the same substrate as the antenna element, as in the corporatefed microstrip array shown in Fig. l(b). The microstrip antenna radiates a relatively broad beam broadside to the plane of the substrate. Thus the microstrip antenna has a very low profile, and can be fabricated using printed circuit (photolithographic) techniques. This implies that the antenna can be made conformable, and potentially at low cost. Other advantages include easy fabrication into linear or planar arrays, and easy integration with microwave integrated circuits.