Brushless D.C blower for air conditioning detail specification
Digital clinometer
Specification of technical system of integrated intelligent traffic electronic information system
Specification of inner open bus for digital television receivers
Digital audio interface
Specification of system technology for digital power amplifier
Method of performance measurement for digital power amplifier
General specification for digital power amplifier
General Terms in Metrology and Their Definitions
The Rules for Drafting National Metrological Verification Regulation
Metrological Terms and Their Definitions for Flow Rate
General Terms of Reference Material
Terminology and Definitions for Measurement of Capacity Density
Technical Norm of the Measurement of Liquid Petroleum Products in Tanks
The General Norm for Pattern Evaluation of Measuring Instruments
Rules for Drafting Norms of Pattern Evraluation of Measuring Instruments
The Technical Examination Norm for Metrology Accreditation of Testing Unit for Testing of Product Quality
The Technical Norm of Designation for Metrological Standard
Technical Norm of Reliability Analysis Principle for Measuring Instruments
Technical Norm for Error of Measurements and Interpretation of Data
Technical Norm of Check for Standard of Measurement
Norm of Designation for Working Measuring Instrument and its Classification Code
The Technical Norm For Revenue Control Device of Fuel Dispenser
Evaluation and Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement
The Program for Pattern Evaluation of Fuel Dispensers with Revenue Function
The Examination Specification of Manufacturing Competence for Fuel Dispensers with Revenue Function
Specification for the Examination of the Services of Legal Metrological Verification
The Rules of Metrological Inspection for Net Content of Prepackeged Commidity with Fixed Content
The Rules for Drafting National Calibration Specifications
The Program for Pattern Evaluation of Diaphragm Gas
Specification for
"E" glass paper for printed boards
Specification for finished fabric woven from "E" glass for printed boards
Generic specification for LED panels
Test methods for LED panels
Standard of indoor distributing system of mobile communication network
Broadband wireless IP Technology specification
Mobile IP Technology specification
Network security specification for wireless IP Technology
Wireless Lan Medium Access Control(MAC) and physical layer(PHY) specifications
Wireless LAN Medium Access Control(MAC) and physical layer(PHY) specifications: Higher- Speed Physical Layer Extension in the 2.4GHz Band
Wireless LAN Medium Access Control(MAC) and physical layer(PHY) specifications: High Speed Physical Layer in the 5GHz Band
The High-Date-Rate wireless Mobil IP communication system standard
Technical Specification for Informationalization of Middle and Small Enterprises
Guide for the Implementation of Informationalization Construction Specification of Middle and Small Enterprises
Inspection standards for glass bulbs for cathode-ray tubes
The type designation for picture tube bulbs
Defect criteria in useful screen area for cathode ray tubes
MYS4、 MYS5、MYS6、MYS8防雷指示型过电压保护器
Detail specifications of electronic and element device for lighting surge protective device with fault-indication of type MYS4、 MYS5、MYS6、MYS8
Assessment level E
Stepping motor for air conditioning detail specification
N: I'd like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices.
D: Shoot. I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.
N: Your products are very good. But I'm a little worried about the prices you're asking.
D: You think we about be asking for more?
N: That's not exactly what I had in mind. I know your research costs are high, but what I'd like is a 25% discount.
D: That seems to be a little high, Mr. Nancy. I don't know how we can make a profit with those numbers.
N: Well, if we promise future business - volume sales - that will slash your costs for making the Washing-machine, right?
D: Yes, but it's hard to see how you can place such large orders. How could you turn over so many? We'd need a guarantee of future business, not just a promise.
N: We said we wanted 1000 pieces over a six-month period. What if we place orders for twelve months, with a guarantee?
D: If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss this further.
N: Never mind!
S: Hi, Mrs. Dora Smith, Welcome to China! I am Simon Zhou, sales manager. It is a pleasure to see you here .How do you do?
D: How do you do, Mr. Simon! Long hearing of you!
S: A pleasure, even with volume sales, our coats for the Washing-machine won't go down much.
D: Just what are you proposing?
S: We could take a cut on the price. But 25% would slash our profit margin. We suggest a compromise -10%.
D: That's a big change from 25! 10 are beyond my negotiating limit. Any other
S: I don't think I can change it right now. Why don't we talk again tomorrow?
D: Sure. I must talk to my office anyway. I hope we can find some common ground on this.
S: How do you do, Mr. Brown!
T: How do you do, Mr. Simon!
S: How about 15% the first six months, and the second six months at 12%, with a guarantee of 3000 units?
T: That's a lot to sell, with very low profit margins.
S: It's about the best we can do, Tom Brown. We need to hammer something out today. If we go back empty-handed, we may be coming back to you soon to ask for a job.
T: OK .17% the first six months, 14% for the second?
S: Good. Let's iron out the remaining details. When do you want to take delivery?
T: We'd like you to execute the first order by the 31st.
S: Let me run through this again: the first shipment for 1500 units, to be delivered in 27 days, by the 31st.
T: Right. We couldn't handle much larger shipments.
S: Fine. But I'd prefer the first shipment to be 1000 units, the next 2000. The 31st is quite soon - I can't guarantee 1500.
T: I can agree to that. Well, if there's nothing else, I think we've settled everything.
S: Tom Brown, this deal promises big returns for both sides. Let's hope it's the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship.
T: OK, Let?s call it today.
“yes-man“、”big potato“、”a man of a woman”......都是什么意思?
1. 当你在展会上收到某客户的名片,突然发现这个客户是去年联系过的,自然会顺便跟客户聊几句,自我介绍后再问问去年报价的产品有没有消息之类的。如果客户不记得的话,他们会说一句:Oh, the name rings a bell. 口语中,ring a bell表示“对……有印象”。
2. 很多客户非常喜欢砍价谈判,如果客户最终对价格满意的话,你不妨趁机拍下马屁,跟客户说“您真是谈判高手”“您真厉害”这类的话。美国的俚语中有一个like nobody's business,就表示“无与伦比”。比如:Joseph, you have excellent price negotiation ability like nobody's business!约瑟夫,你的议价能力真厉害!
3. 老外其实很不喜欢一种业务员,就是不论他提出什么质疑,对方都说ok或者yes。但合作之后却发现这个做不到,那个也做不好,让人很生气。这样的人,在口语中被成为Yes-man,就是应声虫,复数是Yes-men。所以当客人提出不合适的要求时,你可以直接说明原因,再来一句:I'm a professtional guy, not a Yes-man.我是个专业的人,并不是应声虫。
4. 假设在箱包工厂,业务员跟客户谈判是否要在包包拉链上打 logo。客户问那需要加多少钱,业务员回答一共需要30美金。此时客人如果说:No,that's the white elephant. 这里的 white elephant并不是指“白色的大象”,而是“昂贵且无用”的意思。
5. 在展会上,如果有客户来摊位,而你想要表达:很高兴跟您见面这类话的时候。业务员可以说:We enjoyed having you. / 很开心您的来访。这句表达在美国很常见。
6. 假设你跟客户经过几轮沟通,把报价和样品发过去之后,询问客户的意向的时候,如果对方很无奈的说:Just my luck。这就表示“很遗憾”,那么他的意思可能就是无法合作。luck 这个词表示幸运,但在口语中,just my luck 的意思截然相反。
7. decide通常表示“决定”的意思,但如果后面跟着“matter”的时候,意思就变成了“解决”,跟solve一样。比如客户抱怨说验货没通过,你跟客户解释原因后可以说:Please don't worry. We decided the matter. 请别担心,我们会解决这个问题的。
8. 如果跟客户谈判没谈拢,表明“放弃”的时候,除了give up之外,还可以用“back away”来表达。比如:We couldn't accept L/C 60 days aspayment term. We have to back away. 我们无法接受60天远期信用证的付款方式,我们不得不放弃。
9. sample是样品的意思,但sampler这个词则表示采样器、取样器。在日常生活中,sampler还有一个重要的意思,就是“集锦”。比如你带客人去吃日本菜,可以说:Do you like to have a sushi sampler? 您觉得寿司拼盘怎么样?
10. 当客户跟你谈的比较顺利的时候,他可能希望下次合作能够有更优惠的价格和服务,就会透露一些“小秘密”给你,然后请你保密。这时候你可以回答:Sure, we will be dumb as an oyster. 我们一定守口如瓶。oyster在这里,就不是生蚝的意思了。
11. 客户来访时,如果你要介绍自己的老板给对方认识的话,我们常用的词可能是“director、CEO、big boss”等,但也可以幽默下,跟客人说:这是我们的big potato。对方会立刻明了,这是你们的老板。
12. 很多业务员在发邮件的时候特别喜欢用 try my best这个句型。比如:I will try my best to ship them earlier.我尽量早点发货。I will try my best to give you the best price.我尽量给您最好的价格。但其实用词可以多变,用go all out to do也可以表达,显得更地道。
13. 如果你在跟客户沟通时,要形容某人因为热或者尴尬而脸红时,千万不要用turn to red这个词,老外会很差异,脸怎么会变红呢。在英语中有一个专门的词blush,可做不及物动词,也可做名词。如:She blushed. 她脸红了。千万别说 Her face turned to red,就闹笑话了。
14. 做外贸时间长了,久而久之可能会有职业病。比如做服装的业务员买衣服,可能会摸一下面料,看一下做工,脑子里会不自觉推算面料成本和人工费用,这种本能反应就属于职业病了。而“职业病”在英语中的表达并不是 career disease,正确表达是occupational hazard。
15. indoor这个词大家都知道,indoor furniture,室内家具;indoor decor,室内装饰品等。但是indoor这个形容词后面加s就会变成副词。比如:Come indoors and give me a helping hand. 快进来,帮我个忙。
16. different这个词很常见,表示“不同的”,但加个前缀之后,变成indifferent,就可以表示“不在乎”的意思。如果你因为某事跟客户表示抱歉时,对方说:I'm indifferent. 这就表示“无所谓,随它去 ”的意思。
17. 英语中,有时候会说“一时冲动”。比如跟你很熟的客户问你:怎么会买这个东西?你回答:一时冲动啊。英文就可以讲:Come on! Just a spur of the moment.当然,消费可以一时冲动,客户下订单,往往也会一时冲动,关键是你能不能给对方一个很好的印象。
18. stop by这个短语,可以用来表示“顺道拜访”的意思。如果你想让客户在展会来你们摊位的话,可以说:Be sure to stop by our booth in the coming Canton Fair.广交会一定要来拜访我们摊位啊。这个词在邮件和口语中都可以使用。
19. 在请求对方谅解的时候,国外业务员经常会用intentional这个词,表示“故意的、有意的”,但我们似乎很少使用。以后可以这样表达:We're really sorry for the poor logo painting, please realize it was not intentional. 我们非常抱歉logo没有印好,但我们不是有意的。
20. 口语中,除了常用的hungry表示“饿了”之外,还可以用feel empty。比如:I feel empty. 我有点饿了。千万别理解成:我感到很空虚。但如果反过来,I have an empty feeling. 这里的empty feeling,就是“空虚的感觉”。
21. 当你在跟客人解释,因为原材料库存不多,我们需要把交期延长到45天后的时候,就可以说:Due to the low stock of raw material, we have to postpone the delivery date to 45 days later. 库存不多,英文通常用low stock表达。而没有库存,是out of stock;库存充足,是sufficient stock。
22. 中国有句俗语:说曹操,曹操到。表示正说某人,他就来了。在英文里,同样有类似表达,就是Speak of the devil!比如你跟客户在讨论你某同事的趣事,正好这个同事这时候过来,就可以说:Wow, speak of the devil! 其实这是一句省略过的用法,全句是Speak of the devil and he appears.
23. 很多业务员会说:The quantity of 20′GP is suitable forus. / 一个小柜的数量对我们很合适。字面上理解没错,但实际在英文中,suitable往往是以否定形式出现的。比如:This testing issue is not suitable for our item.这条测试要求对我们的产品不适用。
24. ship做动词,并非单纯指海运,也可用于指代空运。比如:When could you ship the samples? / 请问您什么时候可以寄出样品呢?很显然这里的寄样,不可能是海运,一定是快递空运了。又比如:We will ship the goods by air next week. 这里的ship,就等同于deliver。
25. 英文中“一次性付款”可以用lump sum来表示。比如客人下了一个很小的试单,只有500美金,这时候如果根据常规收30%定金,剩下70%见提单复印件,就太麻烦了,两笔款项的银行费用也很贵,就可以给客人邮件:Could you help to pay in one lump sum for this trial order? Thanks.请问此次订单您可以一次性付款吗?谢谢。
26. 当客户来公司拜访的时候,很多业务员或者管理层会滔滔不绝的给客户介绍公司,产品,发展等。但如果客户说一句:Please make a long story short. / 请您长话短说。这就表示客户已经不太想听长篇大论了。
27. 假设你连续接了几个大单,业绩很棒。客户从你老板那得到消息可能要给你升职,提前恭喜你的时候。你就可以说:I really hope so. It's still up in the air. / 这事儿还不确定呢。up in the air,表示对某事不确定,还在天上飘着呢,相当于not sure。
28. 在表示“很遗憾、很可惜”的时候,我们常用what a pity,但其实在美国,还有一个短语 what a bummer 也很常见。比如客户跟你说一件不开心的事情时,你就可以答:What a bummer you losing the opportunity. 这就很地道。
29. 谈判的时候,如果你的某个专业建议被客户采纳的话,他可能会说一句:You can say that again! 这意思就相当于Great/ Wonderful!这其实是对你的夸奖,而不是让你把话再重复一遍。
30. 比如给客户发货的货代让对方不满意,客户吐槽他们服务差的时候,可能会说:I don't like their red tape. 这里,red tape表示“打官腔、做事不专业”。
31. sauce是酱汁的意思,但沙拉酱往往不用salad sauce,欧美的习惯用法是salad dressing。如我们吃鳕鱼条,可能会用到千岛酱,英文是Thousand Island dressing。如是蔬菜沙拉,配上橄榄油香草和胡椒的酱汁,就属于意式沙拉酱,就是Italian dressing。
32. 我们常用unfortunately表示运气不好,但这个词在书面中使用较多,对于习惯用get、make这类简单动词的地道老美而言,自然会不习惯。他们通常会用Tough luck. 来表示运气不好,很简单的美式表达。
33. 表达“穷”的时候我们常喜欢用poor。比如iphone刚出新款,跟客户闲聊的时候对方问:你怎么没买?我习惯性就回答:I'm poor nowadays. Maybe tomorrow. / 最近穷,以后再说吧。客户会很讶异,纠正poor这词用得不妥。在美国,这种情况都用broke这个词,而poor只用来形容真正的穷人。
34. Knock yourself out! 这句话在美国很常用。意思就是“把这里当自己家一样”。同样的,当客户来看样或者来你展会摊位时,如果问能不能拍照之类的,你就可以说这句话,显得非常地道。
35. 在英语中,“气坏了、气炸了”可以用be going nuts这个短语表达。如果客户在跟你聊天的时候说:I'm going nuts. 就表示他是真的很生气了。
36. 我们常用important来表达“重要的”,这当然没错。但是在日常生活中,这个词的使用频率并没有那么高。欧美客户交流的时候往往更喜欢使用critical来表示。比如critical moment:关键时刻;critical issue:关键问题。
37. 当客户跟你说“white feather”的时候,你可千万不要以为是“白色羽毛”的意思。在英语口语中,white feather 是指“胆怯”。比如:Pull yourself together! Do you want to show the white feather in front of these people? 振作起来!难道你甘愿在这些人面前示弱吗?
38. white lie 是英语口语中常用的一个词,意思是善意的谎言。比如当订单操作中出现某些问题,但是具体原因不方便告诉客户的时候,我们往往会编个理由可能就能体面地解决。但比较尴尬的是,一旦谎言被识破,受到责问的时候,也千万别惊慌失措。可以先sorry,再跟客人解释一下当初用white lie 是不想他过分担心。
39. 在外贸谈判中,我们经常会遇到客户拿别家的低价来压你。但你心里有底,产品质量是完全不同的,这时就可以告诉客人:There is a world of difference between their item and ours.我们的产品和他们有极大的不同。 这里a world of difference就表示“极大的不同”,语气程度得到了加强。
40. 在外贸销售的时候,如果要跟客户表达“品质无法改进,单纯靠降价是无用的”这个概念的时候,可以用of no avail来表示“无用的、无效的”。比如:It is of no avail to reduce the price only without quality improvement.
41. 曾经有业务员问“女汉子”如何用英语来地道的表达。其实英文中有一个很形象的表达,a man of a woman,就十分形象了。比如客户夸你很能干的时候,就可以回答他:Yep, I'm a man of a woman. / 我是个女汉子。
Botany Bay是家生产高科技医疗用品的公司。其产品“病例磁碟”可储存个人病例;资料取用方便,真是达到“一盘在手,妙用无穷”的目的。此产品可广泛使用于医院、养老院、学校等。因此Pacer有意争取该产品软硬体装置的代理权。以下就是Robert与Botany Bay的代表,Mark Davis,首度会面的情形:
M: Mr. Liu, total sales onthe Medic-Disk were U.S.$$ 100,000 last year, through our agent in Hong Kong.
R: Our research shows most of your sales, are made in the Taipei area. Your agent has only been able to target the Taipei market把……作为目标市场.
M: True, but we are happy with the sales. It's a new product. How could you do better?
R: We're already well-established in the medical products business. The Medic-Disk would be a good addition to our product range.
M: Can you tell me what your sales have been like in past years?
R: In the past three years, our unit sales have gone up by 350 percent; profits have gone up almost 400 percent.
M: What kind of distribution capabilities分销能力do you have?
R: We have salespeople in four major areas around the island, selling directly to customers.
M: What about your sales?
R: In terms of unit sales, 55 percent are still from the Taipei area. The rest es from the Kaohsiung, Taichung, and Tainan areas. That's a great deal of untapped market potential未开发的市场潜力, Mr. Davis.
M: Mr. Liu, what kinds of sales do you think you could get?
R: Well, to begin with, we'd have to insist on sole agency in Taiwan. We believe we could spike激增 sales by 30% to 40% in the first year. But certain conditions would have to be met.
M: What kinds of conditions?
R: We'd need your full technical and marketing support.
M: Could you explain what you mean by that?
R: We'd like you to give training to our technical staff; we'd also like you to pay a fee for after-sales service.
M: It's no problem with the training. As for service support, we usually pay a yearly fee, pegged to根据total sales.
R: Sounds OK, if we can e to terms达成协定 on how much is fair. As for marketing support, we would like you to assume 50% of all costs.
M: We'd prefer 40%. Many customers learn about our products through international magazines, trade shows, and so on. We pick up the tab付款for that, but you get the sales in Taiwan.
R: We'll think about it, and talk more tomorrow.
M: Fine. We'd like you to tell us about your marketing plans.