Alice in Wonderland By Lewis Carroll Book Report 急!!!!!! P.6 程度?

答案 更新1: thx 你找其中一部分抄吧 Alice in Wonderland - A book review The Book Alice in Wonderland is one of the most famous children’s books ever written. It became a success from the moment it was published in 1865. Since then it has been

Alice in Wonderland By Lewis Carroll Book Report 急!!!!!! P.6 程度?



你找其中一部分抄吧 Alice in Wonderland - A book review The Book Alice in Wonderland is one of the most famous children’s books ever written. It became a success from the moment it was published

in 1865. Since then

it has been trlated in 80 languages

adapted for theatre


and today it is one of the most quoted works in English literature. A Word about the Author and the Illustrator This book was written by Charles Luidge Dodgson under his pen name: Lewis Carroll. He was a man of many interests including mathematics



and philosophy. Born in 1832

he went to college in Oxford and contributed to various papers by writing and drawing. He then taught mathematics at college while pursuing his work at The Comic Times. Author of several mathematics treaties

he also wrote novels. As he was very fond of children and entertaining them

he wrote Alice in Wonderland and its sequel

Through the looking glass and what Alice found there. In fact he modeled Alice’s character on the daughter of a friend. He died in 1898. The illustrations of Alice in Wonderland are the works of John Tenniel and were published with Carroll’s original text. Summary The text doesn’t really have a thread but is more a series of strange encounters like in a dream. It is the story of a young girl named Alice. As she is sitting on the riverbank of the Thames

she sees a white rabbit with a waistcoat that is talking to itself

pass by. Alice follows it out of curiosity until she enters a rabbit-hole and starts falling down slowly. When the little girl eventually lands

she is in a room with a table and a key on it. A little door leads into a wonderful garden. But it is so *** all she can’t go through. She then notices a *** all bottle labeled “Drink me” on the table. Alice drinks it and bees very *** all. But she fot to open the door and cannot reach the key. She now eats a cake labeled “eat me” and bee very big. As she is confused she cries and then tries to cool herself with the white rabbit’s fan. She soon shrinks so much she is forced to swim in her own tears. She then meets other animals and gets out of the water. The Mouse wants to tell a dry story in order to dry but the Dodo suggests a caucus-race. When she is dry

Alice enters the garden. She goes to a house and drinks from a bottle

making her grow again. She is so big she cannot get out and all the animals gather to make her leave. They throw pebbles at her

which are in fact pieces of cake. She eats one and shrinks again. She runs from the house into the wood and meets a huge puppy and later the Caterpillar sitting on a mushroom and *** oking a hookah. The caterpillar tells her that eating one side or the mushroom will make her either shrink or grow. Then she finds a cottage where a Fish-Footman delivers an invitation from the Queen to play croquet to a Frog-Footman. She enters and meets the Duchess in the kitchen with her baby. A cook is making a soup and is putting a lot of pepper making the air unbearable. The baby is crying so Alice takes it outside where it changes into a piglet. She leaves him and runs into the woods until she es upon the Cheshire cat

a grinning

but mysterious animal. He doesn’t appear all at once

and his grin is the first thing Alice sees. Alice goes on until she meets the mad Hatter and the March Hare

who are having a tea party with a sleeping Dormouse. Alice finds them confusing because they ask riddles to which there is no wer and pretend that there is no room for her whereas there is. Suddenly

she finds herself in the room where she landed. She uses a piece of mushroom to grow there right size and enters the garden where the Queen is having a croquet game with flamingoes for sticks and hedgehogs for holes. Alice is invited to play. The Queen orders anyone who disagrees with her to be beheaded. Alice finishes the game and is the only one not to be sentenced. The Queens then asks a Gryphon to take Alice to the Mock Turtle in order to hear its story. The Turtle tells Alice about the time when she was at school and learned subjects like ‘reeling

‘writhing’ or ‘fainting’. Then Alice

the Gryphon and the Mock Turtle dance a Lobster Quadrille. Next they attend a trial

where the King

assisted by the White Rabbit

tries to find who has stolen some tarts. Alice starts growing and tips over the jury box. The Queen asks to sentence the accused now and to hear the verdict later. Alice protests and is sentenced. She replies to her that nobody cares and that they are just a pack of cards. The cards start jumping at her face and that is the moment when she wakes up from her dream. Commentary Alice in Wonderland was written for children. It is a humorous fantasy novel about a child’s dream world with strange people and animals. The language used is simple and the book contains drawings to make it fun to read. The reader sees Wonderland through Alice’s perspective and listens to her inner-monologues. In addition

the book is divided into episodes and stories. All these different ects make it an entertaining novel. However

it was written during the Victorian Age

a time when children books had a didactical purpose. That is why this novel is also meant for educational purposes: it describes the growth of Alice from an unruly little girl

always questioning everything

to a wise woman. Another facet of this book is its critici *** . Alice was the first child character in English literacy to criticize the world of the grown-ups

showing their hypocrisy and their pride. Indeed

in Wonderland


animals and creatures symbolize *** hood. As they think in the most illogical way

the more Alice tries to understand them

the more she gets confused. Finally

Alice in Wonderland was written in a very unusual way. The author used “nonsense verses”

a process of treating logic in an ironic way. It was done by playing strange word games with apparently no signification

presenting absurd rhymes

and asking riddles that had no wer. For instance

many of the names of characters are word games (the Cheshire cat

the March Hare…). Moreover Carroll likes to invent neologi *** s such as ‘uglification’ or ‘muchness’. They create a singular atmosphere in the book. Analysis of an excerpt The eleventh chapter is the last but one of the book. It is a key passage in the book and brings a good insight on fantasizing ect of the book. The chapter is entitled ‘Who stole the tarts?’ and concerns a trial started to find out if the Knave of Hearts is guilty of having stolen the Queen’s tarts. The King plays the Judge and animals form a jury. The Queen’s tendency to sentence everyone to death scares witnesses and the Jury. It endangers Justice because they are afraid to do their duty. During the second part of the chapter

Alice starts growing. This moment of the story is quite ic. Indeed

there are many word games and the trial soon bees a farce because no one tries to prove anything. In this extract

the author’s message gives the impression of being that rules have no advantage if they are applied by a tyrannical. It also tells us that behaving reasonably with rules is behaving as an *** . Otherwise rules would be useless. For the first time

during the whole trial

Alice does not interfere and hardly speaks. This is because the trial is an important *** event. This

together with the fact that she is growing symbolize her being wiser

at the end of the book. The witnesses at the trial are the mad Hatter

the March Hare and the Dormouse. They emphasize the absurdity of the Queen’s trial as they talk nonsense and contradict each other. It seems that the trial is an opportunity for the author to gather as much characters from the book as possible. Moreover

the process of dealing with a trial

a matter that should be logical

in such an absurd way at the end of the book

aims at increasing the nonsense and prepares the reader to the story’s oute. That is how

in the next chapter

Alice will wake up from her dream after rising up against the Queen.

参考: benoitlambert.hubpages/hub/Alice-in-Wonderland-Book-review

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