Columbia Market
哥伦比亚的人口在4650万左右,是枫叶国的两倍还多,可见市场空间之客观。 It has about 46.5 millionpopulations, which is double more thanthat of Austria. That's why the market in Columbia is so huge. 客户不是盲找就能找到的,可以从一些途径来确定目标。 Customers cannot be found easily, and you can track the target with some measures. 比如,哥伦比亚主要黄页:Quehubo 、gttwhitepage、gttyellowpage、yellowpages-curacao,和哥伦比亚常用搜索引擎:AOL、bermudayp。 Such as the yellow page inColumbia like Quehubo,gtt white page, gtt yellow page and yellow pages-Curacaoor some most used search engines like AOL and bermudayp. 在任何生意达成交易之前,喜欢慢吞吞地思考,一边啜饮着哥伦比亚的清咖啡,一边轻声地讨论问题,劝你最好别催他。但在大城市里,守时会重要一点。 Before making any deal, theylike thinking slowly that they will drink Columbia black coffee whilediscussing with you, and you'd better not to hush them. But in the big cities,it's more important to be punctual. 另外到首都波哥大的第一天尽情放松自己,否则那里的高海拔简直要人命。 Additionally, relax yourselvesas possible as you can at the first day you arrive at the capital, Bogota, oryou will feel suffering in such high altitude. 见面方式走国际通用基本法——握手。男人们在进入一户人家或一群人之中时要与每个人握手,告别时也一样。妇女之间一般不握手,而是紧握对方的前臂。称呼时要用他们的姓氏加头衔。 When greeting with them, we canshake hands which is the International general way. When a man enters a houseor a crowd of people, he needs to shake hands with everyone, as well as sayingGoodbye. Women don’t shake hands but hold each other's forearm.And remember to add the title to their first name when calling them. 你若对运动、艺术、哥伦比亚咖啡和乡村风景感兴趣,他们就会跟你聊得很欢。斗牛在哥伦比亚受到普遍的喜爱,所以不要随便说有关的任何不利评论,说不定下一秒就跟你翻脸。也别谈什么政治,他们根本不好这一口。 If you are interested in sports,art, Columbia coffee and scene of countryside, they will talk with youjoyfully. And bull-fight is popular in Columbia, so never say something bad toit, or they will be mad at you any time. And never talk about polity becausethey don't like it. 足球和音乐大概是哥伦比亚受众面最广的,没人会不喜欢这两样。你敢相信直播足球的时候还可以插播广告么?一种是把现场和解说员的声音掐了,换上纯声音的广告。另一种是在屏幕局部划出一小块来放广告,其余部分正常直播比赛,大约2-3分钟一次。 Football and music are the mostpopular in Columbia that everyone likes. Do youbelieve the ads can be played in live telecasting football? One is to replacethe voice of commentator and spot of voice advertisements while another is touse a part of screen to play ads, and others is live telecasting football,normally about 2 to 3 minutes a time. 哥伦比亚人绝大多数信奉天主教,少数奉基督教。新教派“麻袋人”,认为人体右边作恶多端,是罪恶之源。所以,他们把身体的右半边从头至脚用麻袋片遮掩起来,左半体裸露在外。无论干什么,只用左手,禁用右手。最忌讳“13”、“星期五”,视为厄运的数字和日期。 Most of Colombian has belief ofCatholicism, while a little believes in Christianity. The sack man of new sect thinksthe right of our bodies, which is the origin of sin, does most of the badthings. So they cover the right of their bodies from head to toes with sack,while the left is uncovered.Whatever they do, they only use left hand, andright hand is banned. And they mostly forbid 13, Friday, which is considered asthe doomful figure and date. 他们还喜欢中国菜,常常对中国的宴会设计赞不绝口。所以你想让他们交心,请他们吃中餐会是不错的选择。 They also like Chinese food andoften praise the design of Chinese banquet. So if you want to make friend withthem, it's a great choice to treat them with Chinese food.