EQ Is Required for Orders?
When we are newcomers, we dare not to say NO to customers, but with the time flies, we not only dare to say NO to them but get into a huff. When following up with customers, we begin to deal with them with our temper and put too much emotion in the negotiation which makes us easily got caught by customers or the outside situation, not judging the situation reasonably.
When your emotion begins to control your thoughts, when you feel you always have no way to have a good communication with customers, have thought about the following questions:
When you are happy, you can have a smooth communication with your customers, but when you are not in the mood, the conversation also goes bad. It is because communication is influenced by the magnetic field of each other, personal charm can influence the outcome of negotiations.
Customers have no obligation to reply you at once, maybe they've always thought you in "harassment". Can you start from this perspective?
Think about if you have said something that your customers don’t like?
If there are nine customers in ten “missing” because of your following up, you must be upset. But if you follow up with the tenth customer with such kind of depression, then you will lose the tenth one.
Following up with customers require IQ and EQ. If we cannot keep following up with customers with our best state and seize every chance, we will miss every chance of getting orders. Everyone has emotion, if you can well control your emotion, you can well control your orders.