oil field 油田
wildcat 盲目开掘的油井
percussive drilling 冲击钻探
rotary drilling 旋转钻探
offshore drilling 海底钻探
well 井,油井
derrick 井架
Christmas tree 采油树
crown block 定滑轮
travelling block 动滑轮
drill pipe, drill stem 钻杆
drill bit 钻头
roller bit 牙轮钻头
diamond bit 钻石钻头
swivel 泥浆喷嘴
turntable, rotary table 轮盘
pumping station 泵站
sampling 取样
sample 样品, 样本
core sample 矿样
storage tank 储油罐
pipeline 油管
pipe laying 输油管线
oil tanker 油轮
tank car, tanker (铁路)罐车,槽车
tank truck, tanker (汽车)运油罐车,油罐车
refining 炼油
refinery 炼油厂
cracking 裂化
separation 分离
fractionating tower 分馏塔
fractional distillation 分馏
distillation column 分裂蒸馏塔
polymerizing, polymerization 聚合
reforming 重整
purification 净化
hydrocarbon 烃,碳氢化合物
crude oil, crude 原油
petrol 汽油 (美作:gasoline)
LPG, liquefied petroleum gas 液化 石油 气
LNG, liquefied natural gas 液化 天然气
octane number 辛烷数,辛烷值
vaseline 凡士林
paraffin 石蜡
kerosene, karaffin oil 煤油
gas oil 柴油
lubricating oil 润滑油
asphalt 沥青
benzene 苯
fuel 燃料
natural gas 天然气
olefin 烯烃
high-grade petrol, high-octane petrol 高级汽油,高辛烷值汽油
plastic 塑料
chemical fiber 化学 纤维
synthetic rubber 合成 橡胶
solvent 溶剂
Ultrasonic test UT 超声波检验
Value-added tax VAT 增值税
Valve positioner 阀门定位器
Variation order VO 变更单
Vendor databook VDB 厂商数据表
Venturi tube 文丘里管
Weep hole 泄水孔
Welding Procedure Specification WPS 焊接工艺规程
Welding repair procedure 补焊工艺
weldolet 焊接管台
Wind vane 风向标
X-ray fluoroscopy XRF X射线荧光分析
Zinc Oxide 氧化锌
Zinc Stearate 硬酯酸锌
Zirconia ZrO 氧化锆
Tag line 溜绳
Tank farm 罐区
Tax reimbursement 退税
Technical service TS 技术服务
Termination 端接
Three-phase three-wire system 三相三线制
Tie-in point 接入点
Toolbox talks 交接会/班前会
Transfer line exchanger TLE 废热锅炉/清焦锅炉
Triethyl aluminum TEAL 三乙基铝
Turbidity 浊度
Turbidity 浊度
Safety instrument system SIS 安全仪表系统
Safety integrity level SIL 安全综合水平
SDx催化剂 SDx Catalyst
Secondary Antioxidant Irgafos 168 辅助抗氧剂Irgafos 168
Secondary Antioxidant Irgafos P-EPQ 辅助抗氧剂Irgafos P-EPQ
Secondary Antioxidant Irganox PS802 辅助抗氧剂Irganox PS802
Secondary Antioxidant Tris (nonylphenyl) phosphite (TnPP 辅助抗氧剂 亚磷酸-三正壬基苯 (TnPP)
secondary Antioxidant Westing 619 辅助抗氧剂Westing 619
Selective C4 hydrogenation unit SHU 碳四选择加氢单元
Sendout pump 输出泵
Settler 沉降槽
Settler 沉降槽
Share point policy Share point 原则
list 签字单
Silt 淤泥
Site acceptance test SAT 现场验收试验
Site wide system SWS 全场系统
Software license agreement SLA 软件许可协议
Solo test run 单机试车
Spool 短管/旁路管
Standard operation procedure SOP 标准操作程序
Steam trap 疏水器
Sulfolane 环丁砜
Sulfuric acid 硫酸
Swift up temperature 飞温
swing SWING 切换生产线
Quantitative risk analysis QRA 定性风险分析
Radiographic test RT 拍片检验
Raffinate (oil) 残油液
Random copolymer RCP 无规则共聚物
Rebar binding 扎筋
Reference gas 参比气体
Repair welding 补焊
Rigger 吊运工
Riveter 铆工
Para- 对位
Passivation 钝化/预膜
Pd Catalyst for Acetylene Removal (G-58) 脱乙炔用钯催化剂(G-58)
Pelletizer 造粒机
Pellets cooling water tank PCWT 切粒水槽
Penetration test PT 渗透检验
Pentane 戊烷
Peroxides Carried on White Oil & Silicon Oxide 载于白油、氧化硅上的过氧化物
Phosphate 磷酸盐
Phosphate 磷酸盐
Pilot gas 点燃气/长明灯的气体
Pinch point 扭点
Piperack 管廊
Plant Information PI 装置信息
Polybutadiene Rubber PBR 顺丁橡胶
Polyethylene PE 聚乙烯
Polyolefin PO 聚烯烃
Polypropylene PP 聚丙烯
Polystyrene PS 聚苯乙烯
Potassium hydroxide 氢氧化钾
Preblend 预混料
Preblend system PBS 混料系统
Pre-clean 预清洗
Pre-film 预膜
Preparation tank 配制槽
Pressure relief valve PRV 泄压阀
Pressure safety valve PSV 安全阀
Pre-startup safety review PSSR 预开车安全检查
Pre-sulfuration 预硫化
Primary Antioxidant Irganax 1010 主抗氧剂Irganax 1010
Primary Antioxidant Irganax 1076 主抗氧剂Irganax 1076
Primary Catalysts 主催化剂
Processing Additive dynamar FX5920A加工助剂 dynamar FX5920A
Project change note PCN 项目变更单
Project HSE review PHSER 项目HSE审查
Project Management Contractor PMC 项目管理承包商
Propylene recovery unit PRU 丙烯回收单元
Purified terephthalic acid PTA 精对苯二甲酸
Pyrolysis fuel oil PFO 裂解燃料油
Pyrolysis gas oil PGO 裂解柴油
Oil scraper 刮油机
Olefin 烯烃
Olefin conversion unit OCU 烯烃转换单元
One-time-filling Catalysts 一次性装填催化剂
Operator training simulator OTS 操作员仿真培训系统
Ortho- 邻位
Outstation 仪表外站
Oxygen deficient atmosphere 空气缺氧环境
Management of Change MOC 变更管理
Material safety data sheet MSDS 材料安全数据表
Membrane recovery unit MRU 膜回收装置
Meta- 间位
Metallography 金相分析
Methanol 甲醇
Molecular Sieve for Water Removal 脱水用3A-PCG分子筛3A-PCG
Multimode fibre optic 多模光纤
Multiple pass welding 多道焊接/压道焊接
Muster point 集合点
Naphtha 石脑油
Natural gas letdown station 天然气减压站
Non destructive Test NDT 无损检验
Normal water NW 普通水
Nuclear magnetic resonance NMR 核磁共振
Jacket 夹套管
Job hazard analysis JHA 工作危险分析
Job observation JO 作业观察
Job safety assessment JSA 工作安全评估
Key Performance Index KPI 关键绩效(性能)指标
Lab information and management system LIMS 试验室信息管理系统
Lack of fusion 未熔透
Lack of penetration 未焊透
Leak test 密封性试验
Ledger 台帐
Letter of intent LOI 意向书
light off 点火
Light Stabilizer Chimassorb 944 光稳定剂Chimassorb 944
Light Stabilizer Tinuvin 326 光稳定剂 Tinuvin 326
Lighting protection 防雷电保护
Line manager 上级主管
Local PI Local PI
Locksmith 钳工
Gasoline treating unit GTU 汽油加氢单元
General purpose polystyrene GPPS 通用聚苯乙烯
Girth baffle 围堰挡板
Girth plate 圈板
Hexane 己烷
High impact polystyrene HIPS 耐冲击聚苯乙烯
Homoplymer 均聚物
Hydrated Talc Powder DHT-4A水合滑石粉DHT-4A
Impact copolymer ICP 抗冲共聚物
Implosion 暴聚
Incompleted project 未完工程
Industrial water 工业水
Inhibitor 抑制剂/缓蚀剂
Instrument tapping 仪表接管
In-tank pump 输入泵
Intermediate reboiler 中间再沸器
Intermediate stress relief ISR 中间应力消除
Intermittent operation 间歇操作
Isobutene 异丁烯
Isomers 异构体
Engineering service ES 工程服务
Erucamide 芥酸酰胺
ethyl benzene/ styrene EB/SM 乙苯/苯乙烯
Ethylene 乙烯
Factory acceptance test FAT 工厂验收试验
Feed purification unit FPU 进料精制单元
Feeding pump 进料泵
Filler material 焊补材料
Fire & gas detection F&GD 火灾气体检测
Fire monitor 消防水炮
Fire Retardant clothes FRC 防火服
Firing/ignition/light off 点火
Fractions /cut 馏分
Functional design specification FDS 功能设计规范
Deactivator 失活剂
Deactivator CO失活剂 CO
Detailed engineering documents详细设计文件
Domestic water生活水
Dry gas seal干气封
Dry run空转
Dry test干试验
Cable drum 电缆盘
Calcium Stearate 硬酯酸钙
Calibration gas 校验气体
Carbon rod 碳棒
Carterpillar crane 履带吊
Catalyst activation unit CAU 催化剂活化单元
Catalyst for CO2 and Oxygenated Compounds Removal 脱二氧化碳和氧化化合物用催化剂
Central PI Central PI
Centralization tank 中和罐
Ceramic Balls 瓷球
Change alert CA 变更通知
Chromium Catalyst EP211B 铬系催化剂 EP211B
Chromium Catalyst EP30X 铬系催化剂 EP30X
Chromium Catalyst PQ C-24340 铬系催化剂 PQ C-24340
Cocatalysts 助催化剂
Command Post CP 指挥部
Continuous operation 连续操作
Copper/Copper Oxide Catalyst for O2 and CO Removal 脱氧气、CO用铜/氧化铜催化剂
Countercurrent contact 逆流接触
Cracking heater/cracker 裂解炉
Cyanide 氰化物
Barrow 推车
Base material 母材
Benzene 苯
BIPT (Organic Titanium) BIPT(有机钛)
Boiler feedwater pump BFWP 锅炉给水泵
Boil-out 煮炉/碱煮
Bowdown tank 排污罐
Brine pump 盐水泵
Butadiene extraction unit BEU 丁二烯(抽提)单元
Butyl Chloride( B1) 氯丁烷( B1)
Absorbent for Desulfuration 脱硫用吸附剂
Absorbent for Methanol Removal 脱甲醇用吸附剂
Absorbent for Water Removal 脱水用吸附剂
Acrylonitrile AN 丙烯腈
Additive and pellets unit APU 挤出机料仓
Advanced Process Control APC 高级工艺控制
Aids 助剂
Air blocking 气阻
Anemometer 风速仪
Anstatic agent S1 抗静电剂S1
Anti-block Agent Gasil AB 705 抗粘连剂Gasil AB 705
Anti-block Agent Gasil AB 905 抗粘连剂Gasil AB 905
Anti-block Agent Talc ABT 2500 抗粘连剂 Talc ABT 2500
Aromatics extraction unit AEU 芳烃(抽提)单元
Assembling 集合
Asset Management System AMS 资产管理系统