
"A" Book 根簿;地籍册 
abbreviated tender system 简易招标程序 
ablution facility 沐浴设施 
above finished floor level [AFFL] 楼面竣工标高以上 
absentee landowner 在外土地业权人 
absentee owner 非自住业主;在外业主 
absentee principal tenant 非住在楼宇内的主租客;非住在楼宇内的二房东 
absolute owner 经确定业权的业主 
absolute priority 绝对优先资格 
absolute title 经确定的业权 
abutment 桥台;拱座 
abutment deformation 桥台变形;拱座变形 
abutment pressure 桥台压力;拱座压力 
abutment wall 拱座墙;翼墙;桥座 
abutting end 邻接端 
abutting structure 毗邻构筑物 
accelerated cement 快凝水泥 
Accelerated Landslip Preventive Measures Project 加速防止山泥倾泻计划 
acceptable accommodation 适中居所 
acceptance of tender 采纳投标书 
acceptance rate [Home Ownership Scheme] 认购率〔居者有其屋计划〕 
acceptance rate of new allocation 接受新配单位的比率 
acceptance threshold 认购率下限 
access 通道;出入口 
access bend 检修弯管 
access corridor block 向街走廊式大厦 
access door 检修门;通道门 
access for residents 居民通道 
access ladder 通道竖梯 
access lane 进出路径 
access panel 检修门 
access plug and cap 检修孔塞和孔盖 
access point 入口处;出入通道处 
access ramp 入口坡道;斜道;斜通道 
access road 通路;通道 
access shaft 竖井通道 
access spiral loop 螺旋式回旋通道 
access staircase 通道楼梯 
access step 上落踏板;出入踏板 
access to the site 地盘出入口;工地出入口 
access to work 地盘施工处通路;工地施工处通路 
access tunnel 通道隧道 
accessible roof 可到达的屋顶;有通道的屋顶 
accident loading condition 意外载荷条件 
accommodation 办公地方;住所;居所;单位 
Accommodation for Small Households--Assessment of Supply and Demand 小家庭公屋供求评估 
accommodation generation rate 住户房屋需求衍生率 
Accommodation Regulations 《政府产业管理及有关事务规例》 
accommodation value 楼面价 
Accredited Safety Auditor 检定安全稽核员 
acetylene regulator 乙炔调节器;“煤表” 
acoustic lining 隔音板 
acoustic screen 隔音屏 
acoustic seal 防声封条 
acquisition 征用;收购 
acquisition order 征用令 
Acquisition Section [Lands Department] 土地征用组〔地政总署〕 
acquisition team [Lands Department] 土地征用小组〔地政总署〕 
acre 英亩 
acrylic coat 丙烯涂料 
acrylic lacquer 丙烯酸清漆 
acrylic paint 丙烯漆料;丙烯酸漆 
acrylic sheet 丙烯酸片;丙烯胶片 
active corrosion 活性 蚀 
active earth pressure 主动土压力 
active fault 活断层;活动断裂 
active recreation area 动态康乐用地 
active recreation facility 动态康乐设施 
active to passive ratio 动态与静态设施比例 
activity area 活动区 
activity space 活动场地 
actual building cost 实际造价 
actual cost rent 实际成本租金 
actual plot ratio 实际地积比率 
Ad Hoc Committee on Housing for the Elderly [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 
Ad Hoc Committee on Private Domestic Property Ownership by Public Rental Housing 
Tenants 公屋住户拥有私人住宅物业问题专责小组委员会 
adapt 改装;改建 
addition 扩建;加建;加入户籍 
additional building works 增补建筑工程 
additional fixture 固定附 物 
additional horizontal force 额外横向力 
additional premium 补缴地价 
additional rehousing criterion 附加安置资格 
additional vent 加设通风口 
additions policy 加户政策 
adequate housing 适当居所 
adequately housed 居住面积足够的;有适当居所的 
adit 入口;通路;坑道口 
adjacent building 相邻建筑物 
adjacent construction 相邻建造物 
adjacent ground 相邻土地 
adjacent land 相邻土地 
adjacent site 相邻地盘 
adjacent street 相邻街道 
adjacent unit 相连单位 
adjoining area 毗邻地区 
adjoining building 毗邻建筑物 
adjoining land 毗邻土地 
adjoining occupier 毗邻占用人 
adjoining owner 毗邻拥有人 
adjoining structure 毗邻构筑物 
adjudication fee 评估契据费用 
adjusted replacement cost 经调整重置成本 
administrator of estate 遗产管理人 
admixture 外加剂;搀和剂 
advance drainage diversion 前期排水渠改道 
advance earthwork 前期土方工程;预造土方工程 
advance letting 提早出租 
advance possession licence 提前移交土地牌照 
advance reclamation works 早期填海工程 
advance works 前期工程;早期工程 
advanced allocation scheme 提前配屋计划 
advanced allocation system 提前配屋制度 
advanced contract 前期合约 
adverse geological condition 不良地质情况 
adverse possession 逆权管有 
adverse title to land 相逆土地业权 
Advisory Committee on Appearances of Bridges and Associated Structures 
Advisory Committee on Private Building Management 私人楼宇管理谘询委员会 
Advisory Council on the Environment 环境问题谘询委员会 
advisory letter [slope maintenance] 劝喻信〔斜坡维修〕 
Advisory Note on Buried Services 《检查地下设施须知》 
aerial bracket 天线托架 
aerial cable 天线电线 
aerial camera 航空摄影机;空中摄影机 
aerial photogrammetry 航空摄影测量;空中摄影测量 
aerial photograph 航摄照片;航空照片 
aerial photograph interpretation [API] 
aerial photographic survey 航空摄影测量 
aerial photography 航空摄影;空中摄影 
aerial survey 航空测量;空中测量 
aerial view 鸟瞰图;航测图 
affiliated village 附属乡村;属村 
affordability criterion 负担能力准则 
Affordability Schedule 负担能力表 
affordability threshold 负担能力界限 
A-frame A形骨架 
after-repair guarantee 售后修葺保证期 
age allowance limit 楼龄减额上限 
age limit 楼龄上限 
age of entitlement 换地权益龄期 
age-dating 测年;测定年代 
Agency Management Scheme 物业代管计划 
agent for occupier 占用人代理人;租户代理人 
agent for owner 拥有人代理人;业主代理人 
agent-managed Home Ownership Scheme estate 由物业管理公司代管的居者有其屋计划屋苑 
aggregate 砂石;骨料;碎石 
aggregate abrasion value 石料的耐磨值 
aggregate grading 砂石级配;骨料级配 
aggregate impact value 石料的冲击强度值 
aggregate lime content 砂石的石灰含量;骨料的石灰含量 
aggregate structure 砂石结构;骨料结构 
aggregate superficial area 表面总面积 
aggregate usable floor space 总实用楼面空间 
aggregate-to-cement ratio 砂石与水泥比例;砂灰比 
aggregate-to-lime ratio 砂石与石灰比例 
Agreement and Conditions of Sale 卖地协议及条件 
agreement for a Government lease 政府租契协议;政府租契合约 
agreement to surrender 交还土地协议 
agricultural development area 农业发展区 
agricultural dwelling house 农地住屋;农舍 
agricultural land 农地;耕地 
agricultural lot 农地地段 
agricultural priority area 农业优先区 
agricultural resite area 农业用途迁置区 
agricultural status 农地性质 
agricultural tenancy 农地租赁;农地租约 
agricultural use 农业用途 
agricultural warehouse 农用贮物室 
air camera 航空摄影机;空中摄影机 
air cooling system 空气冷却系统;风冷系统 
air curtain 风帘;风闸 
air curtain fan 风帘风扇 
air cylinder 气缸;气筒 
air damper 气闸;调节风门 
air distribution system 配气系统 
air distributor 空气分配器 
air dryer 空气干燥器 
air duct 风槽;通风管道;气槽 
air entrained cement 加气水泥;伴 水泥 
air exhaust 排气口 
air filter 空气过滤器;风隔;隔尘网 
air filter chamber 空气过滤室 
air gap 气隙 
air handling unit 鲜风柜;空气处理装置 
air inlet louvre 进气百叶窗 
air inlet port 进气口 
air intake 进气口;进风口 
air intake duct 进气槽;进风槽 
air intake filter 进气过滤器 
air line strainer 进气管道隔滤器 
air outlet 出风口 
air outlet grille 出风口格栅 
air passage 风道 
air pipe 通气管;送气管 
air pressurization system 空气加压系统 
air quality impact assessment 空气质素影响评估 
air quality setback 因空气质素而把建筑物后移 
air reservoir 贮气缸 
air restrictor 空气节流器 
air strainer 空气隔滤器;空气滤网 
air supply outlet 供气出口 
air survey 航空测量;空中测量 
air trunking 通风槽 
air ventilator 空气通风器 
air void [soil] 空气孔隙;气隙〔泥土〕 
air-conditioner hood 冷气机遮檐 
air-conditioning and refrigeration installations [public works category] 
Air-Conditioning Inspector 空气调节督察 
air-conditioning system 空气调节系统 
air-handling unit room 风柜房 
airshaft 通风竖井 
airy dry varnish 风干清漆 
alarm bell 警钟 
alarm buzzer 警报器 
alienate [land] 让与〔土地〕 
alienation period 让与期;转让期 
alienation restriction 让与权的限制;转让限制 
alienation restriction period 让与权的限制期;转让限制期 
alignment 定线;线向;路线 
alignment plan [road] 路线平面图 
alignment survey 定线测量 
alkali-resisting primer 耐碱底漆 
"All Services" service [Land Registry] 综合服务〔土地注册处〕 
alley 巷 
Allocation and Standards of Vacant Flats Committee [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 
allocation condition 分配条件;拨地条件 
allocation number 拨地编号 
allocation of flats 编配居住单位 
allocation plan 拨地图则;批地图 
allocation range 编配幅度;编配范围 
allocation standard 编配标准 
allowable bearing capacity 容许承载力 
allowable load 容许负载;容许载荷 
allowable settlement 容许沉降量 
allowable soil pressure 容许土压力 
allowable stress 容许应力;预计可承受的压力 
allowance for corrosion loss 预留锈蚀量 
alloy steel bar 合金钢筋条 
alluvial clay 冲积黏土 
alluvial deposit 冲积土层;冲积物 
alluvial sand 冲积沙 
alluvial silt 冲积粉土 
alluvial soil 冲积土;淤积土 
alluvium 冲积物;冲积层 
alteration 改动;改建 
alteration and addition 改建及加建 
Alterations, Additions and Improvements Committee 改建、加建暨改善工程委员会 
alternative route 替代路线 
altimeter 测高仪 
aluminium cell ceiling 铝格天花板 
aluminium panel 
aluminium primer 铝粉底漆;“木铝丹” 
aluminium rope-operated laundry-drying rack 铝质拉绳式晒衣架 
aluminium tape 铝带 
aluminium window 铝窗 
amenities 市容建筑;康乐设施;康乐设备 
amenity area 美化市容地带 
amenity planting strip 美化市容种植地带 
amenity railing 美观栏杆 
amenity strip 美化市容地带 
American Concrete Institute 美国混凝土学会 
American Society for Testing and Materials [ASTM] 美国试验及材料标准学会 
amortization 定期终止;摊还;分期摊还 
amortization area 定期终止区 
amortization notice 定期终止通知书 
amortization period 终止期;摊还期 
ancestral grave 祖坟 
ancestral hall 祠堂;宗祠 
ancestral house 祖屋 
ancestral property 祖业 
ancestral temple 祠堂;宗祠 
anchor 锚定杆;锚;锚杆支撑 
anchor bearing 锚承;锚座 
anchor bolt 锚栓;“爆炸螺丝” 
anchor load monitoring 地锚桩基负荷检查 
anchor maintenance clause 地锚桩基保养条款 
anchor plate 锚定板 
anchor rod 锚杆 
anchor tenant 有名气的商户;可招徕顾客的商户 
anchor wall 锚定墙 
anchorage 碇泊处;锚地;锚固 
anchorage length 锚固长度 
anchored force 锚固力 
anchoring strength 锚固强度 
ancillary accommodation 附属地方 
ancillary beach use 海滩附带用途 
ancillary building 附属建筑物 
ancillary car park 附设停车场 
ancillary commercial facility 附属商业设施 
ancillary facilities block 附属设施大厦;服务设施大厦 
ancillary facility 附属设施;配套设施 
ancillary office 附属写字楼 
ancillary premises 附属房产 
ancillary service 附设服务;附属设备 
ancillary structure 附属构筑物 
ancillary works 附属工程 
andesite 安山岩 
angle bar 角铁 
angle bracket 角形托架;角钢撑架;“狗臂架” 
angle change 角变 
angle cleat 连接角钢;短角钢 
angle cutter 角铁切割机 
angle fillet 角钢嵌条;三角焊缝 
angle frame 角钢框 
angle iron bracket 角铁托架;角铁支架 
angle of inclination 倾角 
angle of internal friction 内摩擦角 
angle of repose 静止角;休止角 
angle of rupture 破裂角 
angle of shear 剪切角 
angle of shearing resistance 抗剪角 
angle probe 斜探头 
angle strut 角钢撑 
angular 棱角 
angular displacement 角位移 
angular distortion 角度变形 
angular velocity 角速度 
anisotropic consolidation 各向不等压固结;各向异性固结 
annex 附属建筑物 
annex block 附翼大厦 
annex restaurant 附连酒楼 
annex school 附连学校 
annual contribution to rent 每年拨出的租金津贴 
annual instalment of premium 按年摊缴的地价 
annual letting value 年租值 
annual maintenance programme 每年度保养计划 
annual rent 每年租金;年租 
Annual Summary 19XX-19XX [Rating and Valuation Department] 
anodized aluminium window 电镀膜铝窗;阳极氧化膜铝窗 
antenna 天线 
anti-burglary bar 防盗铁栏;防盗铁栅;防盗窗花;“疏子” 
anti-burglary grille 防盗铁栏;防盗铁栅;防盗窗花;“疏子” 
Anticipatory Housing Scheme 提早安置计划 
anticline 背斜;背斜层 
anti-corrosion paint 防蚀漆;防 油 
anti-creep device 防溜装置 
anti-desiccant spray 抗干燥喷剂 
anti-nuisance provision 禁止滋扰规定 
anti-oxidizing paint 抗氧化漆 
anti-rust paint 防锈漆 
anti-siphon bottle trap 反虹吸瓶型气隔 
anti-siphon P-trap 反虹吸直嘴;反虹吸P形气隔 
anti-siphon trap 反虹吸气隔 
anti-siphonage pipe 反虹吸管 
anti-skid chequer 防滑格纹 
anti-skid device 防滑装置 
anti-skid dressing 防滑钢砂 
anti-skid facility 防滑设施 
anti-skid material 防滑物料 
anti-slip 防滑动;防空转;防打滑 
anti-stripping agent 防剥剂 
anti-vibration mounting 防震装置 
anti-vibration spring isolator 弹簧减震器 
anvil 铁砧 
apartment 寓所 
aplite 细晶岩 
apparent cohesion 表观黏聚力 
Appeal Panel [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 上诉委员会〔香港房屋委员会〕 
Appeal Tribunal [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 上诉审裁小组〔香港房屋委员会〕 
Appeal Tribunal Panel (Buildings) 上诉审裁处(建筑物) 
appendage 楼外附建物;附加物 
applicable lease 适用租契 
application date book 申请日志 
application for addition 申请加入户籍 
application for deletion 申请取消户籍 
application for lease [public housing] 租住公共房屋申请书 
application number [Home Ownership Scheme] 申请书编号〔居者有其屋计划〕 
application record 申请记录 
Applications and Home Ownership Division [Housing Department] 申请及居屋科〔房屋署〕 
applied covering 外加覆盖物 
applied load 外施载荷 
apportion 分摊 
apportionment of Government rent and premium 地税及补价分摊 
apportionment of rateable value 应课差饷租值分摊 
apportionment of rates 差饷分摊 
Apportionment Section [Lands Department] 地租分摊组〔地政总署〕 
appraisal of existing structure 现存结构检定;现有楼宇的结构检定 
appreciation of land value 土地增值 
approach 进路;引道;入口 
approach road 进路 
appropriation 拨地 
approved concrete mix 认可混凝土拌合料;认可混凝土配合比 
Approved Contractors for Public Works 认可公共工程承建商 
Approved Decoration Contractor System 认可装修承办商制度 
Approved Drainage Authority Area Plan 核准排水监管区图则 
approved land use zoning plan 核准土地用途分区图则 
approved layout 核准图则 
approved list of contractors 认可承建商名册;认可承办商名册 
Approved List of Decoration Contractors 认可装修承办商名册 
Approved List of Property Management Agents 认可物业管理公司名册 
Approved List of Security Guard Contractors 认可护卫员服务承办商名册 
approved master layout plan 核准总纲发展蓝图 
approved plan 核准图则;经批准的图则 
approved purchaser 核准购楼人 
Approved Specialist Contractors 认可专门承建商 
approved statutory plan 核准法定图则 
approved suppliers of materials 认可物料供应商 
approved town plan 核准城市规划图 
approved trade list 核准行业一览表 
appurtenance 从属权;附属物 
apron 跳板;护板 
apron area 屋前地台 
aqua privy 乡村式厕所 
aqueduct 输水管道 
aquiclude 阻水层 
aquifer 含水层 
aquitard 弱透水层 
arbour 花棚;凉亭 
arcade 有盖走廊;商场 
arcade shop premises 商场店铺 
arch 拱廊;拱门 
arch axis 拱轴 
arch bridge 拱桥 
arch crown 拱顶 
arch rib 拱肋 
arch rise 拱高 
arching action [soil] 拱作用〔泥土〕 
architect 建筑师 
architect's instructions 建筑师指示;建筑师指令 
Architects Registration Board 建筑师注册管理局 
Architectural and Associated Consultants Selection Board 建筑及有关顾问遴选委员会 
Architectural Branch [Architectural Services Department] 建筑设计处〔建筑署〕 
architectural decoration 建筑装饰 
architectural drawing 建筑图则 
architectural feasibility study 建筑设计可行性研究 
architectural projection 建筑上的伸出物 
Architectural Services Department [ASD] 建筑署 
architectural style 建筑风格 
Architectural Works Conditions 建筑工程规条 
architectural-led consultant 建筑师主导顾问 
architrave 框缘;门框线;“口线” 
area boundary 地区界线 
area committee [district board] 分区委员会〔区议会〕 
area covered by definite projects 已列入确定发展计划内的地区 
area layout plan 地区详细蓝图 
area number 地区编号 
area of entitlement 应得面积 
area of mixed usage 混合用途区;混合用地 
area weighting 面积加权数 
arithmetic mean strength 强度平均数 
armour 护面;护面块体〔防波堤〕 
armour layer 护面层 
armour rock 护面块石 
armoured cable 装甲电缆 
arrears of rates 
arrears of rent 欠缴租金;欠租 
arrester bed 沙池 
arris 外角;明角 
artesian ground water 承压地下水 
artesian water 承压水;自流水 
artesian well 科学井 
artificial slope 人造斜坡 
artificial splitting 假分户 
Artisan 技工 
asbestos abatement 清除石棉 
asbestos abatement works 石棉清除工程;石棉拆除工程 
asbestos cement 石棉水泥;“矢泥” 
asbestos consultant 石棉顾问 
asbestos fibre 石棉纤维 
asbestos gasket 石棉垫片 
Asbestos Management Manual 《石棉管制手册》 
asbestos plaster 石棉批荡 
asbestos process 石棉工序 
asbestos roof 石棉瓦屋顶 
asbestos supervisors 石棉监工 
asbestos waste 石棉废料 
asbestos-containing material 含有石棉的建材 
as-built drawing 竣工图;竣工图则;楼宇建成后的修订图则 
as-built utility record 公用设施竣工图 
as-constructed drawing 竣工图;完工图;竣工图则 
as-constructed plan 竣工图;完工图;竣工图则 
aseismatic design 抗震设计 
as-fitted drawing 装配竣工图 
ash pit 排渣槽;灰坑 
Asiatic water closet pan 蹲厕;“厕” 
asking rent 租金要价 
asphalt 沥青;柏油 
asphalt distributor 沥青喷洒机 
asphalt mix design 沥青配合比设计;沥青混凝土级配 
asphalt paver 沥青摊铺机;地沥青 
asphalt roofing 沥青屋面;屋顶铺盖沥青工程;“沥青天面” 
asphalt tanking 沥青防水层 
asphalter 沥青工 
asphaltic coat 沥青涂层 
asphaltic concrete 沥青混凝土 
aspiring home-buyer 有意置业人士 
assembly detail 组装详图;装嵌“样” 
assessable value [property tax] 应评税价值〔物业税〕;评估价值 
assessed cost 评估成本 
assessed market value 评定市值 
assessed premium 评定补价 
assessed rent 评定租金 
assessed tenement 经评估差饷的物业 
assessment 估价;评估;已估价物业 
assessment number 估价编号 
Assessment of Professional Competence [valuation surveyor] 专业评核试〔物业估价测量师〕 
assessment of rates 差饷估价 
assessment panel 评估小组 
assessment review board 评估覆核委员会 
asset realization 资产变现 
assets test 资产评审;资产审查 
assign 转让 
assign back to 售回予;退回 
assignee 承让人;受让人 
assignment 转让;转让契约 
assignment fee 转让费;顶让费 
assignment in shares clause 份额转让条款 
assignment in undivided shares 不分割份数的转让 
assignment memorial 转让契约备忘录 
assignment of contract 转让合约 
assignment of contractual rights 转让合约权利 
assignment period 转让期 
assignment right 转让权;顶让权 
assignment value 转让价值;顶让价值 
assignor 转让人;出让人 
assistant village representative 助理村代表 
assisted home purchase flat 资助自置居所 
Associate Member, Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors [AHKIS] 香港测量师学会会员 
Associate Member, Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors [ARICS] 皇家特许测量师学会会员 
associated external area 附连的外部地方 
associated retaining wall 有关挡土墙 
associated road and drainage works 有关道路及渠务工程 
associated structure 附连构筑物 
Association of Consulting Engineers of Hong Kong [ACEHK] 香港顾问工程师协会 
Association of Government Cartographic Staff 政府制图人员协会 

Association of Government Land and Engineering Surveying 


