科室名称中英文对照 | |||
序号 | 中文 | 英文 | 备注 |
1 | 内科系统 | Medicine Systems | |
2 | 外科系统 | Surgery Systems | |
3 | 医技科室 | Medical Laboratory | |
4 | 血液病科 | Hematology Department | |
5 | 普外 | General Surgery | |
6 | 临床检验 | Clinical Laboratory | |
7 | 输血科 | Blood Bank | |
8 | 内分泌科 | Endocrinology Department | |
9 | 胸外科 | Thoracic surgery | |
10 | 病理科 | Pathology Deparment | |
11 | 脑电图室 | ECG Laboratory | |
12 | 消化内科 | Digestive System Department | |
13 | 心外科 | Cardial Surgery | |
14 | 传统放射科 | Traditional Radiology Department | |
15 | 肺功能室 | Lung Function Laboratory | |
16 | 心血管内科 | Vasculocardiology Deparment | |
17 | 泌尿外科 | Urology Surgery | |
18 | MR室 | MR Laboratory | |
19 | 胃镜室 | Dndoscope Laboratory | |
20 | 神经内科 | Neurology Department | |
21 | 肿瘤外科 | Oncological Surgery | |
22 | SCT室 | SCT Laboratory | |
23 | 人工肾室 | Hemodialyses Room | |
24 | 介入科 | Invasive Technology Department | |
25 | 神经外科 | Neurological Surgery | |
26 | 超声诊断科 | UItrasonic Diagnosis Deparment | |
27 | DSA室 | DSA Room | |
28 | 呼吸科 | Pneumology Department | |
29 | 骨科 | Orthopedics Department | |
30 | 超声多谱勒室 | UItrasonic Doppler Laboratory | |
31 | 血液净化室 | Laminar Airflow (LAF) Room | |
32 | 肾内科 | Urology Department | |
33 | 小儿外科 | Pediatric Surgery | |
34 | 核医学科 | Isotopic Laboratory | |
35 | 高压氧仓室 | Hyperbaric Chamber | |
36 | 小儿科 | Pediatrics Department | |
37 | 整形科 | Plastic Surgery | |
38 | ECT 室 | ECT Laboratory | |
39 | 院内感染监控室 | Nosocomial Infection Monitory | |
40 | 中医科 | Traditional Chinese Medicine Department | |
41 | 烧伤科 | Department of Burn | |
42 | 供应室 | Supply House | |
43 | 血液成份分离室 | Cytopheresis Laboratory | |
44 | 高干病房 | Senior Officials inpatient Ward | |
45 | 妇产科 | Obstetric and Gynecologic Department | |
46 | 营养室 | Nutrition House | |
47 | 体外反搏室 | Counter Extropulsative Room | |
48 | 华侨病房 | Overseas Chinese Ward | |
49 | 口腔科 | Stomatological Department | |
50 | 康复科 | Rehabilitation Department | |
51 | 保健科 | Medical Care Department for personnel | |
52 | 眼科 | Ophthalmologic Department | |
53 | 针灸科 | Acupuncture and Moxibustion Deparment | |
54 | 耳鼻喉科 | Otorhinolaryngologic Department | |
55 | 理疗科 | Physiotherapy Deparment | |
56 | 痔疮科 | Hemorrhoids Deparment | |
57 | 按摩科 | Massage Department | |
58 | 皮肤科 | Dermatology Department | |
59 | 麻醉科 | Anesthesia Department | |
60 | 内分泌疾病 | Endocrinology | |
61 | 心内科 | Cardiology | |
62 | 儿科心理学 | Pediatric Psychology | |
63 | 烧伤科 | Department of Burn |
常见医疗器械中英文对照 | ||||
序号 | 项目 | 中文 | 英文 | 备注 |
1 | 检验设备 | 洗板机 | plate washer | |
2 | 生化分析仪 | bio-chemistry analyzer | ||
3 | 血气分析仪 | blood gas analyzer | ||
4 | 血细胞计数仪 | hemotology analyzer | ||
5 | 酶标分析仪 | ELISA analyzer | ||
6 | 冰箱、冷柜 | Refrigerator | ||
7 | 显微摬 | Microscrope (Kinds) | ||
8 | 手术室 | 监护仪 | patient monitor | |
9 | 除颤器 | Defibrillator | ||
10 | 呼吸机 | Ventilator | ||
11 | 麻醉机 | Anesthesia machine | ||
12 | 电刀 | Electrotome | ||
13 | 手术床 | operation table | ||
14 | 吊塔、无影灯 | Pendant. Shadow-free lamp | ||
15 | 监护设备 | 心电图机 | ECG | |
16 | 运动心电图 | movement EKG | ||
17 | 24小时动态心电分析仪(Holter) | Holtor | ||
18 | 脑电图 | EEG; electroencephalogram | ||
19 | 肺功能分析仪 | Respiration function analyzor | ||
20 | 妇产设备 | 胎儿监护仪 | Featal monitor | |
21 | 产程监护仪 | Labor process monitor | ||
22 | 婴儿暖箱 | Baby incubator | ||
23 | 影像设备 | 超声波诊断仪 | B Ultrasound disgnosis system (Color, B/W) | |
24 | 螺旋CT | Spiral CT | ||
25 | 磁共振 | MRI | ||
26 | 床头X光机 | bedside X-ray | ||
27 | 激光照相机 | Laser camera | ||
28 | X光机 | X-ray machine | ||
29 | C臂X线机 | C-arm X-ray machine | ||
30 | 胃肠X光机 | G-I X-ray machine | ||
31 | 血管造影X光机 | Digital cardiovascular Radiology machine | ||
32 | 消毒类 | Disinfection system | ||
33 | 口腔类 | Dental instrument system | ||
34 | 内镜类 | Endoscope system | ||
35 | 眼科设备 | ophthalmography instrument | ||
36 | 肿瘤放疗设备 | Cancer radiotherapy instruments | ||
37 | 核医学科设备 | nuclear medicine instruments | ||
38 | 病理科设备 | Pathology instruments |
常见疾病中英文对照 | |||
序号 | 疾病 | 英文 | 备注 |
1 | 艾滋病 | AIDS | acquired immunodeficiency syndrome |
2 | 疟疾 | malaria | |
3 | 肺结核 | pulmonary tuberculosis | |
4 | 霍乱 | cholera | |
5 | 禽流感 | bird flu | |
6 | 发烧 | fever | |
7 | 感冒 | catch acold/ head cold | |
8 | 头痛 | headache | |
9 | 心绞痛 | angina pectoris | |
10 | 胃病 | sickness at the stomach | |
11 | 急性上呼吸道感染 | actue upper respiratory infections | |
12 | 肠虫病 | helminthiasis | |
13 | 痢疾 | dysentery | |
14 | 急性下呼吸道感染 | actue lower respiratory infections | |
15 | 皮肤病 | skin disease | |
16 | 贫血 | anemia | |
17 | 中耳炎 | otitis | |
18 | 风湿性关节痛 | theumatic arthralgia | |
19 | 骨折 | fracture | |
20 | 破伤风 | tetanus | |
21 | 脊髓灰质炎 | polio | |
22 | 脑膜炎 | meningitis | |
23 | 癌症 | cancer | |
24 | 瘤 | tumor | |
25 | 冠心病 | coronary heart disease | |
26 | 心肌炎 | myocarditis | |
27 | 癫痫 | epilepsy | |
备注 |
医疗器械大类中英文对照 | |||
序号 | 中文 | 英文 | 备注 |
1 | 基础外科手术器械 | basic surgical operation instruments | |
2 | 显微外科手术器械 | microsurgical operation instruments | |
3 | 神经外科手术器械 | neurosurgical operation instruments | |
4 | 眼科手术器械 | ophthalmic surgical operation instruments | |
5 | 耳鼻喉科手术器械 | ENT surgical instruments | |
6 | 口腔科手术器械 | stomatological surgical operation instruments | |
7 | 胸腔心血管外科手术器械 | thoracic cavity cardiovascular surgical operation instruments | |
8 | 腹部外科手术器械 | abdominal surgical operation instruments | |
9 | 泌尿肛肠外科手术器械 | urology anorectal surgical operation instruments | |
10 | 矫形外科(骨科)手术器械 | orthopedic surgical operation instruments | |
11 | 妇产科用手术器械 | obstetric and gynecologic surgical operation instruments | |
12 | 计划生育手术器械 | family plan operation instruments | |
13 | 注射穿刺器械 | injection and puncture instruments | |
14 | 烧伤(整形)科手术器械 | burn & plastic surgical operation instruments | |
15 | 普通诊察器械 | general examination /diagnosis instruments | |
16 | 医用电子仪器设备 | electronic medical devices and instruments | |
17 | 医用光学器具、仪器及内窥镜设备 | medical optical devices/instruments and endoscopic devices | |
18 | 医用超声仪器及有关设备 | medical ultrasound devices and attached devices | |
19 | 医用激光仪器设备 | medical laser devices and instuments | |
20 | 医用高频仪器设备 | medical high frequency devices and instruments | |
21 | 物理治疗及康复设备 | physical therapy and rehabilitation devices | |
22 | 中医器械 | Chinese traditional devcies and instruments | |
23 | 医用磁共振设备 | medical magnetic resonance devices | |
24 | 医用X射线设备 | medical X-ray devices | |
25 | 医用X射线附属设备及部件 | medical X-ray ancillary devices and accessory | |
26 | 医用高能射线设备 | medical HER (high energy ray) device s | |
27 | 医用核素设备 | medical nuclide devices | |
28 | 医用射线防护用品、装置 | medical radiation protective appliance and materials | |
29 | 临床检验分析仪器 | clinical laboratory & analyzing instruments and devices | |
30 | 医用化验和基础设备器具 | medical laboratory and basic devices and instruments | |
31 | 体外循环及血液处理设备 | cardiopulmonary bypass and blood processing devices | |
32 | 植入材料和人工器官 | implant materials and artifical organs | |
33 | 手术室、急救室、诊疗室设备及器具 | operation room/ emergency room/ consulting room instruments and devices | |
34 | 口腔科设备及器具 | devices and instruments for stomatology | |
35 | 病房护理设备及器具 | hospital wards care device and instruments | |
36 | 消毒和灭菌设备及器具 | disinfection and sterilization equipment and instruments | |
37 | 医用冷疗、低温、冷藏设备及器具 | medical cold therapy/ low temperature /refrigeration device and instruments | |
38 | 口腔科材料 | stomatology materials | |
39 | 医用卫生材料及敷料 | medial heath materials and dressing | |
40 | 医用缝合材料及粘合剂 | medical suture materials and adhesive | |
41 | 医用高分子材料及制品 | medical polymeric materials and angents | |
42 | 软件 | software |