旅行旅游行业 旅行旅游英译中词汇在线查询


1) 旅游业tourism ;  tourist industry /sector

中国国家旅游局China national tourism administration

城市旅游功能 tourist functions of the city

地方风味小吃local delicacy

环保模范城市 model city for Environmental Protection

经典线路classic travel route

(旅游) 旺季  high season

世界旅游日 World Tourism Day

自助游  DIY tour


导游Tourist guide

导游讲解员Guide interpreter

旅行社Travel agency

组团旅行Group tour

包办旅行Package tour

假日旅游Vacation tour



世界遗产委员会the World Heritage Commission

机场建设费airport departure tax

2) 旅游景点   scenic spots / tourist destinations

旅游热点   tourist Honeypots / tourist attractions

秦始皇陵 the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang

兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors and horses/Terra-cotta Army

青铜战车战马bronze chariots and horses    


临潼区Lintong District

大雁塔Big Wild Goose Pagoda

丝绸之路the Silk Road

敦煌 Dunhuang

敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Grottoes / Caves, Dunhuang

千佛洞Thousand-Buddha Cave

壁画murals / fresco

佛经Buddhist Sutra

塔里木盆地Tarim Basin

土鲁番 Turpan

华清池 Huaqing Hot Springs

河西走廊 Hexi Corridor

昆山市 city of Kunshan

帕米尔山区Pamir Mountainous Region

三峡 Three Gorges

月牙泉 Crescent Spring

桂林 Guilin

阳朔 Yangshuo

板石街 (又名 “西洋街”)Slabstone Street, also known as “the Western Street”

象鼻山 Elephant Trunk Hill

独秀峰the peak of unique beauty

七星岩the seven star crag

叠彩山 Piled Silk Hill

骆驼山  Camel Hill

漓江游 cruise on the Li River

三山晓色 three Hill at Dawn

青峰倒影 Green Peaks Reflected on Water

月牙山 Crescent Hill

千佛岩Cliff of Thousand Buddhas

滇池 Lake Dianchi

黑龙潭 Black Dragon Pool

珠江夜游 Pearl River Night Cruise

岷江Minjiang river

野生动物园 Safari Park

中国民俗文化村 China Folk Culture Villages

佛教四大名山Four famous Buddhist Mountains

五台山 Wutai Mountain

普陀山  Mount Putuo

九华山  Jiuhua Mountain

峨嵋山  Mount Emei

五岳 China’s five great / sacred mountains

武当山 Wudang Mountain

嵩山 Songshan Mountain

少林寺 Shaolin Temple

       泰山 Mount Tai

岱庙 Dai Temple

日光顶Riguan Peak – the Sun Watching Peak

玉皇顶 Peak of the Heavenly Emperor

黄山 Mount Huangshan; Yellow Mountain

    迎客松 Guest-Greeting Pine

    半山寺Mid-Hill Temple

    云谷寺 Cloudy Valley Temple

    光明顶Bright Summit

天都峰 Heavenly Capital Peak

莲花峰 Lotus Peak

奇松strangely-shaped pines

怪石grotesque rock formations

云海seas of clouds

温泉hot springs

紫金山天文台 Purple Mountain Observatory

南天门The Heavenly Southern Gate

午门meridian gate

天坛 the Temple of Heaven

紫禁城the Forbidden City

故宫the Imperial Place

故宫博物院 the Palace Museum


回音壁echo wall

居庸关Juyongguan pass

长寿山the longevity hill

九龙壁the nine dragon wall

黄龙洞the yellow dragon cave

大清真寺great mosque

黄帝陵Huang Di Mausoleum

十三陵Ming Tombs

中山陵Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum

成吉思汗陵 Mausoleum of Genghis Khan

鲁迅故居Luxun’s former residence

(重庆)渣滓洞 Cinder Cave

(重庆)红岩村 Red Crag Village

(延安) 宝塔山 Pagoda Hill

东方威尼斯Oriental Venice

苏州园林 Suzhou gardens

狮子林 Lion Grove Garden

怡园 Joyous Garden

留园lingering Garden

网师园 Garden of the Master of Nets

耦园 (谐音偶,佳偶之意) Garden of Couple’s Retreat

西湖 West Lake

苏堤 Su Causeway

白堤 Bai Causeway

断桥 Broken Bridge

外西湖 Outer West Lake


布达拉宫Potala Palace

日月潭 Lake Sun Moon

3) 名胜古迹places of scenic beauty and historical interests / scenic spots and historical sites


堡fort, fortress


长廊The Long Corridor



鼓楼 drum-tower

荷塘lotus pond

湖石假山Lakeside rocks and rockeries

祭坛 altar


九曲桥Bridge of Nine Turnings

廊 corridor

陵墓 emperor’s mausoleum/tomb

楼 tower; mansion

牌楼pailou, decorated archway


水榭 pavilion on the water

塔 pagoda; tower

台 terrace



亭阁 pavilion

亭台楼阁pavilions, terraces, and towers; a general reference to the elaborate Chinese architecture


行宫A temporary imperial palace


柱pillar, column, post

碑刻, 碑文, 碑铭inscriptions on a tablet

碑林the forest of steles, tablet forest

碑座 pedestal of the tablet

壁画 murals; fresco

避暑山庄 mountain resort

避暑胜地 summer resort

冬季旅游胜地Winter resort

度假胜地 holiday resort

佛教胜地 Buddhist resort

滑雪胜地Ski resort


火山 volcano

青山green hill

场所site, venue, locale, seat                  


道观Taoist temple

道教名山Taoist mountain


地下军团buried legion


雕像 statue


定情之物token of love

洞穴/岩洞 cave; cavern

仿古制品 antique replica


高超工艺 superior workmanship

孤柏Lone cypress

古董antique, antiquity, curio

古迹place of historical interest

古建筑群 ancient architectural / building complex

古墓 ancient tomb

古松Age-old pine trees

古玩店 antique/curio shop

国家公园 national park

海平面Sea level

号称五岳之首 rank first of the five great mountains in china



甲骨文 inscription on bones and tortoiseshells


建筑风格Architectural style

江南水乡 south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River


领略自然景观的魅力 appreciate the charms of natural landscape

蜜月度假胜地 honeymoon resort

名山 famous mountain / mountain resort

名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers

摩崖石刻Carved out of a cliff

瀑布 waterfall, fall

小瀑布 cascade

飞瀑plunging waterfall


曲径winding path

人文景观places of historic figures and cultural heritage




溶洞water-eroded cave

溶岩景色,喀斯特地貌Karst scenery

石舫 stone boat

石灰池Calcified pond

石灰岩洞limestone cave

石窟 grotto

石牌Stone steles

石桥Stone bridge


石像Portrait stone

世界第八大奇迹eighth wonder of the world

世界七大奇迹seven wonders of the world

世界文化遗产保护地World Heritage Sites (WHS)

世界之窗 Window of the World

书法真迹 calligraphic relics

水乡景色 riverside scenery

私家园林Private garden

四大奇观Four wonders


天下第一洞The most spectacular cave unparalleled elsewhere in the world

天下第一泉The finest spring under heaven

武当功夫 Wudang martial arts

险峰perilous peaks

香格里拉Shangri-la (earthly paradise or utopia -- generally secluded and peaceful)



雪峰snow-topped peaks

雪山Snow-capped mountain

釉面砖Glazed tile

御花园 imperial garden

园林建筑Garden architecture

原始森林virgin forest


植物园botanical garden

主题公园 theme park

自然景观natural attraction; natural landscape / scenery

综合建筑building complex

坐佛Sitting Buddha

5) 历史人文 history and human culture

春秋时期The Spring and Autumn Period

吐蕃王国 Tubo Kingdom


旧石器时代Paleolithic times

新石器时代   the Neolithic Age; New Stone Age'

玛雅文化      Mayan civilization

母系氏族社会    matriarchal clan society

清朝帝王Qing emperors

文成公主Tang Princess Wencheng

春秋时代The Spring and Autumn Period

大思想家和教育家A great thinker and educator

慈禧太后Empress Dowager CiXi

祭祀offer sacrifices


皇妃Imperial concubine

丞相Prime minister

太监Court eunuch

古装Ancient costume


历代various dynasty

少数民族ethnic minority




纳西族Naxi minority

阿坝藏族自治州Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture

古代器具Ancient utensils



吉尼斯世界纪录The Guinness Book of World Records

公元     AD (Anno Domini)

公元前   BC (Before Christ)

诞生地   Birthplace

历史文物 historical relics

历史遗迹 historical site

青铜器Bronze ware

文人men of letters

雅士refined scholars

文物cultural relics

西域western countries

6) 经典描绘语句 classic descriptions

八方来客 tourists from all parts of the world

保存完好 well-preserved

波光粼粼的湖sparkling lake

苍松翠柏 green pines and cypresses

层峦叠嶂 range upon range of mountains / the hills rise around…

姹紫嫣红 a blaze of bright colors/ colorful

崇山峻岭 steep mountains

船移景换 each turn of the boat affords a different scenery / view

纯洁  purity

雕梁画栋 carved beams and painted pillars

洞天福地 scenery of exceptional charm


阴云蔽日 overcast

飞流急湍 whirlpools and rapids

峰回路转 the paths running sinuously amid the peaks

高超工艺 / 工艺精湛exquisite workmanship / superior craftsmanship

古香古色of antique beauty


宏伟挺拔 towering magnificence

湖光山色landscape of lakes and hills



极目远眺 look as far as the eye can see

金碧辉煌 splendid and magnificent

尽收眼底 hold a panoramic view

惊叹不已 (be) marveled; marvel at…

惊涛拍岸 raging waves pound on the banks

景色如画 picturesque views

乐不思蜀too delighted to be homesick

琳琅满目 a superb collection of beautiful things; an eyeful of goodies

鳞次栉比 row upon row of; packed with

玲珑剔透 exquisitely carved/ made/ wrought

流连忘返  linger on; too delighted to leave

绿水青山 green hills and clear waters

迷人  enchanting / bewitching / fascinating

墨客骚人 men of letters

奇峰异石 picturesque peaks and rocks

奇花异草 exotic flowers and herbs

奇珍异宝 rare treasure


青山不断 green hills roll on endlessly



群山环抱 surrounded by mountains / hills

日出(日落)的壮丽景色  the glory of the sunrise (sunset)



山峦迭翠 range upon range of green hills

山水风光 scenery with mountains and rivers; landscape

闪闪发光glittering,sparkling, winkling

赏心悦目 delightful

天方夜谭 (lit.) the Arabian nights


(贬义)a sheer fallacy

天下奇观wonder; marvelous spectacle

蜿蜒流淌的河水winding river

蜿蜒曲折 winding/ zigzagging

万紫千红 a variety of colors; a riot of colors

巍然屹立 towering

蔚为壮观splendid/ spectacular

闻名遐迩 known far and wide; well-known; famous; world-renowned



熙熙攘攘 crowded/ hustle and bustle



鲜花盛开flowers in blossom

相映成趣 form delightful contrast

心旷神怡 completely relaxed and happy/ delighted

雄伟险峻 precipitous


绚丽多姿 colorful

烟波浩渺 a wide expanse of misty waters

一览无余 hold all views in sight/ in a single glance

依山傍水 nestling under a mountain and near a river

意犹未尽linger on

优雅的exquisite, graceful, elegant

诱人景色 inviting views

鱼米之乡a land of milk and honey

郁郁葱葱luxuriantly green

枝繁叶茂 luxuriant



壮丽景色  spectacular scene

忽暗忽明,幻影迭显    mysteriously veiled in mountain mist

船行水上,人游画中      people tour in ‘pictures’ while boats sail on water

上有天堂,下有苏杭      In heaven there is the paradise, and on earth there are Suzhou and Hangzhou. / As there is the paradise in heaven, so there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.

五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳 Trips to China’s five great mountains render trips to other mountains unnecessary, and a trip to Huangshan renders trips to the five great mountains unnecessary.

桂林山水甲天下             Guilin landscape tops those elsewhere,

阳朔山水甲桂林             and Yangshuo landscape tops that of Guilin.

五岳                        china’s five great /sacred/ divine mountains

天下第一奇山                the most fantastic mountain under heaven

黄山四绝                    the four unique scenic features: picturesque rocks, legendary pines, the sea of clouds and hot springs



1.         巴比伦空中花园 The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

2.         阿尔忒弥斯神庙 The Temple of Artemis(Diana) at Ephesus

3.         宙斯神像 The Statue of Zeus

4.         摩索拉斯陵墓 The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

5.         罗德岛太阳神巨像 The Colossus of Rhodes

6.         亚历山大灯塔 The Pharos(Lighthouse) of Alexandria

7.         埃及金字塔 The Pyramids of Egypt


1.         长城 the Great Wall of China

2.         紫禁城 the Forbidden City

3.         敦煌莫高窟  Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang

4.         周口店北京人遗址 Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site

5.         泰山Mount Tai

6.         黄山 Mount Huangshan

7.         武陵源风景名胜区 Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Area

8.         九寨沟风景名胜区 Jiuzhaigou Scenic and Historic Area

9.         黄龙风景名胜区 Huanglong Scenic and Historic Area

10.     承德避暑山庄 Changde Imperial Mountain Resort

11.     孔府Confucius Family Mansion

12.     孔庙Confucius Temple

13.     孔林 Confucius Cemetry

14.     武当山古建筑群 Ancient Building Comoplex at Wudangshan

15.     布达拉宫 Potala Palace and Jokhang Temple

16.     庐山风景名胜区 Lushan National Park

17.     峨眉山、乐山大佛 Mount Emei and Leshan Giant Buddha

18.     武夷山风景区 Mount Wuyi


