仲裁协议 arbitration agreement
仲裁委员会 arbitration commission
提前到期 acceleration of maturity
接受投标 accept a bid
承兑汇票 accept bills of exchange
承诺 acceptance
不可抗力 Act of God
预付 advance payment
宣誓供述书 affidavit
分支机构 affiliate
委托代理人 agent ad litem
友好协商 amicable consultation
行政诉讼 an administrative siut
任何违约及过失 any breach or default of the provisions hereof
工程的任何部分 any part of the works
由此产生的专利 any patent arising therefrom
工程的任何区段 any section of the works
适用 apply in/to
批准 approval
仲裁员 arbitrator
合营公司章程 articals of associations
股份有限公司 a company limited by shares
外商投资股份有限公司 a company limited by shares with foreign investment
赠与合同 a donation contract
判处罚金 a fine imposed on
有限责任公司 a limited liability company
定期贷款 a term loan
从头开始,自始 ab initio
本法所称 as mentioned in this law
关于 as regards
依照合同相关规定 as provided herein
装配 assembly
末 at the close of
借款人证明书 a certificate of the borrower
承担民事赔偿责任 a civil compensation assumed by
查核账目 audit the accounts
裁定 award
授予合同 award of contract
背弃 back out of
视为 be deemed
承担法律责任 bear the legal liability and responsibility
标书 bid
蓝本 blueprint
违约 breach of contract
营业机构 business establishment
营业执照 business license
经营者 businiess operator
买受人 buyer
因为 by virtue of
召开(会议) call
资本利润 capital ganin
承运人 carrier
重合同,守信用 carry out the terms of the contract to the letter and stand by what we say.
因果关系 causality
停止做 cease to do
证明 certify
失效 cesase to be effective
税收的停征 cesssation of tax
成本加运费(指定目的港) CFR=cost and freight
中外合作经营企业 Chinese-foreign cooperative joint ventures
民事行为 civil act/disposition
民法典 Civil Code
要求赔偿 claims compensation
税收的开征 collection of tax
托收指示(金融) collection order
生效 come into effect
生效 come into force
开始 commencement
商业发票 commercial invoice
对外经济贸易委员会 Commissions for Foreign Trade and Economic Relations
承诺费 commitment fee
共同错误 common mistake
法人印章 common seal
已登记成立的公司 companies registered
补偿性赔偿 compensatury damage
工程的完工 completion of the works
竣工 completion of the Works
部件 components
和解(当事人在破产中的) composition
关于 concerning
让步 concession
没收 confiscated
相抵触 conflict
同意 consent
与本协议不相矛盾 consistent with this agreement
条件的解释 construction of the conditions
解释 construe
咨询公司 consultant companies
标的 contract object
合同总价 contract price
承包人 contractor
违反本法规定 contravene the provisions hereof
纠纷 controversy
召开(会议) conven
立约 convenant
不动产转让 conveyance
公司公章 corporate seal
立约 covenants
信用卡;信用证 credit
贷记入所收资金 credit the funds received
债权人 creditor
累加的 cumulative
损毁 damage
项目内容 data content thereof
水文地质资料 data on hydrological and sub-surface conditions
债务人 debtor
决定或裁决 decision and award
认为 deem
违约 default
瑕疵 defect
交货 delivery
滞期 demurrage
设计图表 design sheets
设计、技术、工艺、配方、技能和其他资料 designs,techniques,workmanship, formulas,skills and other data
实施细则 detailed rules
歧义 difference
决定 direction
贷款发放日 disbursement date
开发 discover, make or develop
争议 dispute
扰乱 disturb
扰乱社会经济秩序 disturbing the socio-economic order
跟单信用证 documentary letters of credit
证明文件 documentary proof
住址 domicile
受赠人 donee
草拟 draw up
出单人 drawer
本协议各方 either party hereto
业主 employer
附上 enclose
订合同 enter into
外商投资企业 enterprises with foreign investment
平等互利 equality and mutual benefit
估算 estimate
意思表示禁反语 estoppel by rerseentation
违约事件 events of default
签署票据 execute and deliever the note
工程的竣工 execution of the works
惩罚性赔偿 exemplary damage
免征税款 exemption
免税 exemption of tax
到期 expire
期满 expire
外部因素 exterior factors
财务公司 finance company
用于工程中的 for incorporation therein
不可抗力 force majuere
上述声明 foregoing statement
外国企业 foreign enterprise
对外贸易经营者 foreign trade dealers
制定 formulate and prepare
随时 from time to time
更新发明或设计 further invention or design
一般资料 general data
通常的和当地的习惯 general or local custom
一般条款 general provisions
反悔 go back on one's word
宽限期 grace
重大过失 gross negligence
标题 headings
暂定协议书 heads of agreement
特此 hereby
召开 (会议) hold
违法所得 illegal gains
合同的默示条款 implied contract provisions
改进 improvement
如果 in case that
吻合 in conformity with
一致 in conformity with
以双方相互承诺为对价 in consideration of the mutual promises
一式两份 in duplicate
事实上 in effect
以良好诚信的态度 in good faith
上述 in question
由国务院另行规定 in separate regulations issued by the State Council
如果 in the event that
特立此证 in witness whereof
赔偿 indemnities
检验 inspection
检验条款 inspection clause
保险单据 insurrance document
最终性条款 integration
意愿 intention
内部因素 interior factors
《国际贸易术语解释通则》 International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms
理解 interpretation
投资公司 investment companies
以实物出资 investment in kind
不可撤销信用证 irrevocable credit
签发;开具;发出 issue
开证行 issuing bank
会签 jointly sign
会签 jointly sign
司法判决 judgment
管辖 jurisdiction
列明(在合同中) lay down
承租人 leasee
租赁公司 leasing companies
法人 legal entity
合法性 legality
暂定协议书 letter of intent
专利证,专利 letters patent
许可证产品 licensed products
被许可人 licensee
许可人 licensor
外商投资的有限责任公司 limited liability company with foreign ivestment
灭失 loss
损失与损坏 loss and damage
向承包人提供 made available to the contractor
赡养费 maitenance
订明规格 make the specification
订立(协议) make, sign, conclude ,enter into
管理经验 managerial expertise
载货单 manifest
生产或操作资料 manufacturing and engineering information
旁注 marginal notes
材料规格 material specifications
可能有权控制的 may have the right to control
意思表示一致 meeting of minds
符合本法条件 meets the requirements and provisions hereof
暂定协议书 memorandum of agreement
公司基本章程 memorandum of association
合并条款 merger clauses
履约方式 method of performance
其他事项 miscellaneous
误解 misconception
被陈述人 misrepresentee
不实陈述 misrepresentee
修正 modificatin
多媒体作品 multimedia
议付该汇票 negotiate such bills of exchange
净资产 net assets
拒绝承兑(金融) non-acceptance
不履行合同 non-execution
第三方,非合同方 nonparty
拒绝付款 nonpayment
拒不付款 non-payment
公证人制度 notary pubilc
本票 note
尽管本合同有其它规定 notwithstanding any other provision of the contract
据此 now therefore
标的物 object
要约 offer
要约人,报价人 offeror
受要约人 offferee
经常利润 ordinary gain
正本 oringinal
另行商定 otherwise agreed
未了债务 outstanding claims and liabilities
平等地位 pari declicto
口头证据法则 parol evidence rule
专利技术 patented technology
支付款证书 payment certificate
理想市场 perfect market
永久工程 permanent works
影印资料 photostasts
政府分支机构 political subdivisions
权限 power
先例 precedent
前合同义务 precontractual
意思表示 Presentation
主持 preside by
上述事项;前文所述事项 primises
在……之前 prior to
本法施行前 prior to the effective date of this law
从事慈善性服务的律师 pro bono lawyer
税率 pro rate tax rate
没收财产 property forfeited
专有技术信息 proprietary technical information
拒绝证书(金融) protest
但是 provided that
本法规定 provisions hereof
依照合同相关规定 pursuant to provisions contained herein
行情,报价 quotation
理性人 reasonable man
说明条款 recitals
复议 reconsideration
弥补;纠正 rectify
减税 reduction of tax
退税 refund of tax
偿付 reimbursement
拒绝投标 reject a bid
拒绝投标 reject a bid
关于 relating to
救济 remedy
报酬 remuneration
陈述;说明 representations
陈述者 representor
合意的要求 reqirement of assent
请求 request
要求 require
明确性的要求 requirement of definiteness
自由裁量权 right of discretion
权益 rights and interests
特许权使用费 royalities
版税 royalties
买卖合同 sales contract
售货单 sales note
批准,认可 sanction
选定或指定 selected or appointed
出卖人 seller
分别但不连带地 severally but not jointly
应具有约束力 shall be binding
有权申诉 shall have the right to lodge a complaint
并不排除 shall not exclusive of
应给予赔偿 shall pay compensation
装运 shipping
货运代理商 shipping agents
货运单据 shipping document
舱位 shipping space
即期付款 sight payment
中外合作经营企业 Sino-foreign co-operative joint venture enterprise
中外合资经营企业 Sino-foreign equity joint venture enterprise
社会经济 socio-economic
特定机器设备 specialized machinery and equipment
规格 specifications
股份有限公司规范意见 standard Opionion on Companies Limited by Shares
有限责任公司规范意见 Standard Opionion on Limited Liability Companyies
备用信用证 standby letters of credit
规定 state
防止欺诈法 statute of frauds
规定 stipulate
转包商 subcontractor
附属机构;附属公司 subsidiary
供货商 supplier
提取货物 take delivery
技术服务协议 technical assistance agreement
技术资料 technical documents
技术诀窍 technical know-how
临时工程 Temporary Works
房屋出租 tenancy
承租人 tenant
期限;概念 term
终止条款 termination clasuse
(贷款)终止日 termination day
解除合同 termination of agreement
条件 terms and conditions
竣工检验 test on completion
仲裁委员会 the arbitration commission
收益方 the beneciary
中国国际经济贸易委员会(北京) the China International Economic anf Trade Arbitration Commission,Beijing
赔偿请求人 the claimant for compensation
该通知 the communication
中华人民共和国公司法 the Company Law of the People's Repubilc of China
资料 the data and the information
缺陷责任证书 the defects liability certificate
在付款日 the disbursement
英国上诉法院 The English Court of Appeal
开证行 the issuing bank
兹制定本法 the law is hereby formulated and prepared
合法权益 the lawful rights and interests
计划单列市 the municipalities specifically listed in the State Economic Plan
赔偿义务机关 the organization with compensatory obligations
货方 the owner of the goods
当事人协议如下 the parties hereto have hereby made and concluded this Agreement as follows
补税 the payment of tax unpaid
履约保证 the performance security
委托人 the pricipal
本金 the principal amount
以本法为准 the provisions hereof shall prevail
履行审批职责的有关主管部门 the relevant responsible authorities with the duty of approvals
国务院有关主管部门 the relevant responsible department of the State Council
双方受权代表 the Representatives authorized by the Parties to this Contract
常驻代表机构 the resident representative offices
上述许可证产品 the said licensed product
本合同期满 the termination of this contract
中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(北京) the Chinese International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing
合同中或合同名下的 therein or thereunder
竣工时间 time for completion
引进外资 to absorb foreign investment
据我们所知 to the best of our konwledge
图片 transparency
运输单据 transport document
合同的典型条款 typical contract provisions
权能外法理 ultra vires
就以下条款 under the terms, conditions and provisions specified as follows
不正当竞争 unfair competation
等价有偿 valuable considerations
计量 weight determination
不论如何命名或描述 whatever named or described
外资企业 wholly foreign-owned enterprise
外商独资企业 wholly foreign-owned enterprises
停业 wind up a business
回避 withdrawal
不间断地 without interruption
措辞 wording
工艺 workmanship
合作开发合同 cooperative development contract
停滞 standstill
延误 delay
失败 failure
停工 work stoppages
窝工 slow work of the labour
顺延 prolong
原材料 raw materials
设备 equipment
场地 site
资金 funds
技术资料 technical data
施工人 constractor
符合 confirm
建设质量 construction quality
无偿 free of charge
修理 repair
返工 reconstruct
改建 reconstruct
发包人 contract letting party
逾期 overdue
交付 delivery
承担责任 be liable for
要求 require
验收 inspection and acceptance
建设工程 construction works
合格 qualified
支付价款 make payments of remuneration
接收(建设工程) accept
报酬,价款 remumeration
图纸 drawing
施工图纸 construction drawings
说明书 specifications
施工验收规范 construction inspection rules
质量检验标准 quality standard
标书 tender
招标 invitation of tender
投标 submission of tender
公开 open
公平 equal
公正 fair
定作人 the ordering party
支付报酬 pay remureation
相应支付 corresponding payment
当事人另有约定的除外 unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties
技术 technology
承揽人 contractor
承揽的工作 contracted works
解除合同 rescind the contrsact
解除 recind
承租人 lessee
租金 rent
催告 urge
出租人 lessor
收回 take back
利息 interest
自然人 natural persons
借款合同 loan contract
不支付 fail to pay
利率 interest rate
违反 violate
买受人 buyer
约定 agree
借款期限 loan term
合理期限 reasonable time limit
包装方式 package manner
通用方式 general manner
和解 conciliation
调解 mediation
仲裁机构 arbittation institute
仲裁委员会 arbiration commission
仲裁协议 arbitration agreement
起诉 bring an lawsuit
仲裁裁决 arbitration award
调解书 mediation document
要约邀请 invitation for offer
向自己发出要约 make offers to the principal
价目表 price form
拍卖公告 public notice of auction
招标公告 public notice of tender
公告 public notice
招股说明书 prospectus
商业广告 commercial advertisement
处理 penalize
营运资金 working capital
实收资本 paid-up capital
筹集(资金) raise
工商行政管理机关 the industry and commerce administration authorities
调入资金 transferred capital
注册会计师 cetified public accountant
业务活动 business activity
自行终止 self-termination
中国人民银行 People's Bank of China
A Resolution for Voluntary 自动清盘决议
Abatement 减免或减轻
abduction 拐带
abortion 堕胎
absconding 弃保潜逃
Absolute assignment 绝对转让
absolute discharge 无条件释放
absolute liability 绝对法律责任
acquit [v.] 无罪释放
Act of God 天灾、神力行为
Act 作为
Action 诉讼
adjourn 休庭、延期聆讯
Adult 成人、成年人
Affidavit 誓章
age of consent 同意年龄
Agent 代理人
aiding & abetting 教唆、煽动犯罪
Arbitration 仲裁
arrest 拘捕、逮捕
Arrestable Offence 可逮捕的罪行
arrestable offence 可逮捕罪行
arson 纵火
Articles of Association 公司章程
assault 殴打
Assignment 转让契据
asymmetric cryptosystem 非对称密码系统
Auditor 核数师
Authorized share capital 法定股本
Authorized signature 经授权之签名
Available act of Bankruptcy 可用的破产作为
Bailiff 执达主任
bankruptcy debt 破产债项
Bearer 持票人
beneficiary 受益人
Bilingual Laws Advisory Committee 双语法例谘询委员会
Board of directors 董事会
British Dependent Territories citizen 英国属土公民
British Overseas citizen 英国海外公民
Building Authority 建筑事务监督
Business Registration 商业登记
Buyer 买方
Certificate of Origin 产地来源证
certificate 证书
certification practice statement 核证作业准则
Chairman of the board of directors 董事会主席
Charge 扺押
Charge 抵押
Chattel 货物或实产
Chief Justice 首席大法官
Co-owners 联名业主
commissioner 监誓员
Committed For Trial 交付审判
Common Law 普通法
Company directors 公司董事
Company Secretary 公司秘书
Company 公司
Condition precedent 先决条件
Conditions of Exchange 换地条款
Conditions of Grant 批地条款
Conditions of Sale 卖地条款
Conditions 批地条款
Consideration 代价
Consul 领事
Consular Officer 领事馆官员
Contract for service 服务合约
Contract of Sale 售卖合约
Conversion 侵占
copyright notice 版权通知
Cost, insurance, freight CIF
Counter-offer 反要约
Court of Final Appeal 终审法院
Creditor 债权人
Creditor's Ordinary Resolution 债权人普通决议
Creditor's Special Resolution 债权人会议特别决议
creditors' committee 债权人委员会
creditors' meeting 债权人的会议
Creditors' Voluntary Winding 债权人自动清盘
damage 损害
damages 损害赔偿
Debenture 债权证
debt provable in bankruptcy or provable debt 可证债权或可证债项
Debt Provable in Bankruptcy 可证债项
debtor 债务人
Deed of Mutual Covenant 大厦公契
deed 契据
digital signature 数码签署
discharge 解除
dispute resolution 和调解纠纷
dividend 股息
Document of Title to Goods 货品的所有权文件
dormant 匿名或不活动
drawee 受票人
drawer 发票人
Easement 地役权
economic rights 经济权
electronic record 电子纪录
electronic signature 电子签署
Equal Opportunity Commission 平等机会委员会
Equitable Charge 公义式扺押
Equitable Mortgage 公义式按揭
Export 输出、出口
Fault 错失
Forfeiture 没收租权
Freehold 永久业权
Future goods 期货
Gazette 宪报
Government Chemist 政府化验师
Government Land Resumption Ordinance 收回官地条例
Government Lease 官地租契
Group of Companies 公司集团
hash function 杂凑函数
Import 输入、进口
Incumbrance 负累权益
information system 资讯系统
intellectual property rights 知识产权
interim order 临时命令
Intermeddling 干预死者的遗产
International court of justice 国际法院
Joint Tenants 共有权益
Judge of the Court of Final Appeal 终审法院大法官
Judge 大法官
Judgment Creditor 判定债权人
Judgment Debtor 判定债务人
Judgment 判决
Justice, Justice of the peace 太平绅士
key pair 配对密码匙
land 土地
Lands Tribunal 土地审裁处
Law Reform Commission 法律改革委员会
Law 法律、法例、法
Leasehold 租用业权
Legal Charge 法定式扺押
Legal Mortgage 法定式按揭
licensing agreement 许可合同
Listed Company 上市公司
Medical Practitioner 医生
Members' Voluntary Winding Up 成员自动清盘
moral rights 精神权利
Mortgage 按揭
New Territories 新界
nominee 代名人
Nominee's Report 代名人报告
notary 公证人
Oath 誓言
Offence 罪、罪行、罪项、犯法行为
Official Receiver 破产管理署署长
Order in Council 枢密院颁令
ordinary resolution 普通决议
Original court 原讼法院
parallel import 平行进口
patent 专利
Payable at sight 见票即付
Payee 受款人
Personal Representative 遗产代理人
Plaintiff 原告人
Police officer 警务人员
Power 权、权力
Prevailing Market Rent 市值租金
Principal Tenant 主租客
Prison 狱、监狱
Private Company 私人公司
private key 私人密码匙
Privy Council 枢密院
Profit A Prendre 取利权
property 财产
Property 产权
proposal 建议
Prospectus 招股章程
public key 公开密码匙
Quality of Goods 货、货品
Regulations 规例
Repeal 废除
Restrictive Covenant 限制性的约言
Reversionary Title 归属主权
Right Of Way 过路权或取道权
Sale 售卖
etary for Justice 律政司司长
secured creditor 有抵押债权人
Sell 卖、售卖、出售
Seller 卖方
Share 股﹑股份
short term patent 短期专利
Sign 签名、签署
special resolution 特别决议
Specific Goods 特定货品
Statutory Declaration 法定声明
Subsidiary Legislation 附属法例
Summary conviction 简易程序定罪
Tenants-in-common 共享权益
Tenement 物业单位
Term 土地租期
Territorial Waters 领海
The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 保险业监理处
Title 业权
Town Planning Board 城市规划委员会
Trade Mark Ordinance 商标条例
Trade Mark Registry 商标注册处
trade mark relating to goods 货品商标
trade mark relating to services 服务商标
Trade mark 商标
Triable Summarily 可循简易程序审讯
Trustee of Bankruptcy 破产受托人
trustee 受托人
trustworthy system 稳当系统
United Kingdom 联合王国
Unlisted Company 非上市公司
verify a digital signature 核实数码签署
voluntary arrangement 个人自愿安排
Warranty 保证条款
Will 遗嘱
years of age 岁、年岁
to secure one's agreement 征得...的同意
Additional Words and Phrases contract price 合约价格
contract wages 合同工资
to carry out a contract 执行合同
to execute/implement/fulfil/perform a contract 执行合同
cancellation of contract 撤消合同
breach of contract 违反合同
to break the contract 毁约
to cancel the contract 撤消合同
to tear up the contract 撕毁合同
to approve the contract 审批合同
to honour the contract 重合同
to annual the contract 废除合同
to terminate the contract 解除合同
to alter the contract 修改合同
to abide by the contract 遵守合同
to go back on one's words 反悔
to be legally binding 受法律约束
to stand by 遵守
non-payment 拒不付款
completion of contract 完成合同
execution of contract 履行合同
performance of contract 履行合同
interpretation of contract 解释合同
expiration of contract 合同期满
renewal of contract 合同的续订
contract note 买卖合同(证书)
contract of employment 雇佣合同
contract of engagement 雇佣合同
contract of carriage 运输合同
contract of arbitration 仲裁合同
contract for goods 订货合同
contract for purchase 采购合同
contract for service 劳务合同
contract for future delivery 期货合同
contract of sale 销售合同
contract of insurance 保险合同
contract 合同,订立合同
contractor 订约人,承包人
contractual 合同的,契约的
to make a contract 签订合同
to place a contract 订合同
to enter into a contract 订合同
to sign a contract 签合同
to draw up a contract 拟订合同
to draft a contract 起草合同
to get a contract 得到合同
to land a contract 得到(拥有)合同
to countersign a contract 会签合同
to repeat a contract 重复合同
an executory contract 尚待执行的合同
a nice fat contract 一个很有利的合同
originals of the contract 合同正本
copies of the contract 合同副本
a written contract 书面合同
to make some concession 做某些让步
contract terms (or contract clause) 合同条款
contract provisions/stipulations 合同规定
contract period (or contract term) 合同期限
contract life 合同有效期
to be stipulated in the contract 在合同中予以规定
to be laid down in the contract 在合同中列明
to bring a contract into effect 使合同生效
to come into effect 生效
to go (enter)into force 生效
to cease to be in effect/force 失效
contract sales 订约销售
contract law 合同法
to ship a contract 装运合同的货物
contractual dispute 合同上的争议
a long-term contract 长期合同
a short-term contract 短期合同
contract parties 合同当事人
contractual practice/usage 合同惯例
contractual claim 根据合同的债权
contractual liability/obligation 合同规定的义务
contractual income 合同收入
contractual specifications 合同规定
contractual terms & conditions 合同条款和条件
contractual guarantee 合同规定的担保
contractual damage 合同引起的损害
contractual-joint-venture 合作经营,契约式联合经营