Balance Sheet 资产负债表
资产 | Asset | 负债及所有者权益 | Liabilities and owner’s equity |
流动资产 | Current Assets | 流动负债 | Current Liabilities |
货币资金 | Currency funds | 短期借款 | Short-term Borrowings |
短期投资 | Short-term Investment | 应付票据 | Bill Payable |
应收票据 | Bill Receivable | 应付帐款 | Accounts Payable |
应收股利 | Dividend Receivable | 预收帐款 | Accounts Payable in advance |
应收利息 | Interest Receivable | 应付工资 | Wages Payable |
应收帐款 | Accounts Receivable | 应付福利费 | Welfare Payable |
其他应收款 | Other Accounts Receivable | 应付股利 | Dividend Payable |
预付帐款 | Prepaid Accounts | 未交税金 | Unpaid Taxes |
应收补贴款 | Subsidy Receivable | 其他未交款 | Other Unpaid Accounts |
存货 | Inventories | 其他应付款 | Other Accounts Payable |
待摊费用 | Amortization Costs | 预提费用 | Withholding Costs |
其他流动资产 | Other Current Assets | 预计负债 | Projected Liabilities |
流动资产合计 | Total Current Assets | 其他流动负债 | Other Current Liabilities |
长期投资 | Long-term Investment |
长期股权投资 | Long-term Equity Investment | 流动负债合计 | Total Current Liabilities |
长期债权投资 | Long-term debt Investment | 长期负债 | Long-term Liabilities |
长期投资合计 | Total Long-term Investment | 长期借款 | Long-term Borrowings |
固定资产 | Fixed Assets | 应付债券 | Bond Payable |
固定资产原价 | The original price fixed assets | 长期应付款 | Long-term Accounts Payable |
累计折旧 | Accumulated depreciation | 专项应付款 | Special Accounts Payable |
固定资产净值 | Net fixed assets | 其他长期负债 | Other Long-term Liabilities |
工程物资 | Engineering Material | 长期负债合计 | Total Long-term Liabilities |
在建工程 | Project Under Construction | 递延税款 | Deferred Taxes |