- 自然科学概论 Introduction to Natural Science
- 当代美术专题 Professional Field Study on Contemporary Fine Arts
- 舞台设计制作 Stage Design & Production
- 计算机应用 Computer Applications
- 计算机绘图 Computer Graphics
- 中国美术史 History of Chinese Fine Artss
- 西洋美术史 History of Western Fine Artss
- 心理学导论 Introduction to Psychology
- 法律与生活 Laws and Life
- 多媒体设计 Multimedia Design
- 多媒体创作 Study of multimedia
- 广告设计 Advertising Design
- 影剧美术 Applied Fine Arts on Film & TV
- 美学原理 Art Theory
- 文字设计 Character Design
- 碳笔素描 Charcoal Drawing
- 色彩计划 Color Theory
- 商业设计 Commercial Design
- 服装设计 Costume Design
- 装饰工艺 Decoration Craft
- 三民主义 Dr. Sun Yat-Sen’s Thought
- 乡土艺术 Folk Arts
- 基础设计 Foundamentals for Design
- 摄影入门 Fundamentals for Photography
- 毕业制作 Honors Project (Production of Graduation Exhibition)
- 艺术概论 Introduction to Art
- 金属工艺 Metallic Craft
- 包装设计 Package Design
- 人际关系 Personal Connection
- 印刷设计 Press Design
- 造型设计 Style Design
- 立体设计 Three-dimension Design
- 立体造型 Three-dimensional Shape
- 视觉设计 Visual Image Design
- 世界文化 World Cultures
- 美术史 Art History
- 色彩学 Chromatics
- 染织学 Dying & Weaving
- 材料学 Study of Material
- 美学 Aesthetics
- 书法 Calligraphy
- 雕塑 Carving
- 陶艺 Ceramic Craft
- 彩墨 Chinese Color Painting
- 国画 Chinese Painting
- 工艺 Craft
- 地理 Geography
- 版画 Graphic Art
- 图学 Graphics
- 手染 Hand Printing
- 历史 History
- 插画 Illustration
- 化妆 Make-up
- 军训 Military Training
- 护理 Nursing
- 油画 Oil Painting
- 体育 Physical Education
- 实习 Practice
- 篆刻 Seal Cutting
- 素描 Sketching
- 印染 Staining
- 水彩 Water Color Painting Color Painting