
        China chambers and associations 中国商协会
  China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC)/ China Council for the Promotion of International Trade中国国际商会/中国贸促会
  The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce 香港总商会
  China Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Light Industrial Products & Arts-Crafts (CCCLA)中国轻工工艺品进出口商会
  China Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-Products中国食品土畜进出口商会
  China Chamber of Commerce for Textile Importers and exporters中国纺织品进出口商会
  China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products  中国机电产品进出口商会
  China Electronic Chamber of Commerce中国电子商会
  China Chamber of Commerce of Metals Minerals & Chemicals Importers & Exporters  中国五矿化工进出口商会
  China Chamber of Commerce of Medicine &Health Products Importers & Exporters  中国医药保健品进出口商会
  China Chamber of Auto &Motor Cycle Parts Importers and Exporters of All-China Federation Of Industry & Commerce  全国工商联汽车摩托车零配件商会
  Chambers and associations from overseas国际商协会
  European Union Chamber of Commerce in China中国欧盟商会
  American Chamber of Commerce in China中国美国商会
  US-China Business Council 美中贸易理事会
  British Chamber of Commerce in China 中国英国商会
  China-Australia Chamber of Commerce 澳大利亚中国商会
  Canada-China Business Council 加中贸易理事会
  China Japanese Chamber of Commerce日本中国商会
  The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China (CCIFC)中国法国工商会
  Delegation of German Industry & Commerce (AHK)/German Industry & Commerce in China (GIC)德国工商总会
  China-Italy Chamber of Commerce 意大利中国商会
  Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry印度工商会联合会
  The Korean Chamber of Commerce & Industry韩国工商会
  Russia Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry俄罗斯工商联合会
  Chamber of Commerce &Industry Brazil-China 巴西中国工商会
  Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China 西班牙中国商会
  New Zealand Chamber of Commerce and Industry 新西兰工商会
  Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce & Industry马来西亚国际工商会
  Indonesian Chinese Chamber of Commerce印尼中华总商会
  Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce新加坡中国商会
  Philippines Chamber of Industry and Commerce菲律宾工商联合会
  Federation of Thai Industries泰国工业联合会
  Viatnam Chamber of Commerce 越南工商会
  South Africa Chamber of Commerce 南非工商会
  Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry孟加拉工商会
  The Benelux Business Association China 比荷卢贸易协会(中国)
  Argentina Association of Chamber and Commerce阿根廷工商协会
  Chamber of Chile-China Commerce and Industry智利智中商会
  Council of Saudi Chambers of Commerce & Industry沙特工商会委员会
  Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry卡塔尔工商会
  Federation of Jordanian Chamber of Commerce约旦商会联合会
  Amman Chamber of Commerce and Industry安曼工商会
  Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Mines伊朗工矿商会
  Association of Commerce and Industry of United Arab Emirates阿联酋工商协会
  Dubai Association of Commerce and Industry迪拜工商协会
  Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry巴林工商会
  Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce 瑞士中国商会
  The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China瑞典中国商会
  Ukraine Chamber of Commerce 乌克兰工商会
  The Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce以色列商会联合会
  Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry科威特工商会
  The Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry(FPCCI) 巴基斯坦工商联合会
  Federation of Egyptian Chamber of Commerce 埃及工商会
  Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry葡萄牙工商会
  Romanian Association of Commerce and Industry罗马尼亚工商协会
  Polish Chamber of Commerce波兰商会
  Association of Dutch Chambers of Commerce and Industry荷兰商会协会
  Danish Chamber of Commerce丹麦商会
  Norway Business Association挪威贸易协会
  Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry匈牙利工商会
  Economic Chamber of Czech Republic捷克共和国经济商会
  Association of Enterprise Development捷克企业发展协会
  Central Chamber of Commerce in Finland芬兰中央商会
  American Consumer Electronics Association 美国消费电子协会
  Automobile Association Of Singapore新加坡汽车协会
  Russian Association of Auto Dealers俄罗斯汽车协会


