
beacon 信标灯塔
bead plane 型刨
beam 梁
beam anchorage 梁端锚固
beam and girder construction 治梁梁格结构
beam and girder framing 治梁梁格结构
beam and girder slab 交梁平板
beam and slab floor 梁板式楼板
beam aperture 梁口
beam bottom 梁底
beam calculation 梁计算
beam ceiling 露梁平板
beam column connection 梁柱接合
beam construction 梁构造
beam deflection 梁的挠曲
beam deflexion 梁的挠曲
beam design formula 梁计算公式
beam flanges out of square 梁翼歪斜
beam forms 梁模板
beam grid 梁格栅
beam grillage 梁格栅
beam hangers 梁托
beam on elastic foundation 弹性地基梁
beam sides 梁侧面
beam steel 梁钢筋
beam to beam connection 梁间结合
beam to beam moment connection 梁间刚性结合
beam to column connection 梁柱结合
beam vibrator 震动梁式振捣器
beam with overhangs 悬臂梁
beamless slab construction 无梁楼板结构
bearable load 最大承受负荷
bearer 承木
bearing 轴承
bearing bar 支撑钢筋
bearing bed 承载层
bearing block 承重块
bearing capacity 承载能力
bearing carrier 承载构件
bearing course 承重层
bearing length 支承长度
bearing partition 承重隔墙
bearing pile 承重桩
bearing plate 承重板
bearing pressure 支承压力
bearing stress 支承应力
bearing structure 承载结构
bearing support 轴承座
bearing surface 支承面
bearing test 承载试验
bearing wall 承重墙
bearing wall construction 承重墙构造
beaumontage 填料
beautification 美化
beauty 美丽
beauty parlour 美容室
bed 底盘
bed and joint width 层间接缝宽度
bed closet 吊折床的壁棚
bed groin 填积堤
bed joint 平缝
bed load trap 底砂收集器
bed mortar 灰浆层
bed of brick 砖底盘
bed of mortar 灰浆层
bed of sand 砂底盘
bed plate 底座板
bed plate foundation 床板基础
bed roughness 河床粗糙度
bed scour 河床冲刷
bedding value 地基系数
bedroom 卧室
bedroom furniture 卧室家具
bedside cabinet 床边绸
behavior in service 使用状况
behavior of structure 结构工状况
bell 钟
bell end 承口
bell mouth 承口
bell tower 钟楼
belled out pile 下端被扩口的灌桩
belled up pile 下端被扩口的灌桩
bellow framed door 折叠式门
bellows seal 波形密封
below ground tank 地下贮藏罐
belt conveyor 带形运输机
belt course 带状层
belt stress 环形应力
belt type bucket elevator 斗式提升机
belt type concrete placer 带式混凝土浇注机
belt type water strainer 带式滤水器
bench mark 水准点
bench test 试验台试验
bend 弯曲
bend test 弯曲试验
bending 弯曲
bending analysis 弯曲解析
bending bench 钢筋弯曲工专
bending failure 弯曲破坏
bending line 弯曲线
bending machine 弯曲机
bending moment 弯矩
bending moment coefficients 弯矩系数
bending moment diagram 弯矩图
bending point 弯曲点
bending press 压弯机
bending schedule 弯钢筋表
bending strength 抗弯强度
bending stress 弯曲应力
bending tensile test 弯曲张力试验
bending theory 弯曲理论
bent bar anchorage 弯筋锚固
bent frame 排架
bent member 弯曲构件
bent pipe 弯管
bent reinforcement bar 上弯钢筋
bent up bar 上弯钢筋
bentonite 膨润土
bentonite mud 膨润土泥浆
bentonite slurry 膨润土泥浆
berm 台坎
berth 系船场
berthing facilities 系船场设施
betonac 金属混凝土
bevel 斜面
bevel board 斜角板
bevel siding 互搭斜角板
bevelled glass 斜边玻璃
bezantee 圆盘花饰
bi level 错落式住宅
biaxial stress 双轴应力
bid 投标
bifold door 双褶门
bifurcation 分歧点
big city 大城市
bilateral symmetry 两侧对称
bilinear diagram 双直线图表
bill of materials 材料清单
bimoment 双弯矩
bin 料仓
bin type retaining wall 仓式挡土墙
binder 胶合剂
binding material 结合剂
binding of stones 石砌体的结合
binding rafter 承椽梁
binding reinforcement 结合钢筋
binding wire 绑札用钢丝
bio filter 生物滤池
biofilter 生物过滤器
biological control 生物学控制
biological monitoring 生物检验体
biological sewage treatment 污水生物处理
biological shielding concrete 生物屏蔽用混凝土
bionical architecture 仿生建筑
biparting door 双向滑动门
bipod 安装用人字架
birch 桦树
bird eye view 鸟瞰图
bishop 手锤
bitumastic 沥青灰胶
bitumastic paint 沥青涂料
bitumastic sealer 沥青玛缔脂填缝料
bitumen 沥青
bitumen boiler 地沥青煮器
bitumen macadam 沥青碎石路
bitumen slip coating 沥青滑泻表面处理涂层
bitumen tar binder 焦油沥青粘合料
bituminated filler 沥青处理的填料
bituminizing 沥青浸渍
bituminous cements 沥青胶结料
bituminous coating 沥青涂层
bituminous concrete 沥青混凝土
bituminous felt 沥青油毛毡
bituminous grout 沥青灰浆
bituminous mixing plant 沥青拌和装置
bituminous plastic cement 含沥青塑性胶泥
bituminous putty 沥青油灰
bituminous waterproofing 沥青防水
bivalent heat pump system 带有两种热源的热泵系统


