
bubble 气泡
bubble breakwater 空气防波堤
bubble concrete 泡沫混凝土
bucket 桶
bucket conveyor 链斗式输送机
bucket ladder dredge 多斗式挖泥船
bucket wheel excavator 斗轮挖掘机
bucket wheel suction dredger 斗轮铲式抽吸挖泥机
buckling 纵向弯曲
buckling analysis 纵向弯曲强度计算
buckling coefficient 压屈系数
buckling configuration 压屈形态
buckling length 压屈长度
buckling load 纵向弯曲荷载
buckling of plate 板的翘曲
buckling strength 纵向弯曲强度
buckling stress 纵弯曲应力
buckling test 纵向弯曲试验
bucksaw 弓锯
budget 预算
budget fund 预算资金
buffing 光磨
bugholes 凹痕
build concrete 建筑用混凝土
build labourer 建筑工人
builder 建造者
builder’s air heater 建筑物除湿热风装置
builder’s diary 施工日志
builder’s finish hardware 建筑用五金
builder’s road 施工道路
builder’s staging 施工台架
building 建筑物
building acts 建筑法规
building agreement 建筑合同
building and civil engineering structures 土木建筑工程结构
building area 建筑面积
building bar 建筑用钢筋
building berth 船台造船滑道
building block 建筑用组件块
building brick 建筑砖
building by laws 建筑条例
building climatology 建筑气候学
building code 建筑条例
building construction 房屋建筑
building construction program 建筑程序
building contract 建筑合同
building control 建筑管理
building core 建筑物的核心带
building costs 建筑成本
building density 建筑密度
building design 建筑设计
building drawing 施工图
building economy 建筑经济
building engineer 建筑工程师
building engineering 建筑工程
building expert 建筑专家
building fiberboard 建筑纤维板
building frame 房屋构架
building fund 房产基金
building implements 建筑设备
building impost 拱墩
building industry 建筑工业
building inspector 建筑检查员
building line 建筑线
building management 房屋管理
building manager 房屋管理者
building manager office 建筑物经理办公室
building material machines 建筑材料产机
building materials 建筑材料
building mortar 建筑用灰泥
building of institute 研究所建筑物
building office 施工办公室
building operations 建筑施工
building paper 建筑用纸
building part 建筑部分
building performance 建筑性能
building permit 建筑许可证
building population 房屋人口
building pressure 建筑内空气压力
building products 建筑产品
building regulations 建筑规定
building research station 建筑科学研究所
building sand 建筑用砂
building sealant 填缝料
building sides 建筑面
building site 工地
building society 建筑社团
building space 建筑物空间
building stone 建筑石材
building supervision 建筑管理
building technician 建筑技术者
building technology 建筑工程学
building timber 建筑木材
building trade 建筑业
building types 建筑形式
building unit 建筑构件
building up 装配
building yard 建筑场地
built in beam 固定梁
built in items 嵌入部件
built ins 嵌入部件
built up area 建成区
built up beam 组合梁
built up construction 组合构架
built up frame 组合构架
built up laminated wood 胶合板
built up member 装配件
built up membrane 合成薄膜
built up timber 组合木部件
bulk cement 散装水泥
bulk cement lorry 散装水泥卡车
bulk cement plant 散装水泥料斗
bulk cement truck 散装水泥卡车
bulk loading 散装
bulk material 疏松材料
bulk modulus 体积弹性模量
bulk product 散货
bulkhead 隔壁
bulking 膨胀
bulking sludge 膨胀污泥
bull header 圆端砖
bull nose brick 单圆角砖
bulwark 防护堤
bump 冲击
bund 急坡堤岸
bundle 束
bunker 料斗
buoyant foundation 浮筏基础
buried concrete 地下混凝土
buried laying 隐埋敷设
burl 述
burner 燃烧嘴
burning 煅烧
burning of refractories 耐火材料焙烧
burnishing 磨光
burnt aggregate 烧结骨料
burnt and ground lime 粉沫生石灰
burnt brick 烧透砖
burnt lime 生石灰
burst 破裂
bursting stress 破坏应力
bush 套筒
bush hammer 凿石锤
bush hammer finish 凿石锤装修
bush hammered concrete 石锤修琢混凝土
business buildings 商业建筑物
butt 连接
butt joint 对接
butt strap 对接贴板
butt welding 对顶焊接
butterfly damper 蝶形气邻阀
butterfly gate 蝶式闸门
butterfly roof 蝶形屋面
butterfly valve 蝶形阀
buttering 涂灰浆
buttery 食品储藏室;贮藏库
buttress 扶壁
buttress bracing strut 扶壁刚性梁
buttress dam 扶壁式坝
buttress head 垛头
buttress type power house 支墩式发电厂建筑物
buttress water power station 支墩式水力发电厂
butyl rubber tape 异丁橡胶带
bye wash 排水管沟
bypass 旁道
bypass pipe 旁通管
bypass valve 旁通阀


