compression member 压缩构件
compression refrigerating machine 压缩式制冷机
compression reinforcement 受压钢筋
compression strength 抗压强度
compression tank 受压容器
compression test 压缩试验
compression testing machine 压缩试验机
compression wave 压力波
compressive force 压缩力
compressive load 压缩负载
compressive reinforcement 受压钢筋
compressive strain 压缩变形
compressive strength 抗压强度
compressive stress 压缩应力
compressive zone 受压区
compressor 压缩机
compressor station 压缩机站
compressor unit 压缩机组
computation 计算
computation of stresses 应力计算
computational mistake 计算误差
computed strength 计算强度
computer aided design 计算机辅助设计
concave camber 凹面
concave joint 凹缝
concealed conduit 暗管
concentrated force 集中力
concentrated load 集中载荷
concentration of construction 集中施工
concentration of dust 尘埃浓度
concentration of population 人口集中度
concert hall 音乐厅
conch 半园形屋顶
concourse 中央大厅
concrete 混凝土
concrete accelerator 混凝土速凝剂
concrete additive 混凝土掺合料
concrete admixture 混凝土掺合料
concrete aggregate 混凝土骨料
concrete antifreezer 混凝土防冻剂
concrete arch 混凝土拱
concrete area 混凝土面积
concrete base 混凝土底座
concrete batching plant 混凝土分批搅拌装置
concrete beam 混凝土梁
concrete bed 混凝土底座
concrete belt placing tower 混凝土带输送灌注塔
concrete bent construction 混凝土排架结构
concrete bin 混凝土贮料斗
concrete blanket 混凝土罩面
concrete blinding coat 混凝土填充面层
concrete block 混凝土砌块
concrete block construction 混凝土块结构
concrete block pavement 混凝土块铺砌
concrete blockwork 混凝土块砌筑
concrete bonding plaster 混凝土粘结灰泥
concrete breaker 混凝土破碎机
concrete brick 混凝土砖
concrete bridge 混凝土桥
concrete bucket 混凝土吊罐
concrete buggy 混凝土手推车
concrete caisson 混凝土沉箱
concrete cap 混凝土柱帽
concrete carriageway 混凝土车道
concrete cart 混凝土独轮手推车
concrete casting 混凝土浇灌
concrete catch gutter 混凝土溜槽
concrete ceiling 混凝土顶棚
concrete central mix plant 混凝土搅拌装置
concrete chute 混凝土运送溜槽
concrete chuting cable crane 滑槽运送混凝土用死起重设备
concrete coloring 混凝土着色
concrete compacted by jolting 振实混凝土
concrete compactor 混凝土压实器
concrete composition 混凝土成分
concrete compression strength 混凝土抗压强度
concrete consistence 混凝土稠度
concrete construction 混凝土构造物
concrete conveying pipe 混凝土输送管
concrete core 混凝土心
concrete core slab 混凝土空心板
concrete core unit 混凝土空心板
concrete cover 混凝土保护层
concrete crushing strength 混凝土抗压强度
concrete curing 混凝土养护
concrete cutting machine 混凝土切断机
concrete dam 混凝土坝
concrete deposit 浇注混凝土
concrete depositing 混凝土浇注
concrete design 混凝土设计
concrete desintegration 混凝土混合料离析
concrete dispenser 混凝土分配器
concrete finishing machine 混凝土整面机
concrete floor 混凝土底板
concrete for radioactive ray shielding 放射线屏蔽用混凝土
concrete form 浇混凝土用模板
concrete foundation 混凝土基础
concrete foundation block 混凝土基础块
concrete frame 混凝土构架
concrete girder bridge 混凝土梁式桥
concrete grade 混凝土标号
concrete grillage 混凝土格床
concrete grout 混凝土浆
concrete grouter 混凝土灌浆机
concrete gun 混凝土喷枪
concrete hardening 混凝土硬化
concrete hollow block 混凝土空心砌块
concrete in mass 大体积混凝土
concrete in water 水中混凝土
concrete industry 混凝土工业
concrete injection unit 混凝土灌浆机
concrete interlocking tile 混凝土联锁瓦
concrete joint sealing compound 混凝土接缝封塞料
concrete laboratory 混凝土试验室
concrete layer 混凝土层
concrete laying machine 混凝土摊铺机
concrete levelling course 混凝土整平层
concrete lighting columm 混凝土照鸣
concrete ligthing mast 混凝土照鸣
concrete line 混凝土输送管
concrete lining 混凝土衬砌
concrete masonry 混凝土块砌筑
concrete mix 混凝土拌合料
concrete mix vibration 混凝土拌合料的振动
concrete mixer 混凝土搅拌机
concrete mixer on truck 运货汽车混凝土搅拌机
concrete mixer with vibrating blades 混凝土振动搅拌机
concrete mixing 混凝土搅拌
concrete mixing plant 混凝土搅拌装置
concrete mixture 混凝土混合料
conconcrete mould oil 混凝土模板用油
concrete nail 混凝土钉
concrete of dry consistency 干稠度混凝土
concrete of high early strength 早强混凝土
concrete of low porosity 密实混凝土
concrete of one consistency 等稠度混凝土
concrete of stiff consistency 干硬性混凝土
concrete paint 混凝土涂料
concrete patching 混凝土路面修补
concrete pavement 混凝土面层
concrete pavement spreader 混凝土路面摊铺机
concrete paver 混凝土铺路机
concrete paving block 铺筑混凝土路面块
concrete pile 混凝土桩
concrete pile follower 混凝土桩帽
concrete pile foundation 混凝土桩基础
concrete piling 混凝土排桩
concrete pipe 混凝土管
concrete placement 混凝土浇注
concrete placer 混凝土浇注机
concrete plasticiser 混凝土塑化剂
concrete pouring 混凝土浇注
concrete preparing equipment 混凝土准备设施
concrete products 混凝土制品
concrete progress chart 混凝土工程进度表
concrete pump 混凝土泵
concrete pumping 混凝土泵送
concrete radiation shield 混凝土防辐射罩
concrete reactor shield 混凝土反应堆护罩
concrete reinforcement 混凝土钢筋
concrete reinforcing cage 混凝土钢筋笼
concrete resistant to weather 耐气侯混凝土
concrete road 混凝土道路
concrete roof 混凝土屋顶
concrete roof deck 混凝土屋顶板
concrete saw 混凝土锯
concrete segregation 混凝土混合料离析
concrete setting 混凝土凝固
concrete shrinkage 混凝土收缩
concrete skeleton 混凝土骨架
concrete slab 混凝土板
concrete sleeper 混凝土枕木
concrete spraying 混凝土喷洒
concrete spreader 混凝土摊铺机
concrete steel building 钢筋混凝土建筑物
concrete stone 混凝土石
concrete strength 混凝土强度
concrete stress 混凝土应力
concrete structure 混凝土建筑物
concrete technology 混凝土工艺学
concrete test cube 混凝土立方体试块
concrete texture 混凝土纹理
concrete tile 混凝土瓦
concrete transporter 混凝土运送机
concrete truck 混凝土混合料输送车
concrete vibrator 混凝土振动器
concrete waffle slab 混凝土格子板
concrete waterproofer 混凝土防水剂
concrete with crushed stone 碎石混凝土
concrete with entrained air 加气混凝土
concrete with honeycombed spots 蜂窝状混凝土
concrete work 混凝土工程
concrete worker 混凝土工
concreter 混凝土工
concreting 浇注混凝土
concreting boom 浇注混凝土起重机臂
concreting gang 混凝土工奏
concreting in freezing weather 冻期灌筑混凝土
concreting in lifts 分层灌筑混凝土
concreting in site 现场灌筑混凝土
concreting outfit 混凝土施工设备
concreting paper 混凝土浇筑用纸
concreting sequence 混凝土浇注次序
concreting skip 混凝土吊斗
concreting tower 混凝土浇灌塔
concreting train 混凝土列车
condensate 冷凝水
condensate line 冷凝水管路
condensate pump 凝结水泵
condensate return pipe 凝结水回收管
condensate trap 凝汽筒
condensation 凝结
condensation heat 凝结热
condensation tank 冷凝水槽
condenser 冷凝器
condensing apparatus 冷凝器
condensing pressure 冷凝压力
condensing unit 冷凝装置
condition of contract 契约条例
condition of instability 不稳定性条件
condition of labor 劳动条件
condition of loading 负载情况
conditioned space 空气第空间
conditioner 第器
conditioning 第
conditions of exposure 曝光条件
conduction of heat 热传导
conductor 导体
conduit 水路
cone 圆锥
cone penetration test 锥体贯入度试验
cone penetrometer 圆锥贯入仪
cone shell 锥形薄壳
cone test 锥体试验
confined water 受压水
confining bed 不透水层
conical broach roof 圆锥形屋盖
conical shell 锥形薄壳
coniferous forest 针叶林
conjugate beam 共轭梁
conjugate depths 共轭水深
conjugation 结合
connecting angle 连接角钢
connecting bolt 连接螺栓
connecting reinforcement 连接钢筋
connection 接头
connection dimension 连接尺寸
connector 连接端子
conoidal shell 劈锥曲面壳
conservation 守恒
conservation of energy 能量守恒
conservation of nature 自然保护
consistance 稠度
consistency 稠度
consistency index 稠度指数
consistency test of concrete 混凝土稠度试验
consistometer 稠度计
console 伸臂
consolidation 压实
consolidation grouting 固结灌浆
consolidation settlement 固结沉降
consolidation test 固结试验
consolidation test apparatus 固结仪
consolidometer 固结仪
constant dimension column 等截面柱
constant pressure regulator 恒压第器
constant pressure valve 恒压阀
constituent 成分