实贷实存 actual loans and deposits
融通资金 allocate funds
规模效益 an economy of scale
买方信贷/卖方信贷 buyer credits/supplier credits
商业票据 commercial bills
采取灵活措施 exercise flexible measures
财税改革 fiscal and tax reform
回收快 gain quick return
宽限期 grace period
便民服务 handy service for the public
失业保险 insurance for the unemployed
大额定期储蓄存单 large amount deposit receipts
信贷额度 line of credit
财政包干 local governments are responsible for their own finance; fiscal contract responsibility system
生活待遇 material amenities
混合信贷 mixed credits
货币投放 money supply
信贷资金运行机制 operational mechanism of credit capitals
退休(养老)金 pensions
社会救济对象 people eligible for social relief
履约保证金 performance guarantee
盈利能力 profitability
累进税率 progressive tax rate
差额垫支担保 provide shortfall payment guarantee
回报率 rate or return (ROR)
回流贷款 recycling loan
还本付息 repay principle and pay interest on loans
偿还期限 repayment terms
财政 revenue and public financing
风险责任 risk responsibility
社会保险 social insurance
社会保障 social security
社会福利院 social welfare home
社会福利 social welfare service
优惠贷款 soft loan
国家/企业债券 state/enterprises bonds
统计结算和信息传递 statistics, account-settling and information transferring
股票 stocks
利税分流 system whereby state-owned enterprises pay tax plus a percentage of profits
分税制 system whereby tax revenues are shared by central and local authorities
税基 tax base