银行专用 :
² 招商银行:China Merchants Bank
² 中国工商银行:Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
² 中国农业银行:Agricultural Bank of China
² 花旗银行:Citibank
² 中信银行:China Citic Bank
² 交通银行:Bank of Communications
² 中国光大银行:China Everbright Bank
² 中国建设银行:China Construction Bank
² 广东发展银行:Guangdong Development Bank
² 中国银行:Bank of China
² 中国民生银行:China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd.
² 兴业银行:Industrial Bank Co., Ltd.
² 北京银行:Bank of China
银行摘要 :
² 转账:Transfer
² 短信费:SMS fee
² 账户管理费:Account management fee
² 现存/现金存入:Cash deposit
² 转支:Withdrawal through transfer
² 结息:Interest settlement
² 消费:Consumption
² 网银转账:Online transfer/ Transfer via online bank
² 现支:Cash withdrawal
² 手续费:Service fee
² 利息税:Interest tax
² ATM跨行取现:Draw cash across bank from ATM
² 转存:Redeposit
² 委托扣:Entrusted deduction
² 基金分红:Fund dividends
² 授权结算:Authorized settlement
² 转款:Transfer
² 快捷支付:swift payment
² 活期转入:Transferred in from current account
² 收费:Charge
² 客户转账:Customer transfer
² 网上消费: Online spending/ Online consumption
² 柜台存款:Counter deposit
² 信用卡存:Deposit in credit card
² 分红:Dividends of wealth management
² 还本:Principal refund of wealth management
² 汇入汇款:Inward remittance
² 利息转存:Interest redeposit
² 电子支付:Electronic payment
² 跨行来账:
² 银联ATM: Unionpay at ATM
² POS消费:POS consumption
² 转账销户: Transfer and close an account
² 基金认购、申购、赎回:Subscription/Purchasing/redeeming fund
² 电话费:Telephone fee
² ATM跨行费:ATM inter-bank fee
² 账户结息:Interest settlement
² 柜台取现:Draw cash at counter
² 即时售汇:Instant sale
² 对私提回贷:Personal
² 个人售汇:Personal sales of Fx
² 转账收费:Transfer fee
² 手机费:Mobile phone fee
² 国际结算费:International settlement fee
² 转账汇款:Transfer remittance
² 行内汇入:Internal Remittance
² 移动:China Mobile
² 电信:Telecom
² 报销:reimbursement
² 网转:Online transfer
² 跨行费:Inter-bank charge
² 无折转客户账:No passbook transfer-in
² 消费或网付:Consumption or online payment
² 无折客账转账:No passbook transfer-out
² 对私电汇费:Personal telegraphic transfer fee
² 对私电子汇划:Personal telegraphic transfer
² 无折直接贷记:No passbook direct credit
² 无折直接借记:No passbook direct debit
² 应付利息结息:Interest payable settlement
² 网银跨省汇划:Online banking trans-provincial remittance and transfer
² ATM转入:Transfer-in at ATM
² ATM取款/ATM支取:Withdrawal at ATM
² 自动转存:Automatic redeposit
² 整存整取:Lump sum deposit & withdrawal
² 自动还款:Automatic repayment
² 跨行汇款:Inter-bank remittance
² 汇费:Remittance fee
² 奖金:Bonus
² 他行汇入:Remitted across bank/ Inward remittance from other bank
² 柜面交易:Transaction over the counter
² 换折:Renewal
² 银证:Bank securities
² 汇款:Remittance
² 累存:Accumulated deposit
² 累取:Accumulated withdrawal
² 有线:Cable charge
² 公积金还贷:Fund deducted account of housing loan
² 扣年费:Deduction for annual fee
² 报销费:Reimbursement fee
² 补正:Correction
² 支付通:Icard pay
² 网通费:CNC fee
² 抹帐:Reversing an entry
² 劳务:Labor service
² 报销劳务:Reimbursement for labor cost
² 认购:Subscription
² 承上:Brought down
² 合并:Merge
² 帐服费:Small management fee
² 活期账户:Current Account
² 借款:Loan
² 卡取:Card withdrawal/Withdrawal by bank card
² 跨行:Inter-bank
² 卡存:Card deposit/Deposit by bank card
² 定期转活期:Term account transfer to current account
² 同城汇转本 Local Remittance transfer principal
² 冲补帐:Rush Fill Accounts
² 账号历史交易明细表: Account History Transaction Statement
² 活期结算户:Current Account
² 整存整取户:lump-sum deposit and withdrawal
² 冻结:Blocked
² 理财购买:
² 理财到期:
² 房产证:Real estate title deed
² 购房合同:House purchase contract
² 购房发票:Purchase Invoice
² 契税完税证:Deed tax certificate
² 房贷合同:House loan contract
² 贷款还款查询信息:Inquiry Information of Loan Payment of the house
² 房产评估报告:Real estate appraisal report
银行专用 :
² 招商银行:China Merchants Bank
² 中国工商银行:Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
² 中国农业银行:Agricultural Bank of China
² 花旗银行:Citibank
² 中信银行:China Citic Bank
² 交通银行:Bank of Communications
² 中国光大银行:China Everbright Bank
² 中国建设银行:China Construction Bank
² 广东发展银行:Guangdong Development Bank
² 中国银行:Bank of China
² 中国民生银行:China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd.
² 兴业银行:Industrial Bank Co., Ltd.
² 北京银行:Bank of China
银行摘要 :
² 转账:Transfer
² 短信费:SMS fee
² 账户管理费:Account management fee
² 现存/现金存入:Cash deposit
² 转支:Withdrawal through transfer
² 结息:Interest settlement
² 消费:Consumption
² 网银转账:Online transfer/ Transfer via online bank
² 现支:Cash withdrawal
² 手续费:Service fee
² 利息税:Interest tax
² ATM跨行取现:Draw cash across bank from ATM
² 转存:Redeposit
² 委托扣:Entrusted deduction
² 基金分红:Fund dividends
² 授权结算:Authorized settlement
² 转款:Transfer
² 快捷支付:swift payment
² 活期转入:Transferred in from current account
² 收费:Charge
² 客户转账:Customer transfer
² 网上消费: Online spending/ Online consumption
² 柜台存款:Counter deposit
² 信用卡存:Deposit in credit card
² 分红:Dividends of wealth management
² 还本:Principal refund of wealth management
² 汇入汇款:Inward remittance
² 利息转存:Interest redeposit
² 电子支付:Electronic payment
² 跨行来账:
² 银联ATM: Unionpay at ATM
² POS消费:POS consumption
² 转账销户: Transfer and close an account
² 基金认购、申购、赎回:Subscription/Purchasing/redeeming fund
² 电话费:Telephone fee
² ATM跨行费:ATM inter-bank fee
² 账户结息:Interest settlement
² 柜台取现:Draw cash at counter
² 即时售汇:Instant sale
² 对私提回贷:Personal
² 个人售汇:Personal sales of Fx
² 转账收费:Transfer fee
² 手机费:Mobile phone fee
² 国际结算费:International settlement fee
² 转账汇款:Transfer remittance
² 行内汇入:Internal Remittance
² 移动:China Mobile
² 电信:Telecom
² 报销:reimbursement
² 网转:Online transfer
² 跨行费:Inter-bank charge
² 无折转客户账:No passbook transfer-in
² 消费或网付:Consumption or online payment
² 无折客账转账:No passbook transfer-out
² 对私电汇费:Personal telegraphic transfer fee
² 对私电子汇划:Personal telegraphic transfer
² 无折直接贷记:No passbook direct credit
² 无折直接借记:No passbook direct debit
² 应付利息结息:Interest payable settlement
² 网银跨省汇划:Online banking trans-provincial remittance and transfer
² ATM转入:Transfer-in at ATM
² ATM取款/ATM支取:Withdrawal at ATM
² 自动转存:Automatic redeposit
² 整存整取:Lump sum deposit & withdrawal
² 自动还款:Automatic repayment
² 跨行汇款:Inter-bank remittance
² 汇费:Remittance fee
² 奖金:Bonus
² 他行汇入:Remitted across bank/ Inward remittance from other bank
² 柜面交易:Transaction over the counter
² 换折:Renewal
² 银证:Bank securities
² 汇款:Remittance
² 累存:Accumulated deposit
² 累取:Accumulated withdrawal
² 有线:Cable charge
² 公积金还贷:Fund deducted account of housing loan
² 扣年费:Deduction for annual fee
² 报销费:Reimbursement fee
² 补正:Correction
² 支付通:Icard pay
² 网通费:CNC fee
² 抹帐:Reversing an entry
² 劳务:Labor service
² 报销劳务:Reimbursement for labor cost
² 认购:Subscription
² 承上:Brought down
² 合并:Merge
² 帐服费:Small management fee
² 活期账户:Current Account
² 借款:Loan
² 卡取:Card withdrawal/Withdrawal by bank card
² 跨行:Inter-bank
² 卡存:Card deposit/Deposit by bank card
² 定期转活期:Term account transfer to current account
² 同城汇转本 Local Remittance transfer principal
² 冲补帐:Rush Fill Accounts
² 账号历史交易明细表: Account History Transaction Statement
² 活期结算户:Current Account
² 整存整取户:lump-sum deposit and withdrawal
² 冻结:Blocked
² 理财购买:
² 理财到期:
² 房产证:Real estate title deed
² 购房合同:House purchase contract
² 购房发票:Purchase Invoice
² 契税完税证:Deed tax certificate
² 房贷合同:House loan contract
² 贷款还款查询信息:Inquiry Information of Loan Payment of the house
² 房产评估报告:Real estate appraisal report