先投资,后调查 "Invest, Then Investigate"
私人投资公开股票 "Private Investment, Public Equity (PIPE)"
销售及行政开支 "Selling, General, & Administrative Expenses (SG&A)"
加快折旧 Accelerated Depreciation
意外与健康福利 Accident and Health Benefits
应收账款 Accounts Receivable (AR)
具增值作用的收购项目 Accretive Acquisition
酸性测试比率 Acid Test
收购 Acquisition
收购溢价 Acquisition Premium
天灾债券 Act of God Bond
活跃债券投资者 Active Bond Crowd
活动收入 Active Income
积极投资 Active Investing
积极管理 Active Management
以活动为基础的预算案 Activity Based Budgeting
以活动为基础的管理 Activity Based Management
活动比率 Activity Ratio
实际回报 Actual Return
精算 Actuary
联营公司 Affiliated Companies
关联人士 Affiliated Person
收盘后交易 After Hours Trading
税后营运收入 After Tax Operating Income - ATOI
税后利润率 After Tax Profit Margin
收盘铃后 After The Bell
机构债券 Agency Bonds
交叉代理人 Agency Cross
代理问题 Agency Problem