测绘资料 Surveying and mapping data
地形测绘 Topographic surveying and mapping
坝址区 Dam area
料场 Stock yard
水下测绘 Underwater surveying and mapping
库区 Reservoir area
地质勘察 Geological exploration
岩土调查 Geotechnical investigation
工程地质填图 Engineering geological mapping
声波测试 Acoustic wave test
试坑 Test pit
表土取样 Topsoil sampling
地球物理测量 Geophysical survey
区域地质构造 Regional tectonics
地震安全评价 Seismic safety evaluation
松散沉积层 Loose sediments
基岩 Bed rock
地下水渗流 Groundwater seepage
径流 Runoff
回水 Return water
电力系统 Power system
需求预测 Demand forecast
水力 Hydraulic power
动能 Kinetic energy
特征水位 Characteristic water level
装机容量 Installed capacity
坝轴线 Dam axis
引水发电建筑 Water diversion & power generation building
泄洪建筑物 Flood releasing structure
枢纽布置 Junction layout
天然水位流量关系线 Relation line of natural water level and flow
挡水坝 Water retaining dam
坝顶超高 Freeboard of embankment
溢流坝 Overflow dam
水力学 Hydraulics
底孔坝 Bottom dam
开关站 Switching station
主变 Main transformer
拦污栅 Trash rack
闸门 Gate
平面闸门 Plane gate
弧形闸门 Radial gate
单向门机 One-way gantry crane
双向门机 Two-way gantry crane
液压启闭机 Hydraulic hoist
台车式启闭机 Platform hoist
桥式起重机 Bridge crane
水轮机 Water turbine
水轮发电机 Hydro generator
调速器 Speed controller
油压装置 Oil pressure unit
加压泵 Pressure pump
检修排水泵 Service drainage pump
渗漏排水泵 Seepage drainage pump
消防供水泵 Fire water supply pump
透平油 Turbine oil
绝缘油 Insulating oil
真空过滤机 Vacuum filter
储气罐 Air storage tank
出线 Outgoing line
发电机—变压器组 Generator-transformer unit
双卷无励磁调压升压变压器 Double-winding non-excitation voltage regulating and step-up transformer
单母线带旁路接线 Single bus connection with bypass
一次副厂房 Primary auxiliary powerhouse
自然油循环风冷却 Air cooling by natural oil circulation
额定容量 Rated capacity
额定电压比 Rated voltage ratio
高压分接头范围 High-voltage tap range
全封闭组合电器 Gas insulated switchgear
额定开断电流 Rated breaking current
短路关合电流 Short-circuit making current
额定短时耐受电流 Rated short-time withstand current
额定峰值耐受电流 Rated peak withstand current
额定绝缘水平 Rated insulation level
雷电冲击耐受电压 Lightning impulse withstand voltage
工频耐受电压 Power frequency withstand voltage
发电机断路器 Generator circuit breaker
电压互感器 voltage transformer
单相固定式开关柜 Single-phase fixed-type switchgear
离相封闭母线 Isolated-phase bus
单机容量 Unit capacity
额定持续电流 Rated uninterrupted current
地面式厂房 Ground powerhouse
安装间 Erection bay
继电保护 Relay protection
主变保护 Main transformer protection
励磁变压器 Exciting transformer
纵联差动保护 Longitudinal differential protection
复合电压 Compound voltage
失磁保护 Excitation loss protection
过电流保护 Over current protection
过电压保护 Overvoltage protection
过负荷保护 Overload protection
一点接地保护 One-point ground protection
厂用变 Auxiliary transformer
速断保护 Quick break protection
纵差保护 Longitudinal differential protection
瓦斯保护 Gas protection
双重化配置 Double configuration
全线速动保护 Full-line high speed protection
断路器失灵保护 Breaker failure protection
微机光纤分相电流差动保护 Microcomputer-based optical fiber split-phase current differential protection
重合闸 Re closure
二次接线 Secondary connection
计算机监控系统 Computer monitoring system
现场调试 Field debugging
电气量 Electric quantity
变送器 Transducer
标准信号 Standard signal
交流采样 AC sampling
有功电度表 Active watt-hour meter
无功电度表 Reactive watt-hour meter
同期装置 Synchronization device
自动准同期 Automatic quasi-synchronization
音响信号 Audible signal
无源接点 Electrical independent contact
高频开关 High-frequency switch
灭磁开关 Excitation extinguishing switch
阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池 Valve-regulated sealed lead-acid battery
单母线分段接线 Sectionalized single-bus configuration
非电量 Non electrical quantity
消防联动控制 Fire-fighting joint control
视频监视系统 Video monitoring system
厂房 Factory building
尾水 Tail water
远方监控 Remote monitoring
彩色监视器 Color monitor
光纤复合架空地线 Optical fiber composite overhead ground wire (OPGW)
光通信设备 Optical communication equipment
程控交换机 SPC exchange
程控调度交换机 Program-control dispatch exchanger
公用系统 Utility system
工业电视系统 Industry television system
远动 Telecontrol
控制电缆 Control cable
电工实验室 Electrical Laboratory
环评 Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
输电系统 Power transmission system
网架规划 Network planning
枢纽变电站 Hub substation
架空输电线路 Overhead transmission line
铝业 Aluminium industry
接入系统 Access system
同塔双回架空线路 Double-circuit overhead line on the same tower