建筑板材 building board
建筑材料表 list of building materials
建筑材料检验 building material testing
建筑材料行 building material dealer
建筑材料运输列车 construction train
建筑草图 architectural sketch
建筑朝向 building orientation
建筑成本预算 construction cost estimate
建筑承包商 building contractor
建筑尺度 architectural scale
建筑处理 architectural treatment
建筑创作 architectural creation
建筑大五金 architectural metalwork
建筑大样 architectural detail
建筑单元 building unit
建筑费 construction cost
建筑风格 architectural style
建筑辅助系统 building subsystem
建筑钢 construction(al) steel
建筑钢板 building sheet
建筑高度 building height; height of building
建筑高度分区 building height zoning; height zoning
建筑工程升降机 builder's lift
建筑工地选择 siting
建筑工羊角锤头 builder's claw hammer head
建筑工业 building industry; construction industry
建筑工种 building trades
建筑构思 architectural conception
建筑构图 compostion on architecture; architectural composition
建筑构造 building construction
建筑估价 building cost estimate
建筑管理 architectural control
建筑规程 building regulations
建筑规范 building code
建筑机械 construction machinery; building machinery
建筑及维护规则 recommendation
建筑结构 building structure
建筑结构分析语言 structural engineering system solver (STRESS)
建筑立面 elevation of building; building elevation
建筑沥青 bitumen for building; building asphalt No. 10
建筑力学 architectural mechanics
建筑铝型材生产线 architectural aluminium profile production line
建筑毛面积 gross floor area
建筑毛造价 gross building cost
建筑面积 area of structure; covered area
建筑面积比 floor-area ratio (F.A.R.)
建筑面积指标 floor-space index (F.S.I.)
建筑模数 building module