中医 | (1)traditional Chinese medicine;(2)traditional Chinese physician |
中药 | Chinese materia medica |
中医学 | traditional Chinese medicine |
中药学 | Chinese materia medica |
中医药 | traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy |
中医药学 | traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy |
中西医结合 | integration of traditional and western medicine |
中医基础理论 | basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine |
中医诊断学 | Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
方剂学 | prescriptions of Chinese materia medica |
中医内科学 | internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine |
中医外科学 | surgery of traditional Chinese medicine |
中医皮肤科学 | dermatology of traditional Chinese medicine |
中医肛肠科学 | proctology of traditional Chinese medicine |
中医妇科学 | gynecology of traditional Chinese medicine |
中医儿科学 | pediatrics of traditional Chinese medicine |
中医眼科学 | ophthalmology of traditional Chinese medicine |
中医耳鼻喉科学 | otorhinolaryngology of traditional Chinese medicine |
中医骨伤科学 | osteology and traumatology of traditional Chinese medicine |
中医急诊学 | science of emergency of traditional Chinese medicine |
针灸学 | science of acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine |
中医推拿学 | science of tuina of traditional Chinese medicine |
中医养生学 | science of health maintenance of traditional Chinese medicine |
中医康复学 | science of rehabilitation of traditional Chinese medicine |
中医护理学 | science of nursery of traditional Chinese medicine |
温病学 | science of epidemic febrile disease of traditional Chinese medicine |
药用植物学 | pharmaceutical botany |
中药化学 | chemistry of Chinese materia medica |
中药药理学 | pharmacology of Chinese materia medica |
中药鉴别学 | identification of Chinese materia medica |
中药炮制学 | science of processing Chinese materia medica |
中药药剂学 | pharmacy of Chinese materia medica |
中药制剂分析 | analysising drug form of Chinese materia medica |
中国医学史 | Chinese medical history |
中医文献学 | Chinese medical literature |
中医各家学说 | theories of schools of traditional Chinese medicine |
医案 | medical record |
国家中医药管理局 | State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
中华中医药学会 | China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
世界针灸学会联合会 | World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies |
中国针灸学会 | China Association of Acupuncture and Moxibustion |
中国中西医结合学会 | Chinese Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine |
中国民族医药学会 | Chinese Association of Minority Medicine;China Medical Association of Minorities |
中医师 | traditional Chinese physician |
中药师 | traditional Chinese pharmacist |
五十二病方 | 52 Bing Fang; Prescriptions for Fifty-two Diseases |
灵枢经 | Lingshu Jing; Miraculous Pivot |
素问 | Suwen; Plain Questions |
黄帝内经 | Huangdi Neijing; Inner Canon of Huangdi;Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor |
神农本草经 | Shennong Bencao Jing; Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica |
难经 | Nan Jing; Classic of Questioning |
伤寒杂病论 | Shanghan Zabing Lun; Treatise on Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases |
伤寒论 | Shanghan Lun; Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases |
金匮要略 | Jingui Yaolue; Synopsis of Golden Chamber |
针灸甲乙经 | Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing; A-B Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion |
脉经 | Mai Jing; Pulse Classic |
肘后备急方 | Zhouhou Beiji Fang; Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergency |
刘涓子鬼遗方 | Liu Juanzi Guiyi Fang; Liu Juanzi's Remedies Bequeathed by Ghosts |
雷公炮炙论 | Leigong Paozhi Lun; Master Lei's Discourse on Drug Processing |
神农本草经集注 | Shennong Bencao Jing Jizhu; Variorum of Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica |
黄帝内经太素 | Huangdi Neijing Taisu; Grand Simplicity of Inner Canon of Huangdi |
诸病源候论 | Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun; General Treatise on Causes and Manifestations of All Diseases |
备急千金要方 | Beiji Qianjin Yao Fang; Essential Recipes for Emergent Use Worth A Thousand Gold |
新修本草 | Xinxiu Bencao; Newly Revised Materia Medica |
千金翼方 | Qianjin Yi Fang; A Supplement to Recipes Worth A Thousand Gold |
本草拾遗 | Bencao Shiyi; A Supplement to Materia Medica |
食疗本草 | Shiliao Bencao; Materia Medica for Dietotherapy |
外台秘要方 | Waitai Miyao Fang; Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library |
食医心鉴 | Shiyi Xin Jian; Heart Mirror of Dietotherapy |
海药本草 | Haiyao Bencao; Oversea Materia Medica |
太平圣惠方 | Taiping Shenghui Fang; Taiping Holy Prescriptions for Universal Relief |
经史证类备急本草 | Jing Shi Zheng Lei Beiji Bencao; Classified Materia Medica from Historical Classics for Emergency |
太平惠民和剂局方 | Taiping Huimin Heji Ju Fang; Prescriptions of the Bureau of Taiping People's Welfare Pharmacy |
圣济总录 | Sheng Ji Zonglu; General Records of Holy Universal Relief |
本草衍义 | Bencao Yanyi; Augmented Materia Medica |
圣济经 | Sheng Ji Jing; Classic of Holy Benevolence |
小儿药证直诀 | Xiao'er Yao Zheng Zhi Jue; Key to Therapeutics of Children's Diseases |
伤寒明理论 | Shanghan Mingli Lun; Concise Exposition on Cold Pathogenic Diseases |
幼幼新书 | Youyou Xin Shu; New Book of Pediatrics |
宣明论方 | Xuanming Lun Fang; Clear Synopsis on Recipes |
三因极一病证方论 | Sanyin Ji Yi Bingzheng Fang Lun; Treatise on Three Categories of Pathogenic Factors |
儒门事亲 | Rumen Shi Qin; Confucians' Duties to Parents |
妇人大全良方 | Furen Daquan Liang Fang; Complete Effective Prescriptions for Women's Diseases |
脾胃论 | Piwei Lun; Treatise on Spleen and Stomach |
仁斋直指方 | Renzhai Zhi Zhi Fang; Effective Recipes from Renzhai House |
外科精要 | Waike Jingyao; Essence of External Diseases |
洗冤录 | Xiyuan Lu; Records for Washing Away of Wrong Cases |
兰室秘藏 | Lanshi Micang; Secret Book of Orchid Chamber |
秘传眼科龙木论 | Michuan Yanke Longmu Lun; Nagarjuna's Ophthalmology Secretly Handed Down |
汤液本草 | Tangye Bencao; Materia Medica for Decoctions |
瑞竹堂经验方 | Ruizhutang Jingyan Fang; Empirical Recipes from Auspicious Bamboo Hall |
饮膳正要 | Yin Shan Zhengyao; Principles of Correct Diet |
世医得效方 | Shi Yi De Xiao Fang; Effective Formulae Handed Down for Generations |
十四经发挥 | Shisijing Fahui; Elucidation of Fourteen Channels |
格致余论 | Gezhi Yu Lun; Further Discourses on the Properties of Things |
局方发挥 | Jufang Fahui; Elaboration of Bureau Prescription |
回回药方 | Huihui Yaofang; Huihui Formularies |
丹溪心法 | Danxi Xinfa; Danxi's Mastery of Medicine |
普济方 | Puji Fang; Prescriptions for Universal Relief |
救荒本草 | Jiuhuang Bencao; Materia Medica for Famines |
本草品汇精要 | Bencao Pinhui Jingyao; Collected Essentials of Species of Materia Medica |
名医类案 | Mingyi Leian; Classified Case Records of Celebrated Physicians |
古今医统大全 | Gujin Yitong Daquan; Medical Complete Book, Ancient and Modern |
医学纲目 | Yixue Gangmu; Compendium of Medicine |
本草纲目 | Bencao Gangmu; Compendium of Materia Medica |
万密斋医学全书 | Wan Mizhai Yixue Quanshu; Wan Mizhai's Complete Medical Book |
赤水玄珠 | Chishui Xuanzhu; Black Pearl from Red River |
万病回春 | Wanbing Huichun; Curative Measures for All Diseases |
针灸大成 | Zhenjiu Dacheng; Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion |
证治准绳 | Zhengzhi Zhunsheng; Standards for Diagnosis and Treatment |
寿世保元 | Shoushi Baoyuan; Longevity and Life Preservation |
外科正宗 | Waike Zhengzong; Orthodox Manual of External Diseases |
医贯 | Yi Guan; Key Link of Medicine |
济阴纲目 | Ji Yin Gangmu; Outline for Women's Diseases |
景岳全书 | Jingyue Quanshu; Jingyue's Complete Works |
类经 | Lei Jing; Classified Canon |
霉疮秘录 | Meichuang Milu; Secret Record for Syphilis |
温疫论 | Wenyi Lun; On Plague Diseases |
审视瑶函 | Shen Shi Yao Han; Precious Book of Ophthalmology |
医方集解 | Yifang Jijie; Collected Exegesis of Recipes |
汤头歌诀 | Tangtou Gejue; Recipes in Rhymes |
外科证治全生集 | Waike Zhengzhi Quansheng Ji; Life-saving Manual of Diagnosis and Treatment of External Diseases |
医宗金鉴 | Yizong Jinjian; Golden Mirror of Medicine |
临证指南医案 | Linzheng Zhinan Yi'an; Guide to Clinical Practice with Medical Records |
幼幼集成 | Youyou Jicheng; Complete Work on Children's Diseases |
喉科指掌 | Houke Zhizhang; Guide Book for Laryngology |
串雅内编 | Chuanya Nei Bian; Internal Therapies of Folk Medicine |
串雅外编 | Chuanya Wai Bian; External Therapies of Folk Medicine |
徐灵胎医学全书 | Xu Lingtai Yixue Quanshu; Xu Lingtai's Complete Medical Book |
本草纲目拾遗 | Bencao Gangmu Shiyi; Supplement to Compendium of Materia Medica |
续名医类案 | Xu Mingyi Lei'an; Supplement to Classified Case Records of Celebrated Physicians |
竹林寺女科 | Zhulinsi Nuke; Bamboo Forest Temple's Secret on Women's Diseases |
温病条辨 | Wenbing Tiaobian; Detailed Analysis of Epidemic Warm Diseases |
疡科心得集 | Yangke Xinde Ji; Experience Gained in Treating External Diseases |
傅青主女科 | Fu Qingzhu Nuke; Fu Qingzhu's Obstetrics and Gynecology |
医林改错 | Yilin Gaicuo; Correction on Errors in Medical Classics |
验方新编 | Yanfang Xin Bian; New Compilation of Effective Recipes |
植物名实图考 | Zhiwu Mingshi Tukao; Textual Research on Reality and Titles of Plants |
理瀹骈文 | Li Yue Pianwen; Rhymed Discourse for Topical Remedies |
血症论 | Xuezheng Lun; On Blood Syndromes |
重楼玉钥 | Chonglou Yuyao; Jade Key to the Secluded Chamber |
新针灸学 | New Acupuncture and Moxibustion |
黄帝 | Huangdi; Yellow Emperor |