儿科学 | Pediatrics |
儿童保健 | Child care |
疾病防治 | Disease prevention |
营养基础 | Basal nutrition |
婴儿喂养 | Infants' feeding |
营养不良 | Malnutrition |
小儿肥胖 | obesity in Childhood |
解剖 | Anatomy |
生理生化 | Physiology and biochemistry |
营养代谢 | Nutrition and Metabolism |
免疫 | Immunity |
病理 | Pathology |
疾病的种类 | Variety of Disease |
临床表现 | Clinical Situation |
诊断 | Diagnosis |
治疗 | Treatment |
预后 | Prognosis |
预防 | Prevention |
胎儿期 | Fetal Stage |
胚卵期 | Ovigerm Stage |
胚胎期 | Embryo Stage |
新生儿期 | Neonatal Period |
脐带 | Omphalus |
足月儿 | Term Infant |
早产儿 | Premature |
过期产儿 | Post term Infant |
围产期 | Perinatal stage |
婴儿期 | Infancy |
幼儿期 | Toddler Period |
学龄期 | School age |
青春期 | Adolescence |
遗传 | inheritance |
性别 | sex |
内分泌 | endocrine |
孕母情况 | mother's condition |
营养 | nutrition |
生活环境 | living environment |
急性感染 | acute infection |
慢性疾病 | chronic disease |
消化道疾病 | disease of digestive tract |
内分泌疾病 | endocrine disease |
先天性疾病 | congenital disease |
体格生长 | Physique growth |
摄入不足 | insufficiency of intake |
胎粪排出 | excretion of meconium |
水分丢失 | loss of moist |
生长高峰 | summit of growth |
卧位 | clinostatasm |
站立位 | erect position |
头顶 | vertex |
耻骨联合上缘 | superior margin of pubic symphysis |
耻骨联合上缘 | superior margin of pubic symphysis |
足底 | sole |
脐 | nave |
头围 | Head Circumference |
胸围 | Chest Circumference |
颅骨 | Cranium |
颅缝 | cranial sutures |
前囟 | anterior fontanel |
后囟 | posterior |
脊柱 | Rachis |
长骨 | Long Bone |
干骺端 | Metaphysis |
软骨骨化 | Cartilaginous ossification |
骨膜下成骨 | Subperiosteum ossification |
乳牙 | deciduous teeth |
恒牙 | permanent teeth |
乳牙(萌出) | eruption |
神经系统 | nervous system |
脊髓 | spinal cord |
运动发育 | Motor development |
发音器官 | organs of voicing |
听觉 | sense of hearing |
大脑语言中枢 | cerebral language center |
语言交流 | communication |
护理 | Nursing |
计划免疫 | Planned Immunity |
心理卫生 | Mental Health |
生活习惯 | living habit |
社会适应能力 | social adaptation |
亲情 | parent-child relationship |
健康查体 | Physical Examination |
随访 | follow-up |
户外活动 | open field activity |
身体抚触 | stroking massage |
窒息 | apnea |
中毒 | intoxication |
外伤 | trauma |
预防接种 | Vaccination |
主动免疫 | Active immunity |
被动免疫 | passive immunity |
预防接种 | vaccination |
小儿传染病 | infectious disease |
卡介苗 | Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine, BCG vaccine |
脊髓灰质炎疫苗 | Polimyelitis Vaccine |
麻疹疫苗 | Measles Vaccine |
百白破三联疫苗 | Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus triple vaccine |
乙肝疫苗 | Hepatitis B vaccine |
初种 | primary vaccination |
复种 | revaccination |
不良反应 | reaction |
热量的需要 | Caloric Requirement |
基础代谢 | Basal Metabolism |
排泄 | Excretion |
蛋白质 | Protein |
碳水化合物 | Carbohydrate |
脂肪 | Fat |
维生素 | Vitamins |
水溶性维生素 | Water-soluble Vitamin |
脂溶性维生素 | Fat-soluble Vitamin |
矿物质 | Mineral |
膳食纤维 | Dietary Fiber |
母乳喂养 | Breast Feeding |
母乳的成分 | Component of Mother's Milk |
免疫物质 | immune material |
免疫球蛋白 | Immune Gloulin |
补体 | Complement |
乳铁蛋白 | Lactoferrin |
溶菌酶 | Lysozyme |
双歧因子 | Bifidus Factor |
细胞成分 | Components of Cells |
慢性消耗性疾病 | Chronic consumptions |
精神障碍 | Mental disorders |
急性传染病 | Acute infectious diseases |
断奶 | Weaning |
人工喂养 | Bottle-Feeding |
稀释 | Dilution |
加糖 | Add Sugar |
煮沸 | Boiling |
定时定量 | Time and rationed Feeding |
个体差异 | Individual Difference |
混合喂养 | Mixed Feeding |
大小便 | Defecation |
代授法 | Breast-bottle-feeding |
补授法 | Supplemental Feeding |
辅食添加 | The Introduction of solid food |
营养不良 | Malnutrition |
代谢异常 | Developmental and Metabolic Disorder |
临床分型 | Clinical typing |
消瘦型 | Marasmus Malnutrition |
浮肿型 | Edema Malnutrition |
消瘦-浮肿型 | Marasmus-Edema Malnutrition |
病因 | Etiological Factor |
摄入不足 | Deficiency of Intake |
辅食添加不及时 | Introduction of Solid Food |
饮食结构不合理 | Incorrect Components of Diet |
不良饮食习惯 | Bad Eating Habit |
消化吸收障碍 | Disorder of Digestion and Absorption |
消化道先天畸形 | Congenital Anomaly of Digestive Tract |
先天性代谢障碍 | Congenital Dysbolism |
消化功能紊乱 | Disorder of Digestive Function |
需求增多 | Requirement Increases |
生长发育迅速的时期 | The period when children grow rapidly |
疾病恢复期 | Recovery Phase of diseases |
双胎或多胎 | Twins or Multiplets |
早产 | Premature |
消耗性疾病 | Consumptions |
病理生理 | Pathophysiology |
代谢异常 | Dysbolism |
体温调节 | Thermoregulation |
机体各系统功能低下 | Incapacity of Body Systems |
消化系统 | Digestive System |
循环系统 | Circulatory System |
泌尿系统 | Urinary System |
神经系统 | Nervous System |
免疫系统 | Immune System |
临床表现 | Clinical Situation |
皮下脂肪 | Subcutaneous Fat |
腹 | Abdomen |
躯干 | Trunk |
臀 | Breech |
四肢 | Extremities |
面颊 | Cheeks |
皮肤 | Skin |
干燥 | Dehydration |
苍白 | Pale |
肌肉 | Muscles |
松弛 | Laxity |
萎缩 | Atrophy |
精神状态 | Mental Status |
萎靡 | Dispirited |
反应差 | Low Response; |
全身症状 | General Symptoms |
并发症 | Complication |
营养性贫血 | Nutritional Anemia |
各种维生素缺乏症 | Various Kinds of Avitaminosis |
感染 | Infections |
低血糖 | Hypoglycemia |
诊断标准 | Standard of Dignosis |
分型 | Types |
分度 | Degrees |
实验室检查 | Laboratory Examination |
鉴别诊断 | Differential Diagnosis |
治疗原则 | Therapeutic Principle |
综合治疗 | Comprehensive Treatment |
治疗方法 | Therapeutic Method |
积极治疗原发病 | Cure the Primary Disease |
饮食治疗 | Diet Therapy |
药物治疗 | Drug Treatment |
支持治疗 | Supporting Therapy |
危重症处理 | Treatment in Crises |
重度营养不良伴腹泻时的治疗 | Severe Malnutrition companied by Diarrhea |
营养不良性水肿的治疗 | Nutritional Edema |
蛋白质缺乏综合症(恶心营养不良综合症) | Kwashiorkor |
添加辅食 | Instruction of solid food |
睡眠充足 | Sufficient Sleeping |
防治先天性疾病和小儿急性传染病 | Prevention and Treatment of Congenital Diseases and Acute Infectious Diseases |
孕期保健与产前诊断 | Health Care in Pregnancy and Prenatal Diagnosis |
新生儿筛查 | Neonatal Screening |
治疗先天性疾病 | Cure Congenital Diseases |
按时预防接种 | Vaccination on time |
定期体格检查 | Regular Physical Examination |
营养障碍性疾病 | Dystrophy |
病因及病理生理 | Etiological Factor and Pathophysiology |
单纯性肥胖 | Simple Obesity |
摄入过多 | Excessive Intake |
活动过少 | Lack of Movement |
家族遗传 | Inheritance |
神经、精神因素 | Nervous and Mental Factors |
继发性肥胖 | Secondary Obesity |
膝外翻 | Genu Valgum |
扁平足 | Fallen arch |
性发育较早 | Early Sexual Development |
实验室检查 | Laboratory Examinations |
胆固醇 | Cholesterol |
甘油三酯 | Triglyceride |
脂蛋白 | βBeta Lipoprotein |
胰岛素 | Insulin |
生长激素 | Growth Hormone |
诊断标准 | Standard of Diagnosis |
轻度 | Mild |
制度 | Moderate |
重度 | Severe |