一般适应综合征 | (GAS) general adaptationsyndrome |
一般能力 | general ability |
人本主义心理学 | humanistic psychology |
人生剧本 | life scripts |
人际吸引 | interpersonal attracoon |
人际关系 | interpersonal relation |
人格 | personality |
人格(个性)发展 | personality development |
人格投射测验 | personality projective test |
人格结构 | personality structure |
人格测验 | personality test |
人格特质论 | personality trait theory |
人格理论 | theories of personality |
人格维度 | personality dimension |
人格障碍 | personality disorder |
力必多 | libido |
二因素论 | two-factor theory |
口吃 | stuttenng |
工具性条件反射 | instrumental conditioning |
门诊咨询 | clinic counseling |
个性 | individuality(personality) |
个性心理特征 | individual mental characteristic |
个性发展理论 | personality development theory |
个性倾向性 | individual inclination |
个性特质理论 | personality trait theory |
个案研究 | case study |
小便警报器 | urine alarm |
大脑机能不对称性 | functional asymmetry of brain |
习得性失助 | learned helplessness |
韦氏记忆量表 | (WMS) Wechsler memory scale |
韦氏智力量表 | (WIS) Wechaler intelligence scale |
双手调节器 | two hands coordination apparatus |
双趋冲突 | approach-approach conflict |
双避冲突 | avoidance-avoidance conflict |
支持疗法 | supportive psychotherapy |
气功 | breathing exermse(qi gong) |
气质 | temperament |
气质类型 | types of temperament |
手术心理干预 | operative mental intervene |
手术后抑郁 | postoperative depression |
手术焦虑 | operational anxtety |
分半相关 | split-half correlation |
分析 | G-Pgtxxl-poor analysis |
分组抽样 | group sampling |
分测验 | sub-test |
分散注童 | distraction |
分裂样人格障碍 | schizoid personality disorder |
内外倾(向) | introverslon-extroversion |
内容效度 | content validity |
升华 | sublimation |
计划实践法 | programmed practice |
反向作用 | reaction-formation |
反应时 | reaction time |
反响 | reflection |
心身反应 | psychosomatic response |
心身中介机制 | mediating mechanism |
心身医学 | psychosomatic medicine |
心身相关 | psychosomatic relationship |
心身疾病 | psychosomatic disease |
心身障碍 | psychosomatic disorder |
心理卫生 | mental health |
心理生物学 | psychobiology |
心理生理医学 | psycho-physiological medicine |
心理生理学 | psychophysiology |
心理生理疾患 | psycho-physiological illness |
心理生理障碍 | psycho-physiological disorder |
心理动力理论 | psycho-dynamic theory |
心理行为反应 | psycho-behavioral response |
心理危机 | psychological crisis |
心理冲突 | mentalcon flict |
心理过程 | mental process |
心理防御机制 | mental defense mechanism |
心理社会因素 | psycho-social factors |
心理评估 | psycho-behavioral assessment |
心理护理 | psychological nursing |
心理诊断 | psychological diagnosis |
心理应激 | psychological(mental) stress |
心理学 | psychology |
心理依赖 | psychological dependence |
心理治疗 | psychotherapy |
心理性疼痛 | psychological pain |
心理现象 | psychological phenomena |
心理咨询 | psychological counseling |
心理测验 | psychological test |
心理神经免疫学 | psychoneuroimmunology |
心理药理学 | psycho-pharmacology |
心理能动性 | mental activism |
心理剧 | psychodrama |
心境 | mood |
不成熟型(防御) | premature type(ddense) |
不良行为 | maladaptive behavior |
无条件积极关注 | unconditional positiveregard |
无情型人格障碍 | affectionless personality disorder |
长时间记忆 | long-term memory |
丹佛发育筛选测验 | (DDST) Denver developmentalscreening test |
贝利婴儿发展量表 | Bayley scales of infantdevelopment,BBID |
开放式提问 | open-ended question |
认知行为学习 | cognitive behavioral learning |
认知行为矫正疗法 | cognitive behavioral modification |
认知过程 | cognitive process |
认知疗法 | cognitive therapy |
认知评价 | cognitive apprmsal |
认知应激理论 | cognitive stress model |
认知重建 | cognitive restructuring |
认知脑 | cognitive brain |
认知领悟疗法 | cognitive comprehend therapy |
比奈量表 | Binet's scale |
比例智商 | ration IQ |
文饰作用 | rationalization |
幻觉 | hallucination |
幻想 | fantasy |
内省法 | introspective method |
内倾 | introversion |
内脏学习 | visceral learning |
内脏脑 | visceral brain |
内脏操作条件反射 | visceral brain |
T分数 | T score |
记忆 | memory |
记忆广度 | memory span method |
记忆商 | (MQ) memory quotient |
记忆表象 | memory image |
代币法 | token economy |
代沟 | generation gap |
主观支持 | subjective support |
主观事件 | subjective event |
主观信息 | subjective information |
本我 | id |
失助 | helplessness |
失眠 | insomnia |
对抗条件反射 | counter conditioning |
对象自我 | self-as-object |
仪表(吸引) | appearance(attraction) |
皮质三级区 | tertiary cortex area |
皮肤电反应 | galvanic skin response,GSR |
皮肤温度反馈 | skin temperature feedback |
示范作用 | modeling |
正性事件 | positive events |
正强化 | positive reinforcement |
生活示范 | life modeling |
生活变化单位 | (LCU) |
生活事件 | life events |
生活事件量表 | life events scale,LES |
生理心理学 | physiological psychology |
生理性需要 | physiological needs |
外倾 | extroversion |
功能不良假设 | malfunetion hypothesis |
功能分析 | functional analysis |
卡特尔人格测验 | (16PF) 16 personality factor |
艾森克人格问卷 | (EPQ) Eysenck personality questionnaire |
他暗示 | other's-suggestion |
行为日记 | behavior log |
行为主义 | behaviorism |
行为危险因子 | behavior risk factors |
行为协议(合同) | behavioral contract |
行为医学 | behavioral medicine |
行为疗法 | behavior modification (therapy) |
行为学习理论 | behavior learning theory |
行为类型 | behavior patterns |
交互抑制法 | reciprocal inhibition |
交往 | communication |
冲击疗法 | implosive therapy |
自由联想 | free association |
自动思想 | automatic thoughts |
自我 | ego |
自我认同 | self-identity |
自我失调 | self incongruence |
自我论 | self theory |
自我实现 | self-actualizing |
自我拒绝 | self-refuse |
自我顿悟 | self-iv-sight |
自我监督 | self-monitoring |
自我控制疗法 | self-control procedure |
自我探索 | self-searching |
自我梗塞 | ego-infarction |
自我暗示 | autosuggestion |
自我意识 | self-consciousness |
自我概念 | self-concept |
自我概念混乱 | self-concept disorder |
自怜 | self-pity |
自律训练 | autogenic training |
动机 | motivation |
动机冲突 | motivational conflict |
动作学习 | act learning |
危机干预 | crisis intervention |
早泄 | praecox ejaculation |
压抑 | depression |
压制 | suppression |
负性事件 | negative events |
负强化 | negative reinforcement |
优势半球 | dominant hemisphere |
问卷法 | questionnaire method |
问题小组 | problem group |
问题行为 | problem behavior |
问题关注应对 | problem-focused coping |
同性恋 | homosexuality |
发育商数 | developmental quotient,DQ |
厌食 | anorexia |
厌恶疗法 | aversion therapy |
厌恶刺激 | aversion stimulus |
厌恶想象法 | aversive imagery |
过食肥胖 | overeating and obesity |
过程法(应对) | process-oriented approach |
会谈 | interview |
划消实验 | cancellation test |
回顾性研究 | retrospective study |
回避 | avoidance |
回避条件反射 | avoidance conditioning |
创造思维 | creative thinking |
发展量表 | development scales |
合理化 | rationalization |
机械记忆 | mechanical memory |
同理心(感情移人) | empathy |
色情狂 | erotomania |
阴道痉挛 | vaginismus |
异装癣 | transvestism |
阳痿 | impotence |
妄想 | delusion |
观察 | observe |
观察(法) | observation method |
成熟性(防御) | mature (defense) |
安慰剂效应 | placebo effect |
泛化 | generalization |
利手 | handedness |
否认 | denial |
应对 | coping |
应对风格 | coping styles |
应对量表 | scales of coping |
应对模式(示范) | coping model |
应激 | stress |
应激反应 | stressful response |
应激相互作用理论 | a transactional model stress |
应激源 | stressers |
攻击 | aggression |
作用自我 | self-as-process |
社会化 | socialization |
社会(家庭)支持 | social (family) support |
社会支持量表 | scales of social supports |
社会性需要 | social need |
社会再适应量表 | (SRRS) |
社会角色 | social role |
社会相互关系调查表 | interview schedule for social interaction |
社会促进 | social facilitation |
社会强化 | social reinforcement |
社交障碍 | social communication disturbance |
条件反射 | conditioned response |
条件刺激 | conditioned stimulus |
运动记忆 | motor memory |
运动锻炼 | exercise training |
角色扮演 | role-playing |
更年期综合征 | climacteric syndrome |
阻抗 | resistance |
时间知觉 | time perception |
抑郁 | depression |
抑郁自评量表 | (SDS) |
抑郁性障碍 | depressive disorder |
快波睡眠 | fast wave sleep,FWS |
快感度 | hedonic dimension |
系统论 | system theory |
系统脱敏疗法 | systematicdesensitization |
言语交往 | verbal communication |
事故倾向个性 | accident-prone individuals |
体重曲线图 | weight graph |
折衷主义心理治疗 | eclecticism in psychotherapy |
还原论 | reductionism |
苏格拉底提问法 | socratic questioning |
投射测验 | prqective technique |
护理心理学 | nursing psychology |
护理诊断 | nursing diagnosis |
戒断症候群 | withdrawal syndrome |
画人测验 | draw-a-person test |
学习理论 | learning theory |
依从 | compliance |
依赖(心理) | dependency |
依情况而定法 | contingency management |
性反应周期 | sexual response cycle |
性心理 | psycho-sexuality,sexpsychology |
性生活 | sexuality,sexual motion |
性功能障碍 | sexual dysfunction |
性行为 | sexual behavior |
性别认同 | sex identity |
性别角色 | sex role |
性别识别 | sex recognition |
性治疗 | sexual therapy |
性变态 | sexual deviation |
性格 | character |
性高潮缺乏 | anorgasmy |
性教育 | sexual education |
性意识 | sexual conscious |
性感缺乏 | frigidity |
美尼尔综合征 | Meniere's syndrome |
明尼苏达多相人格调查表 | (MMPl) |
图片词汇测验 | (PPVT) |
松弛反应 | relaxation response |
松弛疗法 | relaxation training |
青春期 | puberty |
现场心理咨询 | on-court consultation |
现实原则 | reality principle |
现象场 | phenomenal field |
现象学方法 | phenomenologic approach |
非言语交往 | nonverbal communication |
定势 | set |
变态人格 | abnormal personality |
变态心理学 | abnormal psychology |
医学心理学 | medical psychology |
医学心理咨询 | medical psychological consultation |
医学模式 | models of medicine |
物质滥用 | substance abuse |
易性癣 | transsexualism |
肥胖 | fatty |
医院焦虑及抑郁量表 | (HAD) |
医患关系 | doctor-patient relationship |
医患关系模式 | doctor-patient relationship model |
经典条件反射 | classical conditioning |
坦诚 | genuineness |
知觉 | perception |
知觉的选择性 | perceptual selectivity |
知觉的恒常性 | perceptual constancy |
表面特质 | surface trait |
表情 | emotional expression |
表象 | image |
受虐癖 | masochism |
孤独感 | lonely feeling |
转换(作用) | conversion |
转移(防御) | displacement |
实验法 | experimental method |
夜惊 | night-terror |
注意 | attention |
注意分配 | distribution of attention |
和谐 | congruence |
环境暗示 | environment suggestion |
刺激控制 | stimulus control |
刺激暴露 | stimulus exposure |
退化 | regression |
相互作用分析 | transactional analysis |
项目分析(效度) | itsm analysis (validity) |
(性治疗)挤压术 | squeeze technique |
A型行为 | type A behavior |
B型行为 | type B behavior |
C型行为 | type C behavior |
客观支持 | objective support |
客观事件 | objective events |
客观信息 | objective information |
音乐疗法 | music therapy |
逆行性遗忘 | retrograde amnesia |
顺行性遗忘 | anterograde amnesia |
临床心理学 | clinical psychology |
临床记忆量表 | clinical memory scale |
适应行为量表 | adaptive behavior scale,ABS |
适应能力商数 | (ADQ) adaptability quotient |
选择反应时 | choice reaction time |
结构分析 | structure analysis |
结构(构思)效度 | construct validity |
神经心理学 | neuropsychotogy |
神经心理成套测验 | neuropsyehological test battery |
神经质 | neurosism |
神经性厌食 | anorexia nervosa |
神经症 | neurosis |
神经症性障碍 | neuroticdi sorder |
神经症型防御 | neurosis type defense |
神经衰弱 | neurasthenia |
咨询心理学 | consultingp sychology |
药物心理效应 | mental effect of drugs |
药物依赖 | drug dependence |
药物暗示 | drug suggestion |
真实焦虑模型(示范) | realistically anxious model |
迷宫 | maze |
信度 | reliability |
信息论 | information theory |
信息压制者 | repressor |
信息敏感者 | sensitizer |
耐药性 | tolerance |
耐痛阀 | threshold of pain tolerance |
重测信度 | test-retestre liability |
洛夏测验 | Rorshach test |
施虐癖 | sadism |
标准分 | standard score |
标准化测验 | standardized test |
90项症状测查表 | (SCL-90) |
思维 | thinking |
测谎仪 | lie detector |
胎教 | prenatal training |
奖赏 | reward |
美感 | aesthetic feeling |
前意识 | preconscious |
前摄抑制 | proactive inhibition |
前瞻性研究 | prospective study |
幽默 | humor |
逃避 | escape |
能力 | ability |
病人角色 | patient-role |
病房小组 | ward group |
病态人格 | pathological personality |
病损 | impairment |
病理心理学 | pathological psychology |
剧本分析 | script analysis |
继发性获益 | secondary gain |
高级神经活动类型 | type of higher nervous activity |
挫折 | frustration |
积极关注 | positive regard |
紧张性头痛 | tension headache |
特质 | trait |
特质法(应对) | trait-oriented approach |
特殊因素 | S-factor |
特殊能力 | special ability |
恐怖性障碍 | phobic disorder |
恐怖症 | phobia |
恐惧 | fear |
恋物癖 | fetishism |
恋童癖 | pedophilia |
效度 | validity |
效标效度 | criterion validity |
康复 | rehabilitation |
康复心理学 | rehabilitation psychology |
狼孩 | wolf child |
消退 | extinction |
家庭心理卫生 | mental health of family |
家庭功能 | family function |
家庭系统理论 | family system theory |
家庭治疗 | family therapy |
家庭治疗模式 | family therapy model |
调查法 | survey method |
烟草依赖评定表 | smoking dependence rating scale |
烟瘾 | smoking |
预测效度 | predictive validity |
离差智商 | deviation IQ |
健康 | health |
健康心理学 | health psychology |
缺陷心理学 | defect psychology |
疼痛 | pain |
疼痛行为 | pain behavior |
疼痛阀门学说 | gate control theory |
准确期望理论 | accurate expectancy theory |
冥想 | meditation |
敌意 | hoatihty |
倒摄抑制 | retroactive inhibition |
根源特质 | sourcetrait |
酒瘾 | alcohol dependence |
梦 | dream |
梦呓 | sleep talking |
梦魇 | nightmare |
第二信号系统 | second signal system |
液化智力 | fluid intelligence |
偏头痛 | migraine |
偏执型人格障碍 | paranoid personality disorder |
混合学习模型 | mixed learning mode |
唯乐原则 | pleasure principle |
常识心理学 | common sense psychology |
常模 | norm |
躯体依赖 | physical dependence |
渐进性松性训练 | progressive-relaxation |
患(询)者中心疗法 | client-centered therapy |
盖泽氏发展顺序量表 | Gesell developmental schedules |
理性情绪疗法 | rational emotion therapy |
理智感 | rational feeling |
婚姻治疗 | marital therapy |
惊恐发作 | panic attack |
眼疲劳 | optic fatigue |
领悟社会支持量表 | perceived social support scale,PSSS |
移情 | transference |
情绪 | emotion |
情绪分化 | differentiation of emotion |
情绪反应 | emotional response |
情绪记忆 | emotional memory |
情绪生物学 | emotional biology |
情绪关注应对 | emotion-focused coping |
情绪休克 | emotional shock |
情绪压制 | emotional suppression |
情绪(心理)状态 | emotional state |
情绪的认知—生理理论 | cognitive-physiological theory |
情绪的认知—评价理论 | cognitive-appraisal theory |
情绪的坎农—巴德理论 | Cannon-Bard theory |
情绪的詹姆斯—朗格理论 | James-Lange theory |
情绪表现 | emotional expression |
情绪调节 | emotional adjustment |
情绪剥夺 | emotional deprivation |
情绪理论 | theories of emotion |
情感 | feeling |
情感移人(理解) | empathy |
情感障碍 | feeling disturbance |
阐释 | interpretation |
逻辑记忆 | logicalmemory |
智力 | intelligence |
智力测验 | intelligence test |
智力筛查性测验 | intelligence screening test |
智商 | intdligence quotient,IQ |
智龄 | mental age |
强化 | reinforcement |
强迫型人格障碍 | compulsive personality disorder |
强迫症 | obsessive-compulsive disorder |
替代示范 | vicarious modeling |
森田疗法 | Morita's therapy |
等价法(测验) | equivalent form method |
超我 | superego |
遗忘曲线 | forgetting curve |
集体心理治疗 | group psychotherapy |
短时记忆 | short-term memory |
短时隔离 | time-out |
晶体智力 | crystallized intelligence |
痛阈 | pain threshold |
痛情绪反应 | emotional reaction of pain |
疏泄(导) | catharsis or abreaction |
斯金纳箱 | Skinner box |
循环型人格障碍 | cyelothymic personality disorder |
提供信息 | information? |
溃疡病 | peptic ulcer |
愤怒 | anger |
惩罚 | punishment |
筛查性智力测验 | screening tests of intelligence |
焦虑 | anxiety |
焦虑自评量表 | (SAS) |
焦虑性障碍 | anxiety disorder |
焦虑症 | anxiety neurosis |
释梦 | dream analysis |
期望效应 | expectancy effect |
联想障碍 | association disturbance |
道德感 | moral feeling |
趋避冲突 | approach-avoidance conflict |
意义识记 | meaning recognition |
跨文化研究 | cross-cultural study |
瑞文测验 | Raven's progressive matrices |
暗示疗法 | suggestive therapy |
睡行症 | sleep walking |
睡眠 | sleep |
睡眠周期 | sleep cycle |
睡眠剥夺 | sleep deprivation |
睡眠障碍 | sleep disorders |
窥淫癖 | voyeurism |
瑜伽 | yoga |
意识 | conscious |
意志 | will |
意志行动 | volitional movement |
意志品质 | volitional character |
群体心理卫生 | groupmental health |
简单反应时 | simple reaction time |
错觉 | illusion |
感觉 | sensation |
感觉记忆 | sensory memory |
感觉剥夺 | sensory deprivation |
催眠 | hypnosis |
催眠分析 | hypnoanalysis |
催眠疗法 | hypnotherapy |
塑造法 | shaping |
想象 | imagination |
想象疗法 | imagery therapy |
慢性疼痛综合征 | chronic pain syndrome |
慢波睡眠 | slow wave sleep,SWS |
需要 | need |
需要层次理论 | hierarchy of needs |
精神分析疗法 | psychoanalytic psycho-therapy |
精神质 | psychoticism |
精神病学 | psychiatry |
疑病症 | hypochondriasis |
满灌疗法 | flooding |
潜抑 | repression |
潜(无)意识 | unconscious |
濒死心理 | dying psychology |
辨别力 | discrimination |
操作条件反射(法) | operant conditioning |
操作暗示 | operant suggestion |
激情 | intense emotion |
癌症 | cancer,tumor |
爆发型人格障碍 | explosive personality disorder |
癔病 | hysteria |
癔病样人格障碍 | hysterical personality disorder |
露阴癖 | exhibitionism |