间接切口 | indirect incision |
减张切口 | relaxation incision |
剥离 | dissection |
锐剥离 | sharp dissection |
钝剥离 | blunt dissection |
推切剥离 | cleavage dissection |
潜行剥离 | undermining dissection |
切除术 | excision |
楔形切除术 | wedge excision |
圆形切除术 | circular excision |
梭形切除术 | fusiform excision |
病灶内切除术 | intralesional excision |
分期切除术 | excision in stages |
摘出 | enucleation |
创面 | wound surface |
缝合 | suture |
间断缝合 | interrupted suture |
连续缝合 | continuous suture, running suture |
褥式缝合 | mattress suture |
缺损 | defect |
洞穿缺损 | through and through defect |
缺失 | absence, loss |
缺如 | congenital absence |
畸形 | deformity, malformation |
原发畸形 | primary deformity |
继发畸形 | secondary deformity |
先天畸形 | congenital deformity |
后天畸形 | acquired deformity |
后遗畸形 | sequel deformity |
切迹状畸形 | notch deformity |
错位 | malposition |
移位 | displacement |
异位 | dystopia, ectopia |
脱位 | dislocation, luxation |
半脱位 | semiluxation |
变形 | distortion |
对称 | symmetry |
不对称 | asymmetry |
偏斜 | deviation |
发育异常 | dysplasia |
发育不全 | hypoplasia |
自然消退 | spontaneous regression |
凹陷 | depression |
增生 | hyperplasia, proliferation |
肥大 | hypertrophy |
狭窄 | stenosis, stricture |
闭锁 | atresia |
收缩 | contraction |
退缩 | retraction |
萎缩 | atrophy |
挛缩 | contracture |
下垂 | ptosis |
松弛 | chalasis |
色素沉着 | pigmentation |
色素减退 | hypopigmentation |
色素脱失 | depigmentation |
毛细[血]管扩张 | telangiectasis |
变色 | discoloration |
吸收 | absorption |
液化 | liquefaction |
血肿 | hematoma |
血清肿 | seroma |
软组织损伤 | soft tissue injury |
撕脱伤 | avulsion |
套状撕脱伤 | degloving injury |
擦伤 | abrasion |
撕裂 | laceration |
撕开 | tearing |
破裂 | rupture |
分离 | dysjunction |
热滚筒挤压场 | hot roller crush injury |
热压伤 | hot crush injury |
截断伤 | amputation injury |
碾压伤 | mangled injury |
创伤愈合 | healing of wound |
成纤维细胞 | fibroblast |
纤维蛋白 | fibrin |
成肌纤维细胞 | myofibroblast |
胶原 | collagen |
胶原沉积 | collagen deposition |
肉芽组织 | granulation tissue |
上皮形成 | epithelization |
生长因子 | growth factor |
表皮生长因子 | epidermal growth factor |
转化生长因子 | transforming growth factor |
成纤维细胞生长因子 | fibroblast growth factor |
血小板源生长因子 | platelet-derived growth factor |
凋亡 | apoptosis |
修复 | repair |
早期修复 | early repair |
即时修复 | immediate repair |
后期修复 | late repair |
延迟修复 | delayed repair |
一期修复 | one stage repair |
分期修复 | staged repair |
形态再造 | morphologic reconstruction |
转位 | transposition |
置换 | substitution |
回植 | replantation |
皱褶 | line of dependency |
轮廓线 | contour line |
圆形切口 | circular incision |
梭形切口 | fusiform incision |
冠状切口 | coronal incision |
隐蔽切口 | hidden incision |