腹壁反射 | abdomenal wall reflex |
腹痛 | abdominal pain |
腹部凹陷 | abdominal retraction |
腹壁静脉曲张 | abdominal wall varicosis |
绝对不应期 | absolute refractory period |
吸收热 | absorption fever |
调节反射 | accommodation reflex |
跟腱反射 | achilles jerk |
酸痛 | aching pain |
尖颅并指(趾)畸形 | acrocephalosyndactyly |
肢端肥大症 | acromegaly |
肢端肥大症面容 | acromegaly facies |
杵状指 | acropachy |
自主体位 | active position |
急腹症 | acute abdomen |
急性阑尾炎 | acute appendicitis |
急性腹膜炎 | acute peritonitis |
亚-斯二氏综合征 | Adams-Stokes syndrome |
阿狄森氏病 | Addison’s disease |
青春急激成长 | adolescent spurt |
附加音 | adventitious sound |
年龄 | age |
白化症 | albinism |
轮替动作 | alternate motion |
辗转体位 | alternative position |
肺泡通气量 | alveolar ventilation, VA |
肺泡通气量 | alveolar ventilation, VA |
空瓮音 | amphorophony |
痛觉,缺失 | analgia |
踝阵挛 | ankle clonus |
腋前线 | anterior axillary line |
前正中线 | anterior midline |
主动脉瓣关闭不全 | aortic insufficiency |
全动脉瓣狭窄 | aortic stenosis |
阿佩尔氏综合征 | Apert’s syndrome |
尖腹 | apical belly |
心尖搏动 | apical impulse |
老年环 | arcus senilis |
乳晕 | areola |
心律失常 | arrhythmia |
关节觉 | arthresthesia |
关节 | articulatio |
关节 | articulus |
腹水 | ascites |
无力型(瘦长型) | asthenic type |
共济失调 | ataxia |
共济失调步态 | ataxic gait |
手足徐动 | athetosis |
心房颤动 | atrial fibrillation |
房颤 | atrial fibrillation |
心房扑动 | atrial flutter |
房性奔马律 | atrial gallop |
听力 | audition |
耳廓 | auricle |
房室传导阻滞 | auriculo-ventricular block, AVB |
听诊 | auscultation |
奥斯汀-弗林特氏杂音 | Austin Flint murmur . |
腋窝 | axillary fossa |
巴宾斯基征 | Babinski sign |
细菌性致热原 | bacteria pyrogen |
冲击触诊法 | ballottement |
桶状胸 | barrel chest |
基础肺容量 | basal lung capacity |
基础肺容积 | basal lung volume |
牛肉舌 | beefy tongue |
反酸、嗳气 | belching |
肱二头肌反射 | biceps reflex |
踏车运动试验 | bicycle ergometer test |
双手触诊法 | bimanual palpation |
比奥氏呼吸 | Biot’s respiration |
血压 | blood pressure, BP |
板状腹 | board-like rigidity |
肠鸣音 | borborygmus |
跳脉 | bounding pulse |
乳房 | breast |
布罗德本特氏征 | Broadbent’s sign |
支气管哮喘 | bronchial asthma |
支气管呼吸音 | bronchial breath sound |
支气管语音 | bronchophony |
支气管肺泡呼吸音 | bronchovesicular breath sound |
布鲁金斯基氏征 | Brudzinski’s sign |
巴-希二氏综合征 | Budd-Chiari syndrome |
水牛背 | buffalo bump |
烧灼痛 | burning pain |
烧灼痛、胀痛 | bursting pain |
旁路胆红素 | bypass bilirubin |
恶病质 | cachexia |
恶病质 | cachexia |
大泡音 | cannon sound |
毛细血管搏动 | capillary pulsation |
海蛇神头,梅杜沙氏头 | caput medusae |
心原性哮喘 | cardiac asthma |
心脏杂音 | cardiac murmurs |
胡萝卜素 | carotene |
摸空症 | carphology |
中枢性发热 | centric fever |
查多克氏征 | Chaddock’s sign |
化学感受器触发带 | chemoreceptor trigger zone |
胸痛 | chest pain |
胸壁 | chest wall |
呼吸节律异常 | Cheyne-Stokes respiration |
主诉 | chief complaints |
生育史 | childbearing history |
舞蹈样运动 | chorea |
慢性支气管炎 | chronic bronchitis |
慢性阻塞性肺气肿 | chronic obstructive emphysema |
折刀 | clasp knife |
爪形手 | claw hand |
临床诊断 | clinical diagnosis |
阵挛 | clonus |
闭合气量 | closing volume, CV |
粗湿罗音 | coarse rales |
齿轮呼吸音 | cogwheel breath sound |
齿轮强直 | cogwheel rigidity |
叩击征 | coin sign |
绞痛 | colicky pain |
色觉 | color sensation |
昏迷 | coma |
强迫体位 | compulsive position |
强迫蹲位 | compulsive squatting |
意识模糊 | confusion |
胆红素葡萄糖醛酸酯或称结全胆红素 | conjugated bilirubin |
结膜 | conjunctive |
意识状态 | consciousness |
硬度 | consistency |
硬度和弹性 | consistency and elasticity |
便秘 | constipation |
连续型 | continuous |
稽留热 | continuous fever |
连续性杂音 | continuous murmur |
外形 | contour |
辐辏反射 | convergence reflex |
惊厥 | convulsion |
角膜 | cornea |
角膜反射 | corneal reflex |
肋脊角 | costispinal angle |
咳嗽 | cough |
库尔瓦泽尔兹氏征 | Courvoisier’s sign |
库-特二氏组合征,无痛性黄疸 | Courvoisier-Terrier syndrome |
爆裂音 | crackles rale |
提睾反射 | cremasteric reflex |
捻发音 | crepitus |
递增型 | crescendo |
递增递减型 | crescendo-decrescendo |
克汀病,白痴病,呆小病 | cretinism |
柯-加二氏综合征 | Crigler-Najiar’s syndrome |
骤降,危象 | crisis |
病危面容 | critical facies |
克隆氏病 | Crohn’s disease |
交叉瘫 | crossed paralysis |
肾上腺皮质功能亢进 | Cushing’s disease |
库辛氏综合征 | Cushing’s syndrome |
紫绀 | cyanosis |
曲线 | Damoiseau’s curve |
递减型 | decrescendo |
深部触诊法 | deep palpation |
深压触诊法 | deep press palpation |
深部滑行触诊法 | deep slipping palpation |
变形颅 | deforming skull |
谵妄 | delirium |
皮肤划纹征 | dermographism |
发育 | development |
诊断 | diagnosis |
腹泻 | diarrhea |
舒张期杂音 | diastolic murmur |
重搏脉 | dicrotic pulse |
弥散 | diffusion ,DL |
复视 | diplopia |
直接叩诊法 | direct percussion |
意识障碍 | disturbance of consciousness |
意识障碍 | disturbance of consciousness |
揉面感 | dough kneading sensation |
道氏综合征,先天愚型 | Down syndrome |
脱落脉 | dropped pulse |
醉酒步态 | drunken man gait |
杜-约二氏综合征 | Dubin-Johnson’s syndrome |
钝痛 | dull pain |
浊音 | dullness |
双重杂音 | Duroziez’s murmur |
积水 | dydrops |
呼吸困难 | dyspnea |
尿痛 | dysuria |
鼓膜 | ear drum |
收缩早期喷射音 | early systolic ejection sounds |
瘀斑 | ecchymosis |
心电图运动负荷试验 | ECG exercise test |
水肿 | edema |
有效不应期 | effective refractory |
羊鸣音 | egophony |
弹性 | elasticity |
心电图 | electrocardiogram, ECG |
象皮肿 | elephantedema |
象皮腿 | elephantiasic crus |
消瘦 | emaciation |
胎心律 | embryocardia |
内源性致热原 | endogenous pyrogen |
眼球下陷 | enophthalmos=enophthalmus |
眼球下陷 | enophthalmus= enophthalmos |
睑内翻 | entropion |
鼻衄 | epistaxis |
外源性致热原 | exogenous pyrogen |
咯痰 | expectoration |
补呼气量 | expiratory capacity, ERV |
表情 | expression |
外耳道 | external auditory canal |
眼球 | eyeball |
眼眉 | eyebrow |
眼睑 | eyelids |
颜面 | face |
面容 | facial features |
中等 | fairly |
家族史 | family history |
慌张步态 | festination gait |
热型 | fever type |
细湿罗音 | fine rales |
指鼻试验 | finger nose test |
固定分裂 | fixed splitting |
扁平胸 | flat chest |
平跖足 | flatfoot |
实音 | flatness |
浮髌现象 | floating patella phenomenon |
波动感 | fluctuation |
液波震颤 | fluid thrill |
强迫停立位 | forced standing position |
用力肺活量 | forced vital capacity, FVC |
四肢 | four limbs |
尿频 | frequent micturition |
蛙腹 | frog belly |
肥胖性生殖无能,弗勒利希氏综合征 | Frohlich’s syndrome |
功能残气量 | function residual capacity, FRC |
漏斗胸 | funnel chest |
奔马律 | gallop rhythm |
加兰德氏三角 | Garland’s triangle |
气体分布 | gas distribution |
胃型或肠型 | gastral or intestinal pattern |
一般项目 | general data |
“O”形腿畸形 | genua valgus |
膝内翻 | genua varus |
地图舌 | geographic tongue |
巨人症 | gigantism |
吉尔伯氏综合征 | Gilbert’s syndrome |
戈登氏征 | Gordon’s sign |
杂音 | Graham Steell murmur |
格罗科氏三角 | Grocco’s triangle |
牙龈 | gums |
体型 | habitus |
毛发,头发 | hair |
毛舌 | hairy tongue |
肋膈沟 | Harrison’s groove |
头痛 | headache |
跟 | heel-knee-tibia test |
呕血 | hematemesis |
便血 | hematochezia |
血尿 | hematuria |
偏瘫 | hemiparalysis |
咯血 | hemoptysis |
肝病面容 | hepatic facies |
希波克拉底(被称为医学之父) | Hippocrates |
现病史 | history of present illness |
霍奇金 | Hodgkin |
霍夫曼氏征 | Hoffmann’s sign |
全收缩期杂音 | holosystolic murmur |
霍纳氏综合征 | Horner’s syndrome |
过清音 | hyperresonance |
过度换气综合征 | hyperventilation syndrome |
下腹部 | hypogastric region |
室性异搏心律,自发室性心律 | idioventricular rhythm |
直接叩诊 | immediate percussion |
尿失禁 | incontinence of urine |
间接叩诊法 | indirect percussion |
感染性发热 | infective fever |
下壁心肌梗塞 | inferior diaphragmatic infarction |
肩胛下区 | infrascapular region |
胸骨下角 | infrasternal angle |
问诊 | inquiry |
视诊 | inspection |
深吸气量 | inspiratory capacity, IC |
肋间隙 | intercostal space |
白细胞介素 | interleukin I |
间歇性跛行 | intermittent claudication |
间歇热 | intermittent fever |
肩胛间区 | interscapular region |
肠梗阻 | intestinal obstruction |
负性心尖搏动 | inward impulse |
虹膜 | iris |
不规则热 | irregular fever |
肠易激综合征 | irritable bowel syndrome,IBS |
黄疸 | jaundice |
交界性早搏 | junctional premature beat |
凯-弗二氏环 | Kayser-Fleischer ring |
肯特氏束,房室肌束 | Kent’s bundle |
克尼格氏征 | Kernig’s sign |
克雷白杆菌肺炎 | Klebsiellar pneumonia |
膝反射 | knee jerk |
刀割样痛 | knife-like pain |
匙状甲 | koilonychia |
库斯毛尔氏呼吸 | Kussmaul’s respiration |
脊柱后凸 | kyphosis |
喉咽 | laryngeal pharynx |
喉 | larynx |
拉塞格氏征 | Lasegue’s sign |
舒张晚期奔马律 | late diastolic gallop |
隐性黄疸 | latent jaundice |
前支传导阻滞 | left anterior fascicular block, left anterior bemiblock, LAH |
左束支传导阻滞 | left bundle branch block, LBBB |
左下腹 | left lower quadrant |
后支传导阻滞 | left posterior fascicular block left posterior hemiblock, LPH |
左上腹 | left upper quadrant |
白细胞致热原 | leukocytic pyrogen |
白斑 | leukoplakia |
浅部触诊法 | light palpation |
肝硬化 | liver cirrhosis |
肝掌 | liver palms |
震颤 | liver thrill |
大叶性肺炎 | lobar pneumonia |
部位 | location |
脊柱前凸 | lordosis |
层流 | luminar flow |
肺容积 | lung volume |
淋巴性水肿 | lymphedema |
斑疹 | maculae |
斑丘疹 | maculopapulae |
胸骨柄 | manubrium sterni |
马方氏综合征 | Marfan’s syndrome |
婚姻史 | marrital history |
面具面容 | masked facies |
包块 | masses |
二级梯运动 | Master 2-step exercise |
乳突 | mastoid |
最大呼气中段流量 | maximal midexpiratary flow curve MMEF、MMF |
最大通气量 | maximal voluntary ventilation, MVV |
麦克伯尼氏切口 | McBurney’s incision |
间接叩诊 | mediate percussion |
中湿罗音 | medium rales |
黑色素 | melanin |
黑便 | melena |
月经史 | menstrual history |
小颅,小头畸形 | microcephaly |
腋中线 | midaxillary line |
锁骨中线 | midclavicular line |
收缩中晚期喀音 | middle and late systolic clicks |
移行性舌炎 | migratory glossitis |
每分钟静息通气量 | minute ventilation VE |
二尖瓣面容 | mitral facies |
二尖瓣关闭不全 | mitral insufficiency |
二尖瓣狭窄 | mitral stenosis |
活动度 | mobility |
湿罗音 | moist rale |
湿度 | moisture |
单相曲线 | mono-phasic curve |
单瘫 | monoplegia |
满月面容 | moon facies |
口 | mouth |
皮肤粘膜出血 | mucocutaneous hemorrhage |
墨菲氏钮(肠吻合钮) | Murphy button |
肌肉萎缩 | muscle atrophy |
肌张力 | muscular tone |
缪塞氏征(头节律性跳动) | Musset’s sign |
心肌梗塞 | myocardial infarction |
“ 损伤性”改变 | myocardial injury |
心肌缺血 | myocardial ischemia |
肌力 | myodynamia |
粘液性水肿 | myxedema |
鼻翼扇动 | nasal ala flap |
鼻窦 | nasal sinus |
鼻咽 | nasopharynx |
恶心 | nausea |
肾病面容 | nephrotic facies |
神经原性膀胱 | neurogenic bladder |
乳头 | nipple |
非感染性发热 | non-infective fever |
非阵发性心动过速 | nonparoxysmal tachycardia |
核黄疸 | nuclear icterus |
核黄疸 | nuclear jaundice |
眼球震颤 | nystagmus |
肥胖 | obesity |
助产士手 | obstetrician hand |
嗅诊 | olfactory examination |
奥利弗氏征 | Oliver’s sign |
开瓣音 | opening snap |
角弓反张位 | opisthotonos position |
奥本海姆氏征 | Oppenheim’s sign |
口咽 | oral pharynx |
脊柱器质性侧凸 | organic scoliosis |
强迫坐位、端坐呼吸 | orthopnea |
正力型(均称型) | ortho-sthenic type |
尖颅 | oxycephaly |
起搏点 | pacemaker |
疼痛 | pain |
苍白 | pallor |
触诊 | palpation |
心悸 | palpitation |
丘疹 | papule |
奇脉 | paradoxical pulse |
反常分裂 | paradoxical splitting |
麻痹性斜视 | paralytic squint |
截瘫 | paraplegia |
胸骨旁线 | parasternal line |
并行心律 | parasystole |
壁层胸膜 | parietal pleura |
震颤麻痹 | Parkinson’s disease |
腮腺 | parotid gland |
阵发性心动过速;阵发性室上性心动过速;阵发性室上性心动过速 | paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, PSVT |
阵发性心动过速 | paroxysmal tachycardia |
阵发性室性心动过速 | paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia |
既往史 | past history |
髌阵挛 | patella clonus |
胸语音 | pectoriloquy |
糙皮病 | pellagra |
钟摆律 | pendular rhythm |
消化性溃疡 | peptic ulcer |
叩诊 | percussion |
叩诊音 | percussion sound |
心包积液 | pericardial effusion |
心包摩擦音 | pericardial friction sound |
心包叩击音 | pericardial knock |
蠕动波 | peristalsis |
个人史 | personal history |
瘀点 | petechia |
体格检查 | physical examination |
生理分裂 | physiologic splitting |
鸡胸 | pigeon chest |
色素沉着 | pigmentation |
压陷性水肿 | pitting edema |
垂体性侏儒症 | pituitary dwarfism |
跖反射 | plantar reflex |
胸腔积液 | pleural effusion |
胸膜摩擦感 | pleural friction fremitus |
胸膜摩擦音 | pleural friction rub |
气腹 | pneumoperitoneum |
气胸 | pneumothorax |
不良 | pooly |
体位 | position |
被动体位 | positive position |
腋后线 | posterior axillary line |
后正中线 | posterior midline |
姿势 | posture |
姿势性侧凸 | posture scoliosis |
过早搏动 | premature beat |
心房 | premature beat |
收缩期前奔马律 | presystolic gallop |
舒张早期奔马律 | protodiastolic gallop |
上睑下垂 | ptosis |
肺毛细血管楔嵌 | pulmonary capillary wedge pressure , PCWP |
脉搏短绌 | pulse deficit |
脉压 | pulse pressure |
无脉病 | pulseless |
交替脉 | pulsus alternans |
洪脉 | pulsus magnus |
迟脉 | pulsus tardus |
瞳孔 | pupil |
紫癜 | purpura |
致热原 | pyrogen |
四音律 | quadruple rhythm |
波落在RT波上现象 | R on T phenomenon |
佝偻病胸 | rachitic chest |
佝偻病串珠 | rachitic rosary |
放射痛 | radiating pain |
桡骨骨膜反射 | radioperiosteal reflex |
反跳痛 | rebound tenderness |
回归热 | recurrent fever |
发红 | redness |
牵涉痛 | referred pain |
反射 | reflex |
不应期 | refractory period |
区域性肺功能 | regional lung function |
一贯型 | regular |
相对不应期 | relative refractory period |
弛张热 | remittent fever |
残气容积 | residual volume, RV |
清音 | resonance |
尿潴留 | retention of urine |
逆分裂 | reversed splitting |
干罗音 | rhonchi |
肋骨 | rib |
右束支传导阻滞 | right bundle branch block, RBBB |
右下腹 | right lower quadrant |
右上腹 | right upper quadrant |
强直性 | rigidity |
寒战 | rigor |
指指试验 | ringer finger test |
罗姆伯格氏征 | Romberg’s sign |
酒渣鼻 | rosacea |
玫瑰疹 | roseola |
罗特尔氏综合征 | Rotor’s syndrome |
尺压试验 | ruler pressing test |
鞍鼻 | saddle nose |
苦笑面容 | sardonic feature |
头皮 | scalp |
舟状腹 | scaphoid |
肩胛骨 | scapula |
肩胛线 | scapular line |
瘢痕 | scar |
前刀式步态 | scissors gait |
巩膜 | sclera |
搔弹音 | scratcb sound |
老年斑 | senile plaque |
日落现象 | setting sun phenomenon |
性别 | sex |
移动性浊音 | shifting dullness |
高调干罗音 | sibilant rhonchi |
病态窦房结综合征 | sick sinus syndrome , SSS |
窦房传导阻滞 | sino-auricular block, SAB |
窦性静止 | sinus arrest |
窦性心律不齐 | sinus arrhythmia |
窦性心动过缓 | sinus bradycardia |
肋膈窦 | sinus phrenicocostalis |
窦性心动过速 | sinus tachycardia |
大小 | size |
皮疹 | skin eruption |
皮肤回缩 | skin retraction |
头颅 | skull |
小气道功能 | small airway function |
细脉 | small pulse |
光滑舌 | smooth tongue |
嗜睡 | somnolence |
低调干罗音 | sonorous rhonchi |
舌痛 | sore tongue |
蜘蛛痣 | spider angioma |
脊柱棘突 | spinous process |
心音分裂 | splitting of heart sounds |
巨颅 | squared skull |
刺痛 | stabbing pain |
黄染 | stained yellow |
跨阈步态 | steppage gait |
胸骨角 | sternal angle, Louis’s angel |
胸骨线 | sternal line |
听诊器 | stethoscope |
超力型(矮胖型) | sthenic type |
隐血便 | stool with occult blood |
草莓舌 | strawberry tongue |
昏睡 | stupor |
皮下气肿 | subcutaneous emphysema |
皮下结节 | subcutaneous nodule |
振水音 | succussion splash |
重叠奔马律 | summation gallop |
表观情况 | superficial appearance |
锁骨下窝 | supraclavicular fossa |
肩胛上区 | suprascapular region |
胸骨上窝 | suprasternal fossa |
胸骨上切迹 | suprasternal notch |
对称性 | symmetry |
症状 | symptom |
症状学 | symptomatology |
复合感觉 | synaesthesia |
系统回顾 | systems review |
收缩期喷射音 | systolic ejection sounds |
收缩性杂音 | systolic murmur |
呼吸过速 | tachypnea |
触地震颤 | tactile fremitus |
柏油便 | tarry stool |
体温 | temperature |
压痛 | tenderness |
里急后重 | tenesmus |
手足搐搦 | tetany |
温觉 | thalposis |
体温调节中枢 | thermotaxic center |
触觉 | thigmesthesia |
渴感 | thirst |
胸廓扩张度 | thoracic expansion |
丝脉 | thready pulse |
三凹征 | three depressions sign |
震颤 | thrill |
绞痛与搏动性痛 | throbbing pain |
血小板无力症 | thrombasthenia |
窦性心动过缓 | sinus bradycardia |
肋膈窦 | sinus phrenicocostalis |
窦性心动过速 | sinus tachycardia |
大小 | size |
皮疹 | skin eruption |
皮肤回缩 | skin retraction |
头颅 | skull |
小气道功能 | small airway function |
细脉 | small pulse |
光滑舌 | smooth tongue |
嗜睡 | somnolence |
低调干罗音 | sonorous rhonchi |
舌痛 | sore tongue |
蜘蛛痣 | spider angioma |
脊柱棘突 | spinous process |
心音分裂 | splitting of heart sounds |
巨颅 | squared skull |
刺痛 | stabbing pain |
黄染 | stained yellow |
跨阈步态 | steppage gait |
胸骨角 | sternal angle, Louis’s angel |
胸骨线 | sternal line |
听诊器 | stethoscope |
超力型 | sthenic type |
隐血便 | stool with occult blood |
草莓舌 | strawberry tongue |
昏睡 | stupor |
皮下气肿 | subcutaneous emphysema |
皮下结节 | subcutaneous nodule |
振水音 | succussion splash |
重叠奔马律 | summation gallop |
表观情况 | superficial appearance |
锁骨下窝 | supraclavicular fossa |
肩胛上区 | suprascapular region |
胸骨上窝 | suprasternal fossa |
胸骨上切迹 | suprasternal notch |
对称性 | symmetry |
症状 | symptom |
症状学 | symptomatology |
复合感觉 | synaesthesia |
系统回顾 | systems review |
收缩期喷射音 | systolic ejection sounds |
收缩性杂音 | systolic murmur |
呼吸过速 | tachypnea |
触地震颤 | tactile fremitus |
柏油便 | tarry stool |
体温 | temperature |
压痛 | tenderness |
里急后重 | tenesmus |
手足搐搦 | tetany |
温觉 | thalposis |
体温调节中枢 | thermotaxic center |
触觉 | thigmesthesia |
渴感 | thirst |
胸廓扩张度 | thoracic expansion |
丝脉 | thready pulse |
三凹征 | three depressions sign |
震颤 | thrill |
绞痛与搏动性痛 | throbbing pain |
血小板无力症 | thrombasthenia |
甲状腺 | thyroid |
潮气量 | tidal capacity TC |
语调 | tone |
舌 | tongue |
扭转型室性心动过速 | torsive ventricular tachycardia |
斜颈 | torticolis |
塔颅 | tower skull |