Standards for Park Fees and Related Provisions
I. In accordance with the RJ [2011] Document No. 1 issued by the Rucheng County Bureau of Commodity Price, the ordinary entrance ticket for Hunan Jiulongjiang National Forest Park is priced at 80 RMB Yuan / person.
II. Preferential methods for the admission ticket are as follows:
优惠办法 Preferential Method | 条件 Condition | 依据 Basis |
免票 Free ticket | 1.2米以下(含1.2米)的儿童 Children with the height under1.2 m(including) | 身高 Height |
70岁以上的老人 The elderly aged over 70 | 身份证、老年人优待证 ID card and courtesy card for the elderly | |
现役军人、荣誉军人 Active soldier and disabled soldier | 军官证、士兵证、残疾证 Military ID card, soldier card and disability card | |
半票 Half-price ticket
| 1.2米至1.5米的未成年人 Minors with the height from 1.2 to1.5 m | 身高 Height |
60至70岁的老年人 The elderly aged between 60 and 70 | 身份证 ID card | |
24周岁以下全日制学生 Full-time students under the age of 24 | 身份证和学生证 ID card and student card | |
残疾人、最低生活保障对象 The disabled and objects with the minimum living allowance | 残疾证、最低生活保障领取证 Disability card and cashing card of the minimum living allowance |
III. The relevant provisions for the park are as follows:
1、 请按收费标准购票入园。请按指定路线登山游览,为了你的安全,请勿进入景区未开发区域,雷雨天气请勿使用手机。
Please enter the park with the admission ticket according to the charging standards. Climb mountains along the designated route. For your safety, do not enter undeveloped areas in the park, or use mobile phone in stormy weather.
2、 票款请当面点清;一经售出,概不退换;请随身携带,便于查验!
Please check your change and ticket on the spot; all ticket sales are final; bring the ticket with you for possible examination.
3、 严禁使用假钞,一经发现,立即报警处理!
The use of counterfeit money is prohibited. Once found, it will be reported to the police immediately.
4、 本公园为特级防火林区,严禁携带火种上山,严禁动用明火,严禁在公园吸烟。
For the park is a fire-prevention forest, prohibit mountain climbing with kindling, the use of open flame and smoking in the park.
5、 爱护环境卫生和公共设施,不乱丢废弃物;不在树木和公共设施上乱涂、乱刻、乱画。
Please protect the environment and public facilities. Do not drop litter, scratch or paint on, or carve in the trees and public facilities.