公 证 书
( 2011 )浙**证外字第 ** 号 申请人:**,女,一九七六年二月十二日出生,香港居民身份证号码: **,现住香港九龙顺致苑 E 座 206 室。 公证事项:出生 兹证明张霞于一九七六年二月十二日在浙江省**县出生。**的父亲是**(公民身份证号码: **),张霞的母亲是**(公民身份证号码: **)。 中华人民共和国浙江省**县公证处 公证员 二 0 一一年十二月十五日NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE (Translation) (2011) ZKZWZ No. ** Applicant:**,female,born on February 12, 1976, identification card number of Hongkong: ** currently resides at Room 206, Block E, Shun Chi Court, Kowloon, HK. Notary matters: Birth certificate. This is to certify that **, female, was born in ** County, Zhejiang Province on February 12, 1976. Her father is ** (identification card number is **) and her mother is Fu Wenlan (identification card number is **). Notary: ** (Signatory seal) **County Notary Public Office Zhejiang Province The People’s Republic of China (Seal) December 15, 2011