Tax Registration Certificate
Ordinary VAT payer Code: x
Name of taxpayer: xJxNew Thermal Insulation Building Materials Co. , Ltd
Legal representative (director): x
Address: No.1,Dali Road,x district,x
Type of registration of the company: Private Limited Liability Company
Scope of business: licensed business items: none; general business items: sale of building materials, decoration materials, chemical products (exclusive of dangerous chemicals and Class I precursor chemicals), electric wire and cable; home decoration and professional contracting.
Approval authority of the establishment: Beijing Daxing Bureau for Industry and Commerce)
Withholding obligation: confirmed according to law
(Official Stamp ofx of Taxation) |
(Official Stamp ofxLocal xof Taxation) |
Dated this 23rd day of April,x Supervised by the State x of Tx
Situation of head office (filled in by the branch offices) | |
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Taxpayer’s registration No. |
Address |
Scope of business |
Establishment of branch offices (filled in by the head office) | |
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