授 权 委 托 书
本授权委托书声明:我单位广西来宾法资发电有限公司现授权委托 为我单位代理人,以本单位的名义担任来宾B电厂一、二号锅炉脱硝改造项目总承包项目的评标会评审工作。代理人在此过程中所签署的一切文件和处理与之有关的一切事务,我均予以承认。
代理期限从2012年 月 日至2012年 月 日止。
委托单位: (章)
法定代表人: (签名或盖章)
签发日期: 年 月 日
Letter of Authorization
The Letter of Authorization declares that our company i.e. French Investment Guangxi Laibin Electric Power Co. Ltd hereby authorize _______(Name) as the agent of our company to undertake the evaluation work in the bid evaluation meeting for EPC of De-NOx Project for Laibin B Power Plant in the name of the Company. We will acknowledge all the documents signed by the agent during the process and all the matters it dealt with in connection with the above documents.
The duration of agency shall be started from _______, 2012 till _______, 2012.
The agent has no right of sub-entrustment.
Entrusting unit: (Stamp)
Legal representative: (Signature or stamp)
Date of issue:
Working unit of the agent: French Investment Guangxi Laibin Electric Power Co. Ltd
ID card No.:
The copy of ID card and the Qualification Certificate of the member of the Employer for bid evaluation are hereby attached.