Certificate No: ⑴
This is to certify that ⑵ , ⑶ , born in ⑷ , has studied in ⑸ , in the Department of ⑹ from ⑺ to ⑻ and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a ⑼ -year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.
President: ⑽
Nanjing University
Date: ⑾
说明: ⑴ 证书编号 ⑵ 姓名拼音 ⑶ 性别 ⑷ 出生日期 ⑸ 专业方向 ⑹ 院系名称 ⑺ 入学日期 ⑻ 毕业日期 ⑼ 学制年数 ⑽ 校长姓名
⑾ 毕业证书签发日期
Certificate No: ⑴
This is to certify that ⑵ , ⑶ , born in ⑷ , has studied in ⑸ in the Department of ⑹ from ⑺ to ⑻ and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a ⑼ -year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.
Having passed the examinations in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Regulations on Academic Degree of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded the degree of Bachelor of ⑽ .
Chairman: ⑾
Committee on Conferring of Degree
Date: ⑿
说明: ⑴ 证书编号 ⑵ 姓名拼音 ⑶ 性别 ⑷ 出生日期 ⑸ 专业方向 ⑹ 院系名称 ⑺ 入学日期 ⑻ 毕业日期 ⑼ 学制年数 ⑽ 学科名称
⑾ 学位评定委员会主席姓名 ⑿ 学位证书签发日期
院系 | 专业 |
大气科学学院 School of Atmospheric Science | 大气科学 Atmosphere Sciences |
应用气象学 Applied Meteorology | |
地理与海洋科学学院 School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences | 地理学 Geographical Science |
资源环境与城乡规划管理 Resource, Environment and City-Rural Planning and Management | |
地理信息系统 Geographical Information System | |
海洋科学 Oceanographic Science | |
旅游管理 Tourism Management | |
地球科学与工程学院 School of Earth Sciences and Engineering | 地质学 Geology |
地球化学 Geochemistry | |
水文与水资源工程 Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering | |
地质工程 Geological Engineering | |
地下水科学与工程 Ground Water and Engineering | |
电子科学与工程学院 School of Electronic Science and Engineering | 电子信息科学与技术 Electronic Information Science and Technology |
微电子学 Microelectronics | |
通信工程 Communication Engineering | |
生物医学工程 Bio-medical Engineering | |
法学院 Law School | 法学 Law |
工程管理学院 School of Management and Engineering | 管理科学与工程 Management Science and Engineering |
自动化 Automation | |
信息工程 Information Engineering | |
工业工程 Industrial Engineering | |
金融工程 Financial Engineering | |
海外教育学院 Institute for Foreign Students | 对外汉语 Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language |
化学化工学院 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | 化学 Chemistry |
应用化学 Applied Chemistry | |
环境学院 School of Environment | 环境科学 Environmental Sciences |
环境工程 Environmental Engineering | |
计算机科学与技术系 Department of Computer Science & Technology | 计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology |
建筑与城市规划学院 School of Architecture and Urban Planning | 建筑学 Architecture |
城市规划 Urban Planing | |
教育研究院 Institute of Education | 教育技术学 Educational Technology |
匡亚明学院 Kuang Yaming Honors School | 应用文科强化班 Interdisciplinary Program in Social Science for Talented Students |
理科强化班 Intensive Instruction in Science | |
文科强化班 Intensive Instruction in Arts | |
历史学系 Department of History | 历史学 History |
考古学 Archeology | |
软件学院 Software Institute | 软件工程 Computer Software Engineering |
商学院 School of Business | 经济学 Economics |
国际经济与贸易 International Economy and Trade | |
财政学 Finance | |
金融学 Finance | |
保险 Insurance | |
金融工程 Finance Engineering | |
工商管理 Business Administration | |
市场营销 Marketing | |
会计学 Accounting | |
财务管理 Financial Management | |
电子商务 Electronic Business | |
社会学院 School of Social and Behavioral Sciences | 社会学 Sociology |
社会工作 Social Work | |
应用心理学 Applied Psychology | |
生命科学学院 School of Life Science | 生物科学 Biological Science |
生物技术 Biological Technology | |
生态学 Ecology | |
数学系 Department of Mathematics | 数学与应用数学 Mathematics and Applied Mathematics |
信息与计算科学 Information and Computational Science | |
统计学 Statistics | |
天文与空间科学学院 School of Astronomy and Space Science | 天文学 Astronomy |
空间科学与技术 Space Science and Technology | |
外国语学院 School of Foreign Studies | 英语 English |
俄语 Russian | |
日语 Japanese | |
法语 French | |
德语 German | |
西班牙语 Spanish | |
朝鲜语 Korean | |
俄语 Russian | |
文学院 School of Liberal Arts | 汉语言文学 Chinese Language Literature |
物理学院 Physics School | 物理学 Physics |
应用物理学 Applied Physics | |
声学 Acoustics | |
现代工程与应用科学学院 College of Engineering and Applied Sciences | 材料物理 Materials Physics |
材料化学 Materials Chemistry | |
光电信息工程 Photoelectric Information Engineering | |
新能源科学与工程 New Energy Science and Engineering | |
新闻传播学院 School of Journalism and Communication | 新闻学 Journalism |
广告学 Advertisement | |
广播电视新闻学 Broadcasting and Television Journalism | |
信息管理学院 School of Information Management | 信息管理与信息系统 Information Management and Information System |
图书馆学 Library Science | |
档案学 Archives Science | |
编辑出版学 Editing and Publishing Science | |
医学院 Medical School | 临床医学 Clinical Medicine |
基础医学 Basic Medicine | |
口腔医学 Oral Medicine | |
哲学系 Department of Philosophy | 哲学 Philosophy |
政府管理学院 School of Government | 政治学与行政学 Political Science and Administrative Science |
国际政治 International Politics | |
行政管理 Public Administration |