中国地质大学(北京)地学院XX系2001级学生XX于 二零零四 年 ᅳ 月
参加国家大学英语六级考试, 经审核,已达到 《大学英语教学大纲》六级的教学要求, 成绩 合格 ,授予大学英语六级证书。
身份证号: 130604XXXXXXXX
填发日期:X年X 月X 日 教育部高等教育司
证书编号: 041611XXXX 委托填发单位:
Certificate of College English Test 6
(Translation version)
This is to certify that XX, a student of Grade 2001 at School of the Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), passed the examination of College English Test Band-6 (CET-6) in January of 2004. Upon examination, he has fulfilled the band 6 requirements of College English Syllabus Band Six with qualified scores, and is hereby awarded the Certificate of CET-6.
Date of Issuance: March 1st, 2004
Certificate No.: 041611XXXX
Seal: Special Seal for National University CET4/6 Examination Committee