病历中英文 模板

1. 垂体结节影,并垂体柄增粗,考虑良性病变,组织细胞增生症可能性大,累及左侧视交叉,与2012-06-29MR片比较,未见明显变化。
2. 右侧上颌窦炎。

On the coronal and sagittal images, the superior-inferior axis of the pituitary gland was 11mm, and the signals were heterogeneous. The pituitary stalk was thickened, and tuberosis was noticed; a small round long T1 and slightly long T2 abnormal signal with well-defined border was seen in the left upper pituitary gland. At the early stage of dynamic contrast enhanced scan, the normal pituitary gland was significantly enhanced. A mild enhanced lesion (about 6mm*5mm) with relative hypointensity was observed in the pituitary gland. No significantly sagged sellar floor was noted. No abnormality of the metasellar and suprasellar structures was observed.
The size and shape of the cranium was normal. Small round long T1 and slightly long T2 abnormal signals were seen in the hypophysial fossa, no abnormal signal lesion was seen in the other part of cerebral parenchyma, and the border between the grey matter and the white matter was well-defined. The size and shape of each cerebral ventricle were normal. The cortical sulci, schizencephaly and cistern were not widened. The median line was normal. No abnormal signal was seen in the skull. The right mucous membrane of maxillary sinus was thickened.
Iconographic diagnosis:
1. Pituitary gland nodule combined with thickened pituitary stalk, based on which, a benign lesion, histocytosis, is speculated, with the left optic chiasma involved. Compared with the MR images obtained on June 29, 2012, no significant change is noticed.
2. Right maxillary sinusitis.


