DIPLOMA OF GRADUATIONName: XXX Sex: Male Date of Birth: 26/09/1989
Dates of Attendance: Sep. 2007 to June. 2011
Major: Statistics
Department: School of Mathematical Sciences
Certificate No: 证书编号(学校编号) Issued Date : June 25, 2011
This is to certify that the student has completed the requirements of the undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.
President of Nankai University
DIPLOMA OF BACHELOR DEGREE Name: XXX Sex:Male Date of Birth: 26/09/1989
Dates of Attendance: Sep. 2007 to June. 2011
Major: Statistics
Department: School of Mathematical Sciences
Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science
Certificate No: 证书编号 Issued Date : June 25, 2011
This is to certify that the student has completed the requirements of the undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.
Having passed the examination in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Regulations on Academic Degrees of the People’s Republic of China, the student is awarded the degree.
Chairman of the Committee of Academic Degrees of Nankai University
DIPLOMA OF BACHELOR DEGREE (for Double Degree) Name: XXX Sex:Male Date of Birth: 26/09/1992
Dates of Attendance: Sep. 2007 to June. 2011
Major: Statistics
Department: School of Mathematical Sciences
Minor: Business Administration in Business School
Degree Awarded: Bachelors of Science and Management
Certificate No: 证书编号 Issued Date : June 25, 2011
This is to certify that the student has completed the requirements of the undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.
Having passed the examination in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Regulations on Academic Degrees of the People’s Republic of China, the student is awarded the degree.
Chairman of the Committee of Academic Degrees of Nankai University
Name: XXX Sex:Male Date of Birth: 26/09/1992
Dates of Attendance: Sep. 2007 to June. 2011
Major: Statistics
Department: School of Mathematical Sciences in Nankai University
Minor: Business Administration from March 2009 to June 2011 in Tianjin University
Degree Awarded: Bachelors of Science and Management
Certificate No: 证书编号 Issued Date : Jun 25, 2011
This is to certify that the student has completed the requirements of the undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.
Having passed the examination in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Regulations on Academic Degrees of the People’s Republic of China, the student is awarded the degree.
Chairman of the Committee of Academic Degrees of Tianjin University
Name: XXX Sex:Male Date of Birth: 26/09/1992
Dates of Attendance: Sep. 2007 to June. 2011
Major: Statistics
Department: School of Mathematical Sciences
Minor: Business Administration in Business School
Certificate No: 证书编号 Issued Date : June 25, 2011
This is to certify that the student has completed and passed all the required courses of the minor program and is hereby awarded the Minor Course Certificate.
Certificate No.: 证书编号 Z(﹡此处写证书上校长姓名的汉字拼音) President of Nankai University
This is to certify that XXX, a graduate of 1992, having studied in 学院(系)with a specialty of 专业, has been awarded the title of Graduate with Honor in recognition of his或her excellent thesis <<论文题目>> during his或her enrollment in the undergraduate program.
Certificate No.: 证书编号 Teaching Affairs office Nankai University June 2006 2. 学校优秀毕业论文证书
This is to certify that XXX, a graduate of 2006, has been awarded the title of Graduate with Honor in recognition of his或her excellent thesis <<论文题目>> during his或her enrollment in the undergraduate program.
Certificate No.: 证书编号 Teaching Affairs Office Nankai University June 2006
1. X等优秀学生奖学金(例:一等优秀学生奖学金)
This is to certify that XXX won the First Prize of Excellent Undergraduate Scholarship in the academic year of 2004-2005. This certificate is hereby awarded to him as an encouragement.
This is to certify that XXX has got the third-grade scholarship in the academic year of 2004-2005. This certificate is hereby awarded to him as an encouragement.
Certificate No.: 证书编号 Nankai University October 20053. 三好学生荣誉证书模板
This is to certify that XXX won the title of “Merit Student " in the academic year of 2004-2005. This certificate of commendation is hereby awarded to him as an encouragement.
Certificate No.: 证书编号 Nankai University Nov. 20054. 成绩优秀单项奖
This is to certify that XXX has got the specialized scholarship of Excellent Achievements for the 2004-2005 academic year. This certificate is hereby awarded to him as an encouragement.
Certificate No.: 证书编号 Nankai University Dec. 20055. 新生优秀单项奖
This is to certify that XXX has got the specialized scholarship of Excellent Fresher for the 2004-2005 academic year. This certificate is hereby awarded to her as an encouragement.
Certificate No.: 证书编号 Nankai University Oct. 2005
6. 企业奖学金:
This is to certify that XXX has got the top-grade “Guanghua Scholarship” in the year of 2004. This certificate is hereby awarded to her as an encouragement.
7. “百项工程” 奖学金
Project Name:
Members of the Group:
Supervisors of the Group:
The above project is hereby awarded the Second Prize as an excellent project in the “100 Projects” of Creative Research for the Undergraduates of Nankai University.
Certificate No.: 证书编号 (如没有编号不用填写)
Nankai University
April, 2007
This is to certify that XXX , admitted to the 专业,学院(系), Nankai University in 2000, had passed the examination of College English Test (Band 6) in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the College English Instruction Programmer in June, 2002. He was awarded this certificate.
Registration No.: 证书注册证号
Higher Educational Department of the National Education Committee
Issued Date: 证书上发证日期
部分奖学金英文 参考:
国家奖学金 National Scholarship
国家励志奖学金 National Encouragement scholarship
校一等奖:The First Prize Scholarship
校二等奖:The Second Prize Scholarship
校三等奖:The Third Prize Scholarship
单项奖学金:Individual Scholarship
全国建模比赛 National Mathematical Modeling Contest
汇丰银行奖学金 The HSBC Bank Scholarship
住友商事奖学金 The Sumitomo Corporation Scholarship
三星奖学金 The Samsung Scholarship
丰田奖学金 The Toyota Scholarship
平安励志奖学金 Ping An Encouragement Scholarship