证券金融法规中英 模板

  Securities Associations of China: Industry Pact on the Prohibition of Financing and Disguised Financing in Stock Underwriting Businesses
  Financing and disguised financing in the course of stock underwriting constitute a type of improper competitive behaviors, which not only brings about chaotic competition on the primary market, but also aggravates business disputes between securities firms and enterprises. More importantly, they exceed the existent economic capacity of domestic securities firms, exacerbate the operating risks of securities firms and pose a serious threat to the healthy growth of the domestic securities market.
  In accordance with relevant guidelines of the Notice of China Securities Regulatory Commission on the Prohibition of Improper Conducts in Stock Issuance, this Industry Pact is hereby formulated with a view to maintaining the overall interests of the industry and minimizing improper competition on the primary market. The Industry Pact is provided as follows:
  1. This Industry Pact is applicable to all the entities that have a membership and that have a Principal Stock Underwriting Qualification in China.
  2. Financing and disguised financing in the course of stock underwriting refer to practices that securities firms, for the purpose of securing underwriting projects such as IPO, stock allotment and new stock issuance etc., provide financing to enterprises; such practices include but are not limited to direct loans, advancement of funds, prepayment of stock subscription, and offering guarantee for loans.
  3. Financing and disguised financing that have taken place between securities firms and enterprises prior to the effective date of this Pact will be resolved at such firms and enterprises’ own discretion.
  4. When any member of the Association violates this Pact, the Association will request other members to boycott the underwriting groups initiated by such member and hands out the following disciplinary penalties depending on the severity of the offence once the violation is confirmed after investigation:
  (1) Public denunciation;
  (2) The organization in question and the person(s) with direct responsibility shall be subject to disciplinary penalties in accordance with applicable stipulations of the Association.
  5. When a member has any objection to the penalty it receives, the member may apply to the supervisory board of the Association for a review within one month; when the member has any objection to the result of the review, the member may lodge a complaint to China Securities Regulatory Commission within one month.
  6. Matters not provided herein may be dealt with in reference to relevant stipulations, and the Association will draw up specific implementation rules separately.
  7. This Pact is to be interpreted by the Council of the Association.
  8. After being ratified by the Standing Council of the Association, this Pact will be submitted to China Securities Regulatory Commission for approval and will be promulgated and enter into force upon the signature of the member entities with Principal Stock Underwriting Qualification and the legal representatives thereof. This Pact will be valid for a term of two years.
  Securities Associations of China
  March 15, 2000


