香港公司章程 样本中英对照版


Private Company Limited by Shares
青岛希尼尔 公司

1.  The regulations contained in Table "A" in the First Schedule to the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 32) shall apply to the Company save in so far as they are hereby expressly excluded or modified. In case of conflict between the provisions of Table "A" and these presents, the provisions herein contained shall prevail.
1.  除非本章程细则明确地将公司条例(第三十二章)的第一附表“A表”,(下称“A表”)所列出的规则排除或修改,否则“A表”所列出的规则适用于本公司。假如“A表”所列规则,与本章程细则,内容互相违背,则以本章程细则内容为标准。
1.   The company is a private company and accordingly:---
(a)  the right to transfer shares is restricted in manner hereinafter prescribed;
(b)  the number of Members of the company (exclusive of persons who are in the employment of the company and of persons who having been formerly in the employment of the company were while in such employment and have continued after the determination of such employment to be members of the company) is limited to fifty. Provided that where two or more persons hold one or more shares in the company jointly the shall for the purpose of this regulation be treated as a single member;
(c)  any invitation to the public to subscribe for any shares or debentures of the company is prohibited.
2.  本公司为私人公司,据此-
(a)  转让股份的权利乃以下文所订明的方式受限制。
(b)  公司的成员人数(不包括受雇用于公司的人,亦不包括先前受雇于公司而在受雇用期间及在终止受雇之后,一直作为公司成员的人)以50名为限。但就本条而言,凡2名或多于2名人仕联名持有公司一股或多于一股的股份,该等人仕须视为单一名成员;
(c)  禁止任何邀请公众人仕认购公司的任何股份或债权;
Transfer of Shares
3.  The Directors may decline to register any transfer of shares to any person without giving any reason therefor. The Directors may suspend the registration of transfers during the twenty-one days immediately preceding the Ordinary General Meeting in each year. The Directors may decline to register any instrument of transfer, unless (a) a fee not exceeding two dollars is paid to the Company in respect thereof, and (b) the instrument of transfer is accompanied by the Certificate of the shares to which it relates, and such other evidence as the Directors may reasonably require to show the right of the transferor to make the transfer.
3.  董事可在无须给予任何理由的情况下,拒绝为任何人仕登记股份转让。在每年周年大会举行前二十一日,董事可暂停登记股份转让,除下列情况外,董事可拒绝为任何转让文件进行登记除非:    a)有关人仕或公司就有关转让文件,支付本公司不超过2元的费用;     b)有关人仕或公司能够向本公司董事呈交相关转让文件的股份证明书及其他董事有权合理要求的证据,以证明转让人有权作出该等转让。

Chairman of Directors
4.  The Director may elect a chairman of their meetings, and determine the period for which he is to hold office, and unless otherwise determined the chairman shall be elected annually. If no chairman is elected, or if at any meeting the chairman is not present within half an hour of the time appointed for holding the same, the Directors present shall choose someone of their number to be the chairman of such meeting.
4.  董事可选出会议主席并决定其任期。除另有规定外,主席选举必须每年举行一次。假如没有选出主席,或主席在任何会议指定时间半小时内仍未出席,则出席的董事可在与会的董事中选出一人,担任会议主席。  
5.  Unless and until the Company in General Meeting shall otherwise determine, the number of Directors shall not be less than two.  The first Directors of the Company shall be nominated in writing by the subscribers to the Memorandum of Association.
5.  除公司在大会另有规定外,董事人数不得少于两人。首任董事,必须由组织章程大纲内签署的股份认购人以书面提名。 
I/We, the undersigned, whose name(s),address(es) and description(s) are hereto subscribed, am/are desirous of being formed into a Company in pursuance of this Memorandum of Association, and I/we respectively agree to take the number of share(s) in the capital of the company set opposite to my/our respective names:--


