零部件采购英语合同 模板

        做采购的都知道采购合同对公司采购的重要性。而随着社会的不断进步,越来越多的国内企业面向世界接轨。而你的合同语言就不得不变得多样性了。特别是采购合同。一份专业的英语采购合同 ,不仅会给公司带来利益还可以让公司的形象瞬间高大。下面是专业 公司就采购英语合同 所整合出的汽车零部件采购类英语合同 模板,可供大家参考:   甲方:Party A:   乙方:Party B:   目 录CONTENTS   前言 Recital   第一章合同双方的权利与义务Chapter 1 Rights and duties of both Parties   第二章 工业产权Chapter 2 IPR   第三章 产品责任Chapter 3 Product liability   第四章 变更与异常Chapter 4 Change and disorder   第五章 保密Chapter 5 Confidentiality   第六章 违约责任Chapter 6 Default liability   第七章 不可抗力Chapter 7 Force Majeure   第八章 合同期限Chapter 8 Term of contract   第九章 仲裁Chapter 9 Arbitration   本合同于在----签订。 签约一方为:-------(以下简称甲方),该公司是一家依据中国法律存在的法人实体,其住所为:------。   This agreement is concluded on the first day of January in -------by and between arty A: -------- (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), a company incorporated in accordance with Chinese laws and having its domicile at ---------;   签约另一方为:--------(以下简称乙方),是一家依据中国法律存在的法人实体,其住所为:---------- 。   Party B:------(hereinafter referred to as Party B), a company incorporated in accordance with Chinese laws and with its domicile at -----------.   鉴于甲方拟与乙方签订长期供货合同, 考虑到合法利益的有效保障,双方一致同意以下条款,签订本合同。本合同是甲方与乙方建立配套合作关系的基础框架性文件,是规范和确定甲、乙双方在合同履行过程中应有的权利和所须承担的责任的书面规定。本合同共包括九个部分的内容及八项协议附件。   Whereas Party A wishes to conclude a long-term supply agreement with Party B and in consideration of the effective protection of the legal interests, both Parties have reached the following agreements in consensus and signed this agreement. This agreement is the fundamental framework documents for the supporting and cooperation relation between both Parties and the written specification and determination of the rights and obligations of both Parties during the performance of this agreement. This agreement consists of 9 chapters and 8 appendices.   第一章:合同双方的权力与义务   Chapter 1 Rights and obligations of both Parties   1. 甲方的权力、责任与义务包括但不限于:   Party A’s rights, obligations and duties include but not limited to:   有权要求乙方按照双方相关协议约定的技术、质量标准、数量、包装、时间、地点、服务等供应协议零部件;   甲方有权根据生产计划的变更以及合同零部件的供货质量、时间进度执行情况及售后服务质量等条件对乙方进行定期或不定期考核,根据考核结果对其供货数量、种类以及配套资格进行相应调整,以至取消配套资格;   如出现因乙方的过错导致的产品责任时,有权要求乙方赔偿因上述产品责任而造成的经济损失;   应当按照协议约定向乙方支付货款;   应当按协议约定承担保密义务;   协议约定的其它权利与义务。   Entitled to require Party B to supply the agreed parts and components in accordance with the technical and quality standards, quantity, packaging, schedule, place, service and so on requirements as may be agreed in relevant agreements between both Parties;   To carry out regular or irregular evaluations of Party B in accordance with the changes of the production plan, the quality of the supplied parts and components, the compliance of time schedule, the quality of after-sale service and so on, and make adjustment to the quantity, categories and supplying qualification as well as to cancel Party B’s supplying qualification according to the results of the evaluations;   In the case of product liability due to Party B’s fault, to require Party B to compensate economic loss resulted from such product liability;   To pay Party B the price of goods in accordance with the agreement;   To have the obligation of confidentiality in accordance with the provisions of the agreement;   To have any other rights and obligations as may be agreed in the agreement.   2. 乙方的主要权利、责任与义务包括但不限于:   Party B’s rights, obligations and duties include but not limited to:   有权要求甲方按照相关协议约定支付货款;   To require Party A to make payments as may be agreed in relevant agreements;   必须按照相关协议约定的技术、质量标准、数量、包装、时间、地点等供应协议零部件,并保证在生产过程中达到质量要求;   To supply the parts and components as may be agreed in accordance with the agreed technical and quality standard and quantity, packaging, schedule, place and other requirements and ensure to reach the quality requirements during the production;   负责在规定的时间内将发至甲方的不合格品进行更换、维修并承担由此产生的费用和直接损失。   To replace and repair the unqualified products delivered to Party A within the specified time and be liable for the expenses and direct loss thereof;   因产品责任或违约造成甲方的经济损失,有责任根据要求进行赔偿;   In the event that Party A suffers any economic losses due to products liability or Party B’s breach of contract, to make compensations upon the request;   未经甲方事先书面同意,不得以任何方式向第三方提供协议零部件或与该协议零部件有关的技术资料;   Without Party A’s prior written consent, shall not to provide the technical materials concerning or in relation to the agreed parts and components in any manner;    协议约定的其它权利与义务。   Shall be liable for the obligation of confidentiality in accordance with the provisions of the agreement;   第二章 工业产权   Chapter 2 IPR   1.乙方应不侵犯任何第三方的工业产权前提下,为甲方加工合同零部件,若甲方为此引起任何索赔时,乙方应承担全部责任。   Party B shall manufacture contract parts and components for Party A without infringing upon the IPR of any third party. In the event that Party A suffers such claims, Party B shall be totally liable.   2.乙方应确保甲方及其客户不因上述工业产权而承担任何责任和损失。如果乙方按甲方提供的图纸等制造和供应合同零部件时,不可能知道已侵犯了任何第三方的工业产权的,不属此规定。   Party B shall protect and indemnify Party A and its customers against any responsibilities and losses arising from the above IPR. In the event that Party B manufactures and supplies parts and components in accordance with the drawings and so on provided by Party A and should not have been aware of the infringement of any third party’s IPR, Party B shall not be liable.   3.在甲方提出要求时,乙方应告之甲方所有与合同零部件有关的任何工业产权使用情况,不论这些工业产权属乙方所有,还是被许可使用,或是任何特批的工业产权。   When Party A requires, Party B shall inform Party A of all conditions of the IPR related to the agreed parts and components, whether such IPR belongs to Party B, or licensed to use or specially authorized.   第三章 产品责任   Chapter 3 Product liability   1.如果第三方指控由甲方提供且安装在第三方制造的汽车上有缺陷的合同产品导致了该汽车损坏或人身、财产损失,并因此向甲方提出索赔或起诉,经甲方查实为乙方责任造成的,则甲方应传真或电话通知乙方。   In the event that any third party claims that the defective products provided by Party A and as may be installed on the automobiles manufactured by such third party have caused the damages of such automobiles and personal and property losses and therefore makes claims against and sues Party A, Party A shall inform Party B thereof by fax or telephone after Party A has verified that Party B is liable.   2.乙方应参与调查、技术鉴定和技术仲裁,并在上述调查、技术鉴定和技术仲裁进行过程中提供一切必要的信息。如果发生诉讼,本协议双方应共同参与应诉。   Party B shall participate in the investigation, technical evaluations and arbitrations and shall provide all the necessary information during the above investigation, technical evaluations and arbitrations. In the event of the lawsuits, both Parties shall jointly participate.   3. 所发生的合同产品责任索赔有关的一切费用应由造成产品责任索赔的一方承担。   All the expenses occurred in relation to the claims of product liabilities shall be borne by the party causing such product liabilities.   4.双方应共同确定引起索赔是由哪一方造成的,或者在何种程度上是由于某一方的过错造成的所提出的索赔。做出上述确定时,应以能够获得的信息和投诉以及裁决(如有的话)为基础。   Both Parties shall jointly determine which party causes such claims or to what extent one party’s fault has caused such claims. The above determination shall be made in accordance with the available information and complaints and arbitrations (if applicable).   5.如果产品责任完全是由于乙方过错而造成,则乙方应使甲方免于承担与第三方提出的索赔和诉讼有关的一切费用,包括律师费、诉讼费等,由乙方自己承担。   In the event that the product liability is totally caused by Party B’s fault, Party B shall indemnify Party A against any costs including attorney fees, legal cost and so on in relation to the claims and proceedings made by any third party.   6.如果产品责任完成是由于甲方过错而造成,则甲方应使乙方免于承担与第三方提出的索赔和诉讼有关的一切费用,包括律师费、诉讼费。   In the event that the product liability is totally caused by Party A’s fault, Party A shall indemnify Party B against any costs including attorney fees, legal cost and so on in relation to the claims and proceedings made by any third party.   本合同用中文英文书写,签署原件叁份,甲方执贰份,乙方执壹份。   This agreement shall be made in Chinese and English, in triplicates, two of which to be held by Party A and one of which to be held by Party B.   甲方: 乙方:   Party A: Party B:   委托代理人(签字盖章): 委托代理人(签字盖章):   Authorized agent (signature and seal): Authorized agent (signature and seal)

  一份专业的英语采购合同 必须有专业的行业知识和 能力才可以完成,小编提醒您,无论是哪种英语采购合同 ,都需要加盖 公司的 专用章。


