上市挂牌号:Listing Number:
合同编号:Contract Number:
市工商行政管理局 市产权交易管理办公室
Presented by
Shanghai Municipal Administration of Industry and Commerce
Shanghai Administration Office of Assets and Equity Exchange
合同使用须知Notice to Use this Contract
一、本合同文本是根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《企业国有产权转让管理暂行办法》和《 市产权交易管理办法》制定的示范文本。构成本合同示范文本要件的合同条款均为提示性适用条款。条款所列内容,包括括号中所列内容,均由合同当事人约定时选择采用。
This Contract version is a model edition made in accordance with “Contract Law of PRC”, “Interim Procedures on Administration of Enterprises State-Owned Equities Transfer, PRC”, “Procedures of Shanghai Municipal on Administration of Equity Exchange”. All of the terms and clauses, composing the essentials of this Contract, are the model and applicable provisions of the contract. The parties may select to adopt the contents listed in the terms and clauses, including in parentheses, according to their agreement.
To protect the rights and profits of each party, it is required that parties shall be careful and the provisions shall be specific and tight when the parties sign this Contract. When negotiating any specific articles, the statements must be made clearly if the provisions need to be agreed, and the wording “this Contract does not involve this provision” or “it is not necessary to agree on this provision in this Contract” shall be specified if the provision is not necessary to be agreed upon.
“Transferror” means the owner of the assets and equity to be transferred, equity contributor or the person who is entitled to dispose the equity assets.
四、受让人:指通过 联合产权交易所,以协议转让或拍卖或招投标等方式有偿取得产权的法人或自然人或其他组织。
“Transferee” means the legal person or individual or other entities who acquired the assets and equity with consideration by means of a transfer agreement or auction or bidding and the like.via Shanghai United Assets and Equity Exchange (hereinafter referred to “SUEE”),
Filling the basic information of the parties to this Contract: it is required to specify the nature of the enterprises of Transferor and Transferee according to the nature specified in their Business Licenses. For an individual, he/she shall itemize his/her name, nationality, ID card No. (Passport No.), resident address, postal code, telephone No., bank account and so on. In case that there are more than one transferor and transferee to this Contract, it is required to specify their information respectively.
The Subject of Assets and Equity to be transferred: means the property right of assets and equity(wholly or partially) legally owned by the legal person, individual or other entities, including Land-Use Right, Real-estate and Premises, Facilities and Equipments, Automobiles, Technology Projects, Trademark, Patent and the like.
“Price of Transfer”: in case of transferring the state-owned assets of the enterprise, the assets must be valued and the valued value shall be the reference of the transfer price after valuation. The method to determined the transfer price is determined by way of bidding and negotiation without undergoing valuation directly is only applicable to the assets and equity of non state-owned ones in general.
“Enterprise Employment Settlement related to Equity Transfer” means the plan to appropriately settle all the staff and workers in Transferror enterprise in accordance with related laws and regulations. If it conforms to the provisions of “Interim Procedures on Administration of Enterprises State-Owned Equities Transfer, PRC”, a Resolution of Employment Settlement reviewed and approved by the Enterprise Staff and Workers’ Congress shall be attached.
“Plan to Assume and Discharge the enterprise’s Debts and Credits related to Equity Transfer” means the settlement of Transferror’s debts and credits, including the debts to its staff and workers. If it conforms to the provisions of “Interim Procedures on Administration of Enterprises State-Owned Equities Transfer, PRC”, a Debts and Credits’ Agreement with Financial Organization’s written consent shall be attached.
“Asset Settlement” means the disposal of Land-Use Right, Real-estate and Premises, Facilities and Equipments, Automobiles, Technology Projects, Trademark, Patent and the like shall be done according to the specific agreements of the different subjects.
“The Basis Date of Equity Exchange” means the specific timing in which the value of transferred equity is realized.
“Liabilities for Breach of Contract”: when one party violated this Contract, the other party may select to adopt either the penalty clause or deposit clause in case that the parties have the agreement of both penalty clause and deposit clause.
“Settlement of Disputes”: except mutual consultation and negotiation, the parties may adopt either arbitration or lawsuit. However, if the parties adopts arbitration, they cannot adopt any other disputes’ settlement.
The Parties and its authorized representatives related to this Contract
出让人(以下简称甲方):Transferror (hereinafter referred to “Party A”):
法定代表人:Legal Representative: 企业类型:Enterprise’s Type:
注册资本:Registered Capital:
受托经纪组织:Authorized Agency Organization:
电话:Telephone Number: 职务:Title: 邮编:Postal Code:
开户银行帐号:Bank Account: 电话:Telephone Number:
受让人(以下简称乙方):Transferee (hereinafter referred to “Party B”):
法定代表人:Legal Representative: 企业类型:Enterprise’s Type:
注册资本:Registered Capital:
受托经纪组织:Authorized Agency Organization:
电话:Telephone Number: 职务:Title:
邮编:Postal Code: 开户银行帐号: Bank Account:
电话:Telephone Number:
根据中华人民共和国法律法规和《 市产权交易管理办法》的有关规定,甲、乙双方遵循自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则订立本合同,以资共同遵守。
Under the People’s Republic of China’s laws and rules and related provisions of “Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on Administration of Assets and Equity Exchange”, this Contract is made by Party A and Party B in accordance with the principles of free-will, fairness, honesty and credibility for their observation.
1. (产权转让标的企业的名称)成立于 年,注册资金为人民币 万元,系 (出资人/股东名称)出资 万元(出资人/股东是多名的应分别载明)。
(Transferror’s name) established in (year), its registered capital is RMB , contributed by (Investor’s name/ Shareholder’s name) with RMB (List out each investor or shareholder)
2.经评估(审计),截止 年 月 日,(产权转让标的企业的名称)资产合计为人民币 元,负债合计为 元,净资产为 元。
Per appraisal (audit), up to (date), the total assets of (Transferor’s name) amounted to RMB , debts amounted to RMB , the net assets amounted to RMB
3.本次 (产权标的名称)转让,各方当事人已被授权。
Each party has been authorized to handle this transfer of (Equity’s name).
第一条 产权转让的标的 Article 1 The Subject of Assets and Equity to Be Transferred
甲方将所拥有(持有)的 有偿转让给乙方。
Party A transfers its legitimately-owned (or possessed) (equity’s name) to Party B in consideration.
第二条 产权转让的价格Article 2 The Price of Assets and Equity Transfer
甲方将上述产权以人民币(大写) 万元转让给乙方。
Party A transfers the aforementioned assets and equity to Party B at the price of RMB . (List out each Transferror or Transferee if there is more than one transferor or transferee)
第三条 产权转让的方式Article 3 The Mode of Assets and Equity Transfer
上述产权经资产评估确认后,通过 联合产权交易所上市挂牌,采用(协议转让或拍卖或招投标等)的方式,确定受让人和转让价格,签订产权交易合同,实施产权交易。
After the aforementioned assets and equity are valued and are published for sales through SUAE, the transferee and the transfer price is determined by the mode of (Transfer by agreement or Auction or “Bidding and the like) and the assets and equity transaction contract is signed for implementation of the assets and equity transaction.
第四条 产权转让涉及的企业职工安置
Article 4 The Employment Settlement Related to Equity Transfer
According to the agreement by Party A and Party B, it will adopt the following methods for the settlement:
(the agreement regarding the settlement of the staff and employees of the enterprise related to this Contract must be the same as the plans for the settlement of the staff and employees of the enterprise of transferred subjects. It can have a separate attachment to this Contract to state specifically if the situation is complicated.)
第五条 产权转让涉及的债权、债务的承继和清偿办法
Article 5 Plans to Assume and Discharge the Debts and Credits Related to Assets and Equity Transfer
According to the agreement by Party A and Party B, it will adopt the following methods to deal with the debts and credits:
(It can have a separate attachment to this Contract to state specifically if the situation is complicated.)
第六条 产权转让中涉及的资产处置
Article 6 Assets Disposal Related to Assets and Equity Transfer
According to the agreement by Party A and Party B, it will adopt the following methods to dispose the assets
(It can have a “list for the completion of the assets and equity” or a separate attachment to this Contract to state specifically if the situation is complicated.)
第七条 经甲、乙双方约定,产权转让总价款的支付方式、期限和付款条件,采取一次付清或分期付款的方式:
Article 7 As agreed by Party A and Party B, the method of the payment of total transfer price of the assets and equity, timing and the conditions of the payment, will adopt the ways of either full payment or installment payment:
(It can have a separate attachment to this Contract to state specifically if the situation is complicated.)
1.一次付清的方式Full Payment
(1)产权转让总价款应在 联合产权交易所出具产权交易凭证后 日内一次付清。
The total price of Equity Transfer shall be paid in full within days after the SUAE issues the Voucher of the Equity Transaction.
(2)乙方在本合同签订后 日内,向甲方支付定金,共计人民币(大写) 万元。乙方在支付产权转让总价款时,甲方应将定金退还给乙方或抵作价款。
Party B shall pay RMB , as the Deposit, to Party A within days after signing this Contract. At the time Party B paid the total Equity Transfer price, Party A shall refund the Deposit to Party B or count it in the total price.
2.分期付款的方式 Installment Payment
(1)国有、集体产权转让如金额较大、一次付清确有困难的,可以采用分期付款的方式。乙方首期付款不得低于总价款的30%,合计人民币(大写) 万元,并在 联合产权交易所出具产权交易凭证之日起五个工作日内支付;其余款项于 年 月