台湾保险法 模板(第二部分 中英文)

        第84 条关于海上保险,适用海商法海上保险章之规定。

  Article 84 Marine insurance is governed by the provisions of the Marine Insurance Chapter of the Maritime Act.

  第三节陆空保险Section 3. Land and Air Insurance

  第85 条陆上、内河及航空保险人,对于保险标的物,除契约另有订定外,因陆上、内河及航空一切事变及灾害所致之毁损、灭失及费用,负赔偿之责。

  第86 条关于货物之保险,除契约另有订定外,自交运之时以迄于其目的地收货之时为其期间。

  Article 85 Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, land, inland waterway, and aviation insurers are liable, with respect to the subject matter insured, to indemnify for damage, loss, and expenses arising out of all accidents and calamities on land, inland waterways, or in the air.

  Article 86 With regard to cargo insurance, unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, the term of insurance begins from the time of delivery for transport and continues to the time the cargo is received at the place of destination.

  第87 条保险契约,除记载第五十五条规定事项外,并应载明左列事项:


  第88 条因运送上之必要,暂时停止或变更运送路线或方法时,保险契约除另有订定外,仍继续有效。

  第89 条航行内河船舶运费及装载货物之保险,除本节另有规定外,准用海上保险有关条文之规定。

  Article 87 An insurance contract, in addition to specifying the particulars provided in Article 55, shall also specify the following particulars:

  1. Route and method of transportation.

  2. Personal name and business name of transporter.

  3. Place of delivery for transport and place of cargo collection.

  4. Deadline for transportation, if any.

  Article 88 If, due to transportation needs, transportation is temporarily suspended or the route or method of transportation is altered, the insurance contract remains valid unless otherwise stipulated therein.

  Article 89 Unless otherwise provided for in this Section, the relevant provisions for marine insurance apply mutatis mutandis to hull, freight, and cargo insurance for vessels navigating inland waterways.

  第四节责任保险Section 4. Liability Insurance

  第90 条责任保险人于被保险人对于第三人,依法应负赔偿责任,而受赔偿之请求时,负赔偿之责。

  Article 90 When the insured is legally obligated to indemnify a third party and receives a claim in connection therewith, the liability insurer is liable to provide indemnification.

  第91 条被保险人因受第三人之请求而为抗辩,所支出之诉讼上或诉讼外之必要费用,除契约另有订定外,由保险人负担之。被保险人得请求保险人垫给前项费用。

  第92 条保险契约系为被保险人所营事业之损失赔偿责任而订立者,被保险人之代理人、管理人或监督人所负之损失赔偿责任,亦享受保险之利益,其契约视同并为第三人之利益而订立。

  Article 91 All necessary litigation or non-litigation expenses incurred by the insured to raise a defense against a third party's claim shall, unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, be borne by the insurer. The insured may request that the insurer advance the expenses referred to in the preceding paragraph.

  Article 92 Where an insurance contract has been entered into to cover the liability of an enterprise run by the insured for loss indemnification, liability for loss indemnification borne by any agent, manager, or supervisor of the insured shall also be entitled to the benefit of the insurance, and the contract shall be deemed to have been entered into concurrently for the benefit of third parties.

  第93 条保险人得约定被保险人对于第三人就其责任所为之承认、和解或赔偿,未经其参与者,不受拘束。但经要保人或被保险人通知保险人参与而无正当理由拒绝或借故迟延者,不在此限。

  第94 条保险人于第三人由被保险人应负责任事故所致之损失,未受赔偿以前,不得以赔偿金额之全部或一部给付被保险人。被保险人对第三人应负损失赔偿责任确定时,第三人得在保险金额范围内,依其应得之比例,直接向保险人请求给付赔偿金额。

  第95 条保险人得经被保险人通知,直接对第三人为赔偿金额之给付。

  Article 93 An insurer may stipulate in a contract that any acknowledgment, settlement, or indemnification made by the insured in connection with its liability toward a third party without the participation of the insurer is not binding on the insurer, provided that this rule does not apply where the insurer, having been requested by the proposer or insured to participate, has refused to do so without legitimate reason or has delayed its participation on pretext.

  Article 94 Prior to indemnification of a third party for loss caused by an event attributable to the insured, an insurer may not pay all or any part of the insured amount to an insured. Where the insured has been determined liable to indemnify a third party for loss, the third party may claim for payment of indemnification, within the scope of the insured amount and based on the ratio to which the third party is entitled, directly from the insurer.

  Article 95 The insurer may, upon being notified by the insured, indemnify the third party directly.

  第四节之一保证保险Section 4-1. Bonding Insurance

  第95-1 条保证保险人于被保险人因其受雇人之不诚实行为或其债务人之不履行债务所致损失,负赔偿之责。

  Article 95-1 A bonding insurer is liable to indemnify the insured for loss incurred through dishonest acts by the insured's employees or through non-performance of obligations by its obligors.

  第95-2 条以受雇人之不诚实行为为保险事故之保证保险契约,除记载第五十五条规定事项外,并应载明左列事项:


  第95-3 条以债务人之不履行债务为保险事故之保证保险契约,除记载第五十五条规定事项外,并应载明左列事项:



  Article 95-2 Bonding insurance contracts for which dishonest acts by the insured's employees constitute the insured peril shall, in addition to the particulars provided in Article 55, also contain the following particulars:

  1. Insured's name and domicile.

  2. Employee's name and title or other means of identifying the employee.

  Article 95-3 Bonding insurance contracts for which non-performance of obligations by the insured's obligors constitute the insured peril shall, in addition to the particulars provided for in Article 55, also contain the following particulars:

  1. Insured's name and domicile.

  2. Obligor's name or other means of identifying the obligor.

  第五节其它财产保险Section 5. Other Non-life Insurance

  第96 条其它财产保险为不属于火灾保险、海上保险、陆空保险、责任保险及保证保险之范围,而以财物或无形利益为保险标的之各种保险。

  第97 条保险人有随时查勘保险标的物之权,如发现全部或一部份处于不正常状态,经建议要保人或被保险人修复后,再行使用。如要保人或被保险人不接受建议时,得以书面通知终止保险契约或其有关部份。

  第98 条要保人或被保险人,对于保险标的物未尽约定保护责任所致之损失,保险人不负赔偿之责。危险事故发生后,经鉴定系因要保人或被保险人未尽合理方法保护标的物,因而增加之损失,保险人不负赔偿之责。

  第99 条保险标的物受部份之损失,经赔偿或回复原状后,保险契约继续有效。但与原保险情况有异时,得增减其保险费。

  Article 96 The term "other non-life insurance" refers to insurance of various kinds not within the scope of fire insurance, marine insurance, land and air insurance, liability insurance, and bonding insurance, and in which property or intangible interests constitute the subject matter insured.

  Article 97 An insurer has the right to inspect the subject matter insured at any time. If the insurer discovers that all or part of it is in abnormal condition, the insurer has the right to suggest that the proposer or the insured should repair it before further use. If the proposer or the insured refuses the suggestion, the insurer may terminate the insurance contract or relevant parts of it by written notice.

  Article 98 An insurer is not liable to indemnify for any loss resulting from failure of the proposer or the insured to fulfill its contractual duty to protect the subject matter insured. If, after occurrence of the risk insured, assessment shows that loss was increased due to failure of the proposer or the insured to take reasonable measures to protect the subject matter insured, the insurer is not liable to indemnify for such increased loss.

  Article 99 If the subject matter insured sustains partial loss, the insurance contract shall remain valid after indemnification has been made or the subject matter has been restored to its original condition. However, the premium may be increased or decreased if the condition of the subject matter differs from that originally insured.

  第四章人身保险Chapter IV. Insurance of the Person

  第一节人寿保险Section 1. Life Insurance

  第101 条人寿保险人于被保险人在契约规定年限内死亡,或届契约规定年限而仍生存时,依照契约负给付保险金额之责。

  第102 条人寿保险之保险金额,依保险契约之所定。

  第103 条人寿保险之保险人,不得代位行使要保人或受益人因保险事故所生对于第三人之请求权。

  第104 条人寿保险契约,得由本人或第三人订立之。

  第105 条由第三人订立之死亡保险契约,未经被保险人书面同意,并约定保险金额,其契约无效。被保险人依前项所为之同意,得随时撤销之。其撤销之方式应以书面通知保险人及要保人。被保险人依前项规定行使其撤销权者,视为要保人终止保险契约。

  第106 条由第三人订立之人寿保险契约,其权利之移转或出质,非经被保险人以书面承认者,不生效力。

  Article 101 A life insurer is obligated to pay the insured amount in accordance with the contract when the insured dies within the time limit set forth in the contract or is still alive when the time limit set forth in the contract expires.

  Article 102 The insured amount in life insurance is that set forth in the insurance contract.

  Article 103 A life insurer may not be subrogated to a right of claim of the proposer or the beneficiary against a third party, where such claim arises out of occurrence of an insured peril.

  Article 104 A life insurance contract may be entered into by the insured, or by a third party.

  Article 105 A life insurance contract against death entered into by a third party without written consent of the insured and stipulation of the insured amount shall be void. An insured who has given consent as stated in the preceding paragraph may withdraw the consent at any time. Such withdrawal of consent shall be made in writing to the insurer and the proposer. When the insured exercises the right to withdraw consent as stated in the preceding paragraph, the contract shall be deemed terminated by the proposer.

  Article 106 Transfer or pledge of rights under a life insurance contract entered into by a third party shall not take effect without the written acknowledgement of the insured.

  第107 条以未满十五岁之未成年人为被保险人订立之人寿保险契约,其死亡给付于被保险人满十五岁之日起发生效力;被保险人满十五岁前死亡者,保险人得加计利息退还所缴保险费,或返还投资型保险专设帐簿之帐户价值。前项利息之计算,由主管机关另定之。订立人寿保险契约时,以精神障碍或其它心智缺陷,致不能辨识其行为或欠缺依其辨识而行为之能力者为被保险人,除丧葬费用之给付外,其余死亡给付部分无效。前项丧葬费用之保险金额,不得超过遗产及赠与税法第十七条有关遗产税丧葬费扣除额之一半。第一项至第四项规定,于其它法律另有规定者,从其规定。

  Article 107 If, at the time a life insurance contract is entered into, the insured is a minor under fifteen years of age, the death benefits shall take effect on the date the insured reaches fifteen years of age. If the insured dies before reaching fifteen years of age, the insurer shall refund all premiums paid with or without interest, or refund the account value of the insured in a separate account set up for investment-linked insurance. The calculation of interest mentioned in the preceding paragraph will be set forth by the competent authority. If, at the time a life insurance contract is entered into, the insured is mentally impaired or of diminished mental capacity that he or she is incapable of comprehending his or her own action or lacks the ability to act based on his or her comprehension, all death benefits other than funeral expense benefits shall be void. The insured amount for the funeral expenses referred to in the preceding paragraph may not exceed one half of the funeral expense deduction allowed for estate tax under Article 17 of the Estate and

  Gift Tax Act. If the provisions in paragraph 1 to paragraph 4 are otherwise provided in other laws, such other laws shall prevail.

  第108 条人寿保险契约,除记载第五十五条规定事项外,并应载明左列事项:





  Article 108 A life insurance contract, besides specifying the particulars provided in Article 55, shall also specify the following particulars:

  1. Name, sex, age, and domicile of the insured.

  2. Names of beneficiaries and their relation to the insured, or a means of identifying the beneficiaries.

  3. The insured perils for which the insured amount may be claimed, and the period for making the claim.

  4. The conditions, if any, for reduction of the insured amount in accordance with the provisions of Article 118.

  第109 条被保险人故意自杀者,保险人不负给付保险金额之责任。但应将保险之保单价值准备金返还于应得之人。保险契约载有被保险人故意自杀,保险人仍应给付保险金额之条款者,其条款于订约二年后始生效力。恢复停止效力之保险契约,其二年期限应自恢复停止效力之日起算。被保险人因犯罪处死或拒捕或越狱致死者,保险人不负给付保险金额之责任。但保险费已付足二年以上者,保险人应将其保单价值准备金返还于应得之人。

  Article 109 If the insured willfully commits suicide, the insurer is not obligated to pay the insured amount, but the non-forfeiture value shall be refunded to the person entitled to receive it. If an insurance contract contains a provision specifying that the insurer shall still pay the insured amount even if the insured willfully commits suicide, such a provision shall come into effect only two years after the date on which the contract is entered into. In the case of reinstatement of a suspended insurance contract, such two-year period shall commence from the date of reinstatement. If the insured is executed for a crime or dies as the result of resisting arrest or escaping from jail, the insurer is not obligated to pay the insured amount. However, if premium has been paid in full for not less than two years, the insurer shall refund the amount of the non-forfeiture value to the person entitled to receive it.

  第110 条要保人得通知保险人,以保险金额之全部或一部,给付其所指定之受益人一人或数人。前项指定之受益人,以于请求保险金额时生存者为限。

  第111 条受益人经指定后,要保人对其保险利益,除声明放弃处分权者外,仍得以契约或遗嘱处分之。要保人行使前项处分权,非经通知,不得对抗保险人。

  第112 条保险金额约定于被保险人死亡时给付于其所指定之受益人者,其金额不得作为被保险人之遗产。

  第113 条死亡保险契约未指定受益人者,其保险金额作为被保险人遗产。

  第114 条受益人非经要保人之同意,或保险契约载明允许转让者,不得将其利益转让他人。

  第115 条利害关系人,均得代要保人交付保险费。

  Article 110 A proposer may notify the insurer to pay all or part of the insured amount to one or several of the designated beneficiaries. The designated beneficiaries referred to in the preceding paragraph are limited to those alive at the time the insured amount is claimed.

  Article 111 After the beneficiaries have been designated, the proposer may still dispose of his or her insurable interest by contract or by will unless he or she has declared to waive the right of disposition. Exercise by the proposer of the right of disposition referred to in the preceding paragraph may not be raised as a defense against the insurer unless the insurer was given notice of such exercise.

  Article 112 If it has been stipulated that the insured amount is to be paid upon death of the insured to the beneficiaries named thereby, such amount shall not be treated as part of the insured's estate.

  Article 113 Where no beneficiary has been designated in a life insurance contract against death, the insured amount therein shall be treated as part of the insured's estate.

  Article 114 A beneficiary may not assign its benefits to other persons unless the proposer consents or the insurance contract expressly permits such assignment.

  Article 115 Any interested party may pay the premium on behalf of the proposer.

  第116 条人寿保险之保险费到期未交付者,除契约另有订定外,经催告到达后届三十日仍不交付时,保险契约之效力停止。催告应送达于要保人,或负有交付保险费义务之人之最后住所或居所,保险费经催告后,应于保险人营业所交付之。第一项停止效力之保险契约,于停止效力之日起六个月内清偿保险费、保险契约约定之利息及其它费用后,翌日上午零时起,开始恢复其效力。要保人于停止效力之日起六个月后申请恢复效力者,保险人得于要保人申请恢复效力之日起五日内要求要保人提供被保险人之可保证明,除被保险人之危险程度有重大变更已达拒绝承保外,保险人不得拒绝其恢复效力。保险人未于前项规定期限内要求要保人提供可保证明或于收到前项可保证明后十五日内不为拒绝者,视为同意恢复效力。保险契约所定申请恢复效力之期限,自停止效力之日起不得低于二年,并不得迟于保险期间之届满日。保险人于前项所规定之期限届满后,有终止契约之权。保险契约终止时,保险费已付


  Article 116 Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, when a life insurance premium is due and unpaid, and remains unpaid upon thirty days after receipt of notice of payment due, the validity of the insurance contract shall be suspended. Notice of payment due shall be served to the most recent domicile or residence of the proposer or of the person under obligation to pay the premium. After notice of payment due has been served, the premium shall be paid at the business office of the insurer. A suspended insurance contract as referred to in paragraph 1 shall be reinstated at zero hours on the morning of the day after the premium, the interest stipulated in the insurance contract, and other expenses are paid, provided that such payment is made within six months from the date of suspension. Where the proposer applies for reinstatement more than six months after the date of suspension, the insurer may, within five days from the date on which the proposer applies for reinstatement, require that the proposer furnish proof of insurability for the insured, and the insurer may not refuse reinstatement unless the insured's degree of risk has undergone a change that is sufficiently material as to justify refusal to insure. Where the insurer does not require that the proposer furnish proof of insurability within the time period set out in the preceding paragraph, or it does not refuse reinstatement within 15 days from its receipt of the proof of insurability referred to in the preceding paragraph, it shall be deemed to have consented to reinstatement. The time period for applying for reinstatement stipulated in the insurance contract may not be less than two years from the date of suspension, nor may it extend beyond the expiration date of the policy period. The insurer has the right to terminate the contract upon expiration of the time period set forth in the preceding paragraph. Where the premium has been paid in full for two years or more at the time the insurance contract is terminated, if there is any non-forfeiture value, the insurer shall refund the non-forfeiture value. Where the insurance contract stipulates that the insurer shall provide premium loans, when the principal and interest of such a loan exceeds the non-forfeiture value, suspension of the contract and application for reinstatement shall be subject mutatis mutandis to the provisions of paragraph 1 to paragraph 6.

  第117 条保险人对于保险费,不得以诉讼请求交付。以被保险人终身为期,不附生存条件之死亡保险契约,或契约订定于若干年后给付保险金额或年金者,如保险费已付足二年以上而有不交付时,于前条第五项所定之期限届满后,保险人仅得减少保险金额或年金。

  Article 117 An insurer may not demand payment of premium by means of litigation. In regard to a whole life insurance contract against death which does not include benefits conditional upon survival, or a contract in which it is stipulated that the insured amount or annuity is to be paid after a certain number of years, if premium has been paid in full for two years or more at the time of nonpayment, after expiration of the time period set out in paragraph 5 of the preceding article, the

  insurer may only reduce the insured amount or the annuities.

  第118 条保险人依前条规定,或因要保人请求,得减少保险金额或年金。其条件及可减少之数额,应载明于保险契约。减少保险金额或年金,应以订原约时之条件,订立同类保险契约为计算标准。其减少后之金额,不得少于原契约终止时已有之保单价值准备金,减去营业费用,而以之作为保险费一次交付所能得之金额。营业费用以原保险金额百分之一为限。保险金额之一部,系因其保险费全数一次交付而订定者,不因其它部分之分期交付保险费之不交付而受影响。

  Article 118The insurer may, in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Article or at the request of the proposer, reduce the insured amount or the annuities. The conditions for such a reduction and the allowable amount thereof shall be specified in the insurance contract. An insurance contract of the same kind, executed based on the conditions at the time the original contract was entered into, shall be taken as the standard for calculating the reduction of the insured

  amount or the annuities. The insured amount after reduction may not be less than the amount obtainable if the non-forfeiture value existing at the time the original contract is terminated, minus

  business expenses, were paid as a lump-sum premium. The said business expenses are limited to 1 percent of the originally insured amount. If part of the insured amount has been determined on the basis of the premium thereof being paid in one lump sum, that part shall not be affected by nonpayment of the premium on the remaining part that is payable in installments.

  第119 条要保人终止保险契约,而保险费已付足一年以上者,保险人应于接到通知后一个月内偿付解约金;其金额不得少于要保人应得保单价值准备金之四分之三。偿付解约金之条件及金额,应载明于保险契约。

  第120 条保险费付足一年以上者,要保人得以保险契约为质,向保险人借款。保险人于接到要保人之借款通知后,得于一个月以内之期间,贷给可得质借之金额。以保险契约为质之借款,保险人应于借款本息超过保单价值准备金之日之三十日前,以书面通知要保人返还借款本息, 要保人未于该超过之日前返还者,保险契约之效力自借款本息超过保单价值准备金之日停止。保险人未依前项规定为通知时,于保险人以书面通知要保人返还借款本息之日起三十日内要保人未返还者,保险契约之效力自该三十日之次日起停止。前二项停止效力之保险契约,其恢复效力之申请准用第一百十六条第三项至第六项规定。

  Article 119 If a proposer terminates an insurance contract for which the premium has been fully paid for one year or more, the insurer shall pay the surrender value within one month from receipt of such notice. The amount thereof may not be less than three-quarters of the non-forfeiture value that the proposer is entitled to receive. The conditions and amount for payment of surrender value shall be specified in the insurance contract.

  Article 120 If premium has been fully paid for one year or more, the proposer may obtain loans from the insurer by using the insurance contract as collateral. Upon receipt of a proposer's loan notification, the insurer may, within a period of one month, lend such amount as may be borrowed with the collateral. For a loan secured by an insurance contract, by 30 days before the date on which loan principal and interest exceeds non-forfeiture value the insurer shall notify the proposer in writing to repay the loan principal and interest. If the proposer fails to make repayment by said date, the insurance contract shall be suspended from the date on which loan principal and interest exceeds non-forfeiture value. Where the insurer does not observe the requirements of the preceding paragraph in making the notification referred to therein, if the proposer fails to make repayment within 30 days from the date on which the insurer notifies the proposer in writing to repay the loan principal and interest, the insurance contract shall be suspended from the day next following the thirtieth day. Application for reinstatement of an insurance contract suspended under either of the preceding two paragraphs shall be subject mutatis mutandis to the provisions of Article 116, paragraphs 3 to 6.

  第121 条受益人故意致被保险人于死或虽未致死者,丧失其受益权。前项情形,如因该受益人丧失受益权,而致无受益人受领保险金额时,其保险金额作为被保险人遗产。要保人故意致被保险人于死者,保险人不负给付保险金额之责。保险费付足二年以上者,保险人应将其保单价值准备金给付与应得之人,无应得之人时,应解交国库。

  第122 条被保险人年龄不实,而其真实年龄已超过保险人所定保险年龄限度者,其契约无效。因被保险人年龄不实,致所付之保险费少于应付数额者,保险金额应按照所付之保险费与被保险人之真实年龄比例减少之。

  Article 121 A beneficiary who willfully causes the death of the insured, or attempts unsuccessfully to do so, shall lose the right to receive benefits. If a beneficiary loses the right to receive benefits because of circumstances set forth in the preceding paragraph, and as a result there is no beneficiary to receive the insured amount, the insured amount shall be treated as part of the insured's estate. If a proposer willfully causes the death of the insured, the insurer is not obligated to pay the insured amount. If the premium has been fully paid for two years or more, the insurer shall pay the non-forfeiture value to the person who is entitled to receive it. If there is no person entitled to receive it, it shall be turned over to the national treasury.

  Article 122 If the age of the insured has been misrepresented and the insured's actual age surpasses the limits on insurable age set by the insurer, the contract shall be void. If misrepresentation of the insured's age results in premium payments that are lower than what they should be, the insured amount shall be reduced pro rata on the basis of the premium paid and the actual age of the insured.

  第123 条保险人破产时,受益人对于保险人得请求之保险金额之债权,以其保单价值准备金按订约时之保险费率比例计算之。要保人破产时,保险契约订有受益人者,仍为受益人之利益而存在。投资型保险契约之投资资产,非各该投资型保险之受益人不得主张,亦不得请求扣押或行使其它权利。

  第124 条人寿保险之要保人、被保险人、受益人,对于被保险人之保单价值准备金,有优先受偿之权。

  Article 123 If an insurer becomes bankrupt, the amount a beneficiary may claim against the insurer with respect to the insured amount is to be calculated pro rata according to the ratio of the non-forfeiture value to the premium rate at the time the contract was entered into. If the proposer becomes bankrupt, insurance contracts in which the beneficiary has been specified shall remain valid for the benefit of the beneficiary. With respect to the invested assets of an investment-linked insurance contract, persons other than the beneficiary may not lay any claim thereto, nor shall they demand attachment or exercise any other rights.

  Article 124 The proposer, insured, and beneficiary of life insurance have right of preference for payment of the insured's non-forfeiture value.

  第二节健康保险Section 2. Health Insurance

  第125 条健康保险人于被保险人疾病、分娩及其所致残废或死亡时, 负给付保险金额之责。

  第126 条保险人于订立保险契约前,对于被保险人得施以健康检查。前项检查费用,由保险人负担。

  第127 条保险契约订立时,被保险人已在疾病或妊娠情况中者,保险人对是项疾病或分娩,不负给付保险金额之责任。

  第128 条被保险人故意自杀或堕胎所致疾病、残废、流产或死亡,保险人不负给付保险金额之责。

  第129 条被保险人不与要保人为同一人时,保险契约除载明第五十五条规定事项外,并应载明左列各款事项:


  第130 条第一百零二条至第一百零五条、第一百十五条、第一百十六条、第一百二十三条及一百二十四条,于健康保险准用之。

  Article 125 A health insurer is obligated to pay the insured amount when the insured falls sick or gives birth, or becomes disabled or dies due to sickness or childbirth.

  Article 126 An insurer may, before entering into an insurance contract, require the insured to undergo a medical examination. The cost of the medical examination referred to in the preceding

  paragraph is to be borne by the insurer.

  Article 127 If, at the time an insurance contract is entered into, the insured is already sick or pregnant, the insurer is not obligated to pay the insured amount for the sickness or pregnancy.

  Article 128 The insurer is not obligated to pay the insured amount for sickness, disability, miscarriage, or death resulting from suicide or abortion that the insured has willfully committed.

  Article 129 If the insured and proposer are not one and the same person, the insurance contract, besides specifying the particulars provided in Article 55, shall also specify the following particulars:

  1. Name, age, and domicile of the insured. 2. Relationship of the insured to the proposer.

  Article 130 The provisions of Articles 102 to Article 105, Article 115, Article 116, Article 123, and Article 124 apply mutatis mutandis to health insurance.

  第三节伤害保险Section 3. Personal Injury Insurance

  第131 条伤害保险人于被保险人遭受意外伤害及其所致残废或死亡时,负给付保险金额之责。前项意外伤害,指非由疾病引起之外来突发事故所致者。

  Article 131 A personal accident insurer is obligated to pay the insured amount when the insured suffers injury by accident, or becomes disabled or dies on account of such injury. The term "injury by accident" as used in the preceding paragraph refers to physical harm caused by unforeseen external events other than illness.

  第132 条伤害保险契约,除记载第五十五条规定事项外,并应载明左列事项:



  第133 条被保险人故意自杀,或因犯罪行为,所致伤害、残废或死亡,保险人不负给付保险金额之责任。

  第134 条受益人故意伤害被保险人者,无请求保险金额之权。受益人故意伤害被保险人未遂时,被保险人得撤销其受益权利。

  第135 条第一百零二条至第一百零五条、第一百零七条、第一百十条至第一百十六条、第一百二十三条及第一百二十四条,于伤害保险准用之。

  Article 132 A personal injury insurance contract, besides specifying the particulars as provided in Article 55, shall also specify the following particulars:

  1. Name, age, and domicile of the insured and relationship of the insured to the proposer.

  2. Names of the beneficiaries and their relation to the insured, or a method for determining the beneficiaries.

  3. The events for which, and the period during which, the insured amount may be claimed.

  Article 133 If the insured willfully commits suicide, or is injured, becomes disabled, or dies as the result of a criminal act, the insurer is not obligated to pay the insured amount.

  Article 134 A beneficiary who willfully injures the insured is not entitled to claim the insured amount. When a beneficiary willfully attempts to injure the insured but fails to do so, the insured may revoke such beneficiary's right to receive benefits.

  Article 135 The provisions of Articles 102 to Article 105, Article 107, Articles 110 to Article 116, Article 123, and Article 124 apply mutatis mutandis to personal injury insurance.

  第四节年金保险Section 4. Annuity Insurance

  第135-1 条年金保险人于被保险人生存期间或特定期间内,依照契约负一次或分期给付一定金额之责。

  第135-2 条年金保险契约,除记载第五十五条规定事项外,并应载明左列事项:



  Article 135-1 An annuity insurer is liable to pay a fixed amount of money in a lump sum or in installments during the life of the insured or during a specified period of time in accordance with the contract.

  Article 135-2 An annuity insurance contract, in addition to specifying the particulars provided in Article 55, shall also specify the following particulars:

  1. Insured's name, sex, age, and domicile.

  2. Amount of annuity or method for determining the amount of annuity.

  3. Names of beneficiaries, and their relationship to the insured.



  第135-3 条受益人于被保险人生存期间为被保险人本人。保险契约载有于被保险人死亡


  第135-4 条第一百零三条、第一百零四条、第一百零六条、第一百十四条至第一百二十四条规定,于年金保险准用之。但于年金给付期间,要保人不得终止契约或以保险契约为质,向保险人借款。

  4. Term of annuity, dates and method of payment of annuity.

  5. Conditions attaching to any reduction in the annuity amount carried out in accordance with Article 118.

  Article 135-3 During the lifetime of the insured, the beneficiary of annuity insurance shall be the insured himself or herself. If an insurance contract provides for payment of annuity after death of the insured, the provisions of Articles 110 to Article 113 apply mutatis mutandis to the beneficiary.

  Article 135-4 The provisions of Article 103, Article 104, Article 106, and Articles 114 through Article 124 apply mutatis mutandis to annuity insurance. However, during the annuity payment period, the proposer may not terminate the contract or pledge such contract to the insurer as loan collateral.

  第五章保险业Chapter V. Insurance Enterprises

  第一节通则Section 1. General Provisions

  第136 条保险业之组织,以股份有限公司或合作社为限。但经主管机关核准者,不在此限。



  Article 136 Except with the approval of the competent authority, an insurance enterprise may only be organized as a company limited by shares or as a cooperative. Business organizations other than insurance enterprises may not engage concurrently in the insurance business or a business similar to insurance.

  Where violations of the provisions in the preceding paragraph occur, the competent authority or the authority with jurisdiction over the line of business operated by the violator will act in conjunction with the judicial police authorities to suppress the illegal activity, and the case will be referred for prosecution. In the case of a legal entity, its representatives shall be jointly and severally liable for its relevant debts. When carrying out the tasks referred to in the preceding paragraph, the authorities may search and attach account books and documents of the violators, remove signs and other fixtures, or take other necessary actions in accordance with the law. An insurance enterprise organized as a company limited by shares shall issue its stock publicly unless another law provides otherwise or the competent authority has granted permission.

  第137 条保险业非经主管机关许可,并依法为设立登记,缴存保证金,领得营业执照后,不得开始营业。保险业申请设立许可应具备之条件、程序、应检附之文件、发起人、董事、监察人与经理人应具备之资格条件、废止许可、分支机构之设立、保险契约转让、解散及其它应遵行事项之办法,由主管机关定之。外国保险业非经主管机关许可,并依法为设立登记,缴存保证金,领得营业执照后,不得开始营业。外国保险业,除本法另有规定外,准用本法有关保险业之规定。外国保险业申请设立许可应具备之条件、程序、应检附之文件、废止许可、营业执照核发、增设分公司之条件、营业项目变更、撤换负责人之情事、资金运用及其它应遵行事项之办法,由主管机关定之。依其它法律设立之保险业,除各该法律另有规定外,准用本法有关保险业之规定。

  Article 137 An insurance enterprise may not commence operations unless it has received permission from the competent authority, completed establishment registration, posted bond, and secured a business license in accordance with the law. The eligibility conditions, business scope, documentation required in order to apply for approval and other compliance matters. with respect to the conduct of personal injury insurance or health insurance business by non-life insurance enterprises in accordance with the proviso of the preceding paragraph, shall be prescribed by the competent authority. A foreign insurance enterprise may not commence operations unless it has received permission from the competent authority, completed establishment registration, posted bond, and secured a business license in accordance with the law. Unless otherwise provided by this Act, the provisions of this Act regarding insurance enterprises shall apply mutatis mutandis to

  foreign insurance enterprises. With respect to applications by foreign insurance enterprises for establishment permits, the competent authority shall prescribe regulations governing the following matters: eligibility conditions and procedures for application; required documentation, revocation

  of permits, issuance of business licenses, conditions for the establishment of branch offices, any change in line(s) of business, replacement of responsible person, funds allocations; and other compliance matters. With respect to an insurance enterprise established in accordance with another act, the provisions of this Act pertaining to insurance enterprises shall apply mutatis mutandis except as otherwise provided by the other act.

  第137-1 条保险业负责人应具备之资格, 由主管机关定之。

  第138 条财产保险业经营财产保险,人身保险业经营人身保险,同一保险业不得兼营财产保险及人身保险业务。但财产保险业经主管机关核准经营伤害保险及健康保险者,不在此限。





  Article 137-1 The necessary qualifications of the responsible persons of an insurance enterprise shall be prescribed by the competent authority.

  Article 138 An insurance enterprise in the "non-life insurance" category shall engage in the business of non-life insurance only, an insurance enterprise in the "insurance of the person" category shall engage in the business of insurance of the person only, and the same insurance enterprise may not engage concurrently in non-life insurance and insurance of the person, provided that this restriction does not apply where a non-life insurance enterprise is approved by the competent authority to engage in personal injury insurance or health insurance. The eligibility conditions, business scope, documentation required in order to apply for approval and other compliance matters. with respect to the conduct of personal injury insurance or health insurance business by non-life insurance enterprises in accordance with the proviso of the preceding paragraph, shall be prescribed by the competent authority. An insurance enterprise may not engage concurrently in any business other than that prescribed by this Act. However, this restriction does not apply where the competent authority has given its approval for an insurance enterprise to engage in other businesses related to insurance. Where an insurance enterprise conducts another business related to insurance as provided for in the preceding paragraph, the permission of the Central Bank shall first be obtained if the business involves foreign exchange business. An insurance cooperative may not engage in any insurance business with any person who is not a member of the cooperative.

  第138-1 条财产保险业应承保住宅地震危险,以主管机关建立之危险分散机制为之。前项危险分散机制,应成立财团法人住宅地震保险基金负责管理,就超过财产保险业共保承担限额部分,由该基金承担、向国内、外为再保险、以主管机关指定之方式为之或由政府承受。



  Article 138-1 Non-life insurance enterprises shall underwrite residential earthquake risk, and shall do so by means of the risk spreading mechanism established by the competent authority. The Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Fund shall be established to manage the risk spreading mechanism referred to in the preceding paragraph. The portion of risk that exceeds the co-insurance underwriting assumption limit for non-life insurance enterprises shall be assumed by the Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Fund, cede to domestic and/or foreign reinsurers, be

  assumed by the manner prescribed by the competent authority or assumed by the government. With respect to the risk spreading mechanism under the preceding two paragraphs, the competent authority shall prescribe regulations governing the risk assumption limits, insured amounts, insurance premium rates, provision for various reserve funds, and other compliance matters. The competent authority shall prescribe regulations governing the Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Fund's articles of incorporation, business scope, funds allocations, and other administrative matters. When the occurrence of a major earthquake results in payable claims that exceed the amount of funds accumulated in the Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Fund, in order to safeguard the interests of insured the Fund may as necessary request the competent authority and the Ministry of Finance to jointly apply for Executive Yuan’s approval of collateral provided by the national treasury to obtain the necessary source of funding.

  第138-2 条保险业经营人身保险业务,保险契约得约定保险金一次或分期给付。人身保险契约中属死亡或残废之保险金部分,要保人于保险事故发生前得预先洽订信托契约,由保险业担任该保险信托之受托人,其中要保人与被保险人应为同一人,该信托契约之受益人并应为保险契约之受益人,且以被保险人、未成年人、心神丧失或精神耗弱之人为限。前项信托给付属本金部分,视为保险给付。保险业办理保险金信托业务应设置信托专户,并以信托财产名义表彰。前项信托财产为应登记之财产者,应依有关规定为信托登记。


  Article 138-2 An insurance enterprise engaging in insurance of the person may stipulate an insurance contract that policy proceeds be paid either in a lump sum or in installments.With respect to the portion of policy proceeds in a contract for insurance of the person that are for death or disablement, the proposer may, prior to occurrence of an insured peril, negotiate a trust contract whereunder the insurance enterprise acts as trustee of the insurance trust. Such an arrangement may only be made where a single person is both proposer and insured, where the beneficiaries of the trust contract are also the beneficiaries of the insurance contract, and where the arrangement is for the benefit of an insured or a person who is a minor, mentally impaired, or of diminished mental capacity. With respect to trust benefits paid out pursuant to the preceding paragraph, that part which constitutes trust principal shall be deemed insurance benefits. An insurance enterprise providing insurance trust services shall set up segregated trust accounts named as trust asset accounts. Where the trust assets of the preceding paragraph are subject to a registration requirement, registration of trust shall be carried out in accordance with the applicable provisions. Where the trust assets of paragraph 4 are securities, when the insurance enterprise sets up a segregated trust account named as a trust asset account and engages in a transaction involving the trust assets, the trust shall be effective against third parties, and Article 4, paragraph 2 of the Trust Act does not apply. The scope of funds allocations of an insurance enterprise operating insurance trusts shall be limited to the following:

  1. Cash or bank deposits.

  2. Government bonds or financial bonds.

  3. Short-term bills.

  4. Other methods of funds allocation as approved by the competent authority.

  第138-3 条保险业经营保险金信托业务,应经主管机关许可,其营业及会计必须独立。保险业为担保其因违反受托人义务而对委托人或受益人所负之损害赔偿、利益返还或其它责任,应提存赔偿准备。保险业申请许可经营保险金信托业务应具备之条件、应检附之文件、废止许可、应提存赔偿准备额度、提存方式及其它应遵行事项之办法,由主管机关定之。

  Article 138-3 An insurance enterprise shall obtain permission from the competent authority to provide insurance trust services, which must have independent operations and accounting. An insurance enterprise shall set aside a compensation reserve fund to secure the performance of indemnities, giving back profits, or other obligations to bailors at violation of its duties as trustee.

  With respect to applications by insurance enterprises for permission to provide insurance trust services, the competent authority shall prescribe regulations governing the following matters: eligibility conditions; required documentation; conditions for the revocation of permits; amount defined for the compensation reserve fund, and the way of depositing; and other compliance matters.

  第139 条各种保险业资本或基金之最低额,由主管机关,审酌各地经济实况,及各种保险业务之需要,分别呈请行政院核定之。

  Article 139 The minimum capital or fund for each of the various kinds of insurance enterprises will be approved separately by the Executive Yuan, acting upon the recommendation of the competent authority, which shall take into consideration the economic conditions in each locality and the needs of each kind of insurance business.

  第140 条保险公司得签订参加保单红利之保险契约。保险合作社签订之保险契约,以参加保单红利者为限。前二项保单红利之计算基础及方法,应于保险契约中明订之。

  第141 条保险业应按资本或基金实收总额百分之十五,缴存保证金于国库。

  第142 条保证金之缴存应以现金为之。但经主管机关之核准,得以公债或库券代缴之。前项缴存保证金非俟宣告停业依法完成清算,不予发还。以有价证券抵缴保证金者,其息票部份,在宣告停业依法清算时,得准移充清算费用。

  Article 140 An insurance company may enter into an insurance contract that includes participation in policy dividends. An insurance cooperative shall enter only into insurance contracts that include participation in policy dividends. The basis and method of calculating the policy dividends in the preceding two paragraphs shall be expressly provided in the insurance contract.

  Article 141 An insurance enterprise shall post bond at the national treasury in an amount equal to 15 percent of the total amount of its paid-in capital or paid-in fund.

  Article 142 The bond shall be posted in cash. However, upon approval of the competent authority, government bonds or notes may be posted instead. The bond posted as provided in the preceding paragraph is not to be returned until suspension of business has been declared and liquidation has been completed pursuant to the law. Where marketable securities are used to post bond, when cessation of business has been declared and liquidation is duly performed, the interest coupon attached thereto may be used to offset liquidation expenses.

  第143 条保险业不得向外借款、为保证人或以其财产提供为他人债务之担保。但保险业有下列情形之一,报经主管机关核准向外借款者,不在此限:




  Article 143 An insurance enterprise may not borrow funds from an outside party, act as guarantor for an outside party, or provide its assets as collateral for the debt of another; provided, that this restriction does not apply where any one of the following circumstances obtains with respect to the insurance enterprise and the enterprise reports to and obtains the approval of the competent authority to borrow funds from an outside party:

  1. The borrowing is to meet cash flow needs arising from payment of major benefits, a large amount of policy surrenders, or a large amount of policy loans.

  2. The borrowing is needed for a merger or for assumption of the in-force contracts of a troubled insurer.

  3. The borrowing is done by issuing bonds with capital characteristics, for the purpose of strengthening financial structure.

  第143-1 条为保障被保险人之基本权益,并维护金融之安定,财产保险业及人身保险业应分别提拨资金,设置财团法人安定基金。财团法人安定基金之组织及管理等事项之办法,由主管机关定之。安定基金由各保险业者提拨; 其提拨比率,由主管机关审酌经济、金融发展情形及保险业承担能力定之,并不得低于各保险业者总保险费收入之千分之一。安定基金累积之金额不足保障被保险人权益,且有严重危及金融安定之虞时,得报经主管机关同意,向金融机构借款。

  Article 143-1 In order to preserve the insured's basic interests and to maintain financial stability, enterprises engaged in non-life insurance and insurance of the person shall make contributions to set up separate stabilization funds as incorporated foundations. Regulations governing the organization, administration, and other matters of the incorporated stabilization fund foundations shall be prescribed by the competent authority. The stabilization funds shall be supported by contributions from each insurance enterprise. The contribution rate of each enterprise

  shall be determined by the competent authority, taking into consideration the condition of the economy, the state of development of the financial industry, and the ability of insurance enterprises to pay, and may not be lower for any given insurance enterprise than 1/1000th of gross premium income. When the amount of funds accumulated in a stabilization fund is insufficient to safeguard the interests of insured parties and there is a likelihood of serious threat to financial stability, the fund may report to the competent authority for permission to borrow funds from the financial institutions.

  第143-2 条(删除)Article 143-2 (Deleted)

  第143-3 条安定基金办理之事项如下:





  Article 143-3 The stabilization funds shall handle the following matters:

  1. Extend loans to insurance enterprises experiencing business difficulties.

  2. A stabilization fund may provide low-interest loans or subsidies to insurance enterprises that incur loss by merging with troubled insurance enterprises or assuming their contracts.

  3. When, in accordance with the provisions of Article 149, paragraph 4, an insurance enterprise is placed into receivership, ordered to suspend business and undergo rehabilitation, or ordered to dissolve, or when a receiver applies to a court for reorganization in accordance with the provisions of Article 149-2, paragraph 3, the appropriate stabilization fund shall, as necessary, advance funds on behalf of the insurance enterprise to settle claims which proposers, insured parties, and beneficiaries are entitled to make under in-force contracts, and with respect to the amount thus advanced shall succeed to and exercise the rights of claim of those proposers, insured parties, and beneficiaries against the insurance enterprise.

  4. In order to safeguard the interests of insured parties and help expedite reorganization proceedings, when an insurance enterprise undergoes reorganization in accordance with the provisions of this Act, proposers, insured parties, and beneficiaries shall, unless they object in writing, be deemed to have granted consent for the stabilization fund to act as their agent in attending meetings of related parties and exercising rights related to the reorganization. The stabilization funds shall adopt procedures for actions they take when serving as agent, as well as other compliance matters, and shall file them with the competent authority for recordation.


