台湾保险法 模板(第三部分 中英文)




  5. Act as receiver, rehabilitator, or liquidator upon appointment by the competent authority.

  6. Assume, upon approval by the competent authority, the insurance contracts of insolvent insurance companies.

  7. Undertake other matters, as approved by the competent authority, to stabilize the insurance market or safeguard the interests of insured parties. The stabilization funds shall adopt rules governing the timing, scope, and dollar amount of their drawdown of funds to handle the matters set out in subparagraphs 1 to 3 and subparagraph 7 of the preceding paragraph, and shall file them with the competent authority for approval. Where an insurance enterprise applies to a stabilization fund in accordance with paragraph 1, subparagraph 2 for subsidization of losses incurred upon merging with a troubled insurer or assuming such an insurer's contracts, the dollar amount may not exceed the total amount of funds advanced by the stabilization fund pursuant to subparagraph 3 of the same paragraph.

  第143-4 条保险业自有资本与风险资本之比率,不得低于百分之二百;必要时,主管机关得参照国际标准调整比率。保险业自有资本与风险资本之比率未达前项规定之比率者,不得分配盈余,主管机关并得视其情节轻重为其它必要之处置或限制。前二项所定自有资本与风险资本之范围、计算方法、管理、必要处置或限制之方式及其它应遵行事项之办法,由主管机关定之。

  Article 143-4 An insurance enterprise's ratio of total adjusted net capital to risk-based capital may not be lower than 200%. Where necessary, the competent authority may adjust the ratio according to international standards. An insurance enterprise with a ratio of total adjusted net capital to risk-based capital below the ratio set out in the preceding paragraph may not distribute earnings, and the competent authority may, according to the severity of the circumstances, adopt other necessary actions or restrictions.

  With regard to total adjusted net capital and risk-based capital as referred to in the preceding two paragraphs, the competent authority shall prescribe regulations governing the following matters: their scope; the method for calculating their amounts; administration thereof; the methods for adopting necessary actions or restrictions; and other compliance matters.

  第144 条保险业之各种保险单条款、保险费及其它相关数据,由主管机关视各种保险之发展状况,分别规定销售前应实行之程序、审核及内容有错误、不实或违反规定之处置等事项之准则。为健全保险业务之经营,保险业应聘用精算人员并指派其中一人为签证精算人员,负责保险费率之厘订、各种准备金之核算签证及办理其它经主管机关指定之事项;其资格条件、签证内容、教育训练、惩处及其它应遵行事项之办法,由主管机关定之。前项签证精算人员之指派应经董(理)事会同意,并报主管机关备查。签证精算人员应本公正及公平原则向其所属保险业之董(理)事会及主管机关提供各项签证报告;其签证报告内容有虚伪、隐匿、遗漏或错误情事者,主管机关得视其情节轻重为警告、停止于一年以内期间签证或废止其签证精算人员资格。

  Article 144 With respect to the policy provisions, premiums, and other relevant content for a given type of insurance policy, the competent authority shall prescribe regulations governing the following matters, taking into account the state of development of that type of insurance: procedures to be carried out before a policy is marketed; product review; and the actions to be taken when the content of a policy is incorrect, false, or in violation of the law. In order to ensure sound operation of its insurance business, an insurance enterprise shall employ actuaries and appoint one of them as appointed actuary, who shall be responsible for setting premium rates, certifying various reserve , and handling other matters specified by the competent authority. Regulations governing qualification requirements, items to be certified, education and training, penalties, and other compliance matters shall be prescribed by the competent authority. Appointment of the appointed actuary shall be subject to the consent of the board of directors and shall be filed to the competent authority. The appointed actuary shall, in accordance with the principles of impartiality and fairness, provide various certified reports to the board of directors, as well as to the competent authority. Where a report that he or she has certified has any misrepresentation, concealment, omission, or incorrect information, the competent authority may, according to the severity of the circumstances, issue a warning, suspend the actuary from providing certification for a period of up to one year, or revoke appointment.

  第144-1 条有下列情形之一者,保险业得以共保方式承保:一、有关巨灾损失之保险者。



  第145 条保险业于营业年度届满时,应分别保险种类,计算其应提存之各种准备金,记载于特设之帐簿。前项所称各种准备金之提存比率、计算方式及其它应遵行事项之办法,由主管机关定之。

  第145-1 条保险业于完纳一切税捐后,分派盈余时,应先提百分之二十为法定盈余公积。但法定盈余公积,已达其资本总额或基金总额时,不在此限。保险业得以章程规定或经股东



  Article 144-1 Insurance enterprises may underwrite insurance by way of co-insurance under the following circumstances:

  1. When insuring against catastrophic loss.

  2. When coordinating with government policy.

  3. When seeking to further the public interest.

  4. When seeking to effectively enhance services to the insurance-buying public.

  5. When seeking to accomplish other objectives approved by the competent authority.

  Article 145 At the end of each business year, an insurance enterprise shall calculate the reserves for each type of insurance, and shall record such reserves in special account books. The competent authority shall prescribe regulations governing the reserving, calculation methods, and other compliance matters for the various reserves referred to in the preceding paragraph.

  Article 145-1 After paying all taxes, an insurance enterprise preparing to distribute earnings shall first set aside 20 percent to legal capital reserves; provided, that this requirement does not apply where legal capital reserves are already equal to the enterprise's authorized capital or authorized fund. An insurance enterprise may additionally set aside special capital reserve in accordance with the provisions of its articles of incorporation or a resolution of a shareholders meeting or general assembly of cooperative members. The competent authority may as necessary order an insurance enterprise to set aside such reserve. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall enter into force from the next fiscal year after the provisions of this Act amended on [DATE] take effect.

  第146 条保险业资金之运用,除存款外,以下列各款为限:


  Article 146 Except for savings deposits, the funds allocations of an insurance enterprise shall be limited to the following:

  1. Securities. 2. Real estate. 3. Loans. 4. Allocation of funds to special projects and investments in public utilities and social welfare enterprises, with the approval of the competent authority. 5. Foreign investments. 6. Investments in insurance-related businesses. 7. Derivatives trading. 8. Other funds allocations as approved by the competent authority. The term "funds" in the preceding paragraph includes owner's equity and various reserve funds. The savings of paragraph 1 deposited in any single financial institution may not, unless approved by the competent authority, exceed 10 percent of the insurance enterprise's funds; provided, this restriction does not apply where the competent authority has granted approval. "Insurance-related businesses" in paragraph 1, subparagraph 6 means the businesses of insurance, financial holding, banking, bills, trust, credit card, finance leasing, securities, futures, securities investment trust, and securities investment consulting enterprises, as well as other insurance-related businesses as recognized by the competent authority. An insurance enterprise that engages in investment-linked insurance business or labor pension annuity insurance business shall set up a separate account to record the value of the assets in which it invests. The competent authority shall prescribe regulations governing administration and custody of separate account, allocation of investment assets, and other compliance matters pertaining to investment-linked insurance business, which are not subject to the restrictions set forth in paragraph 1; paragraph 3; Article 146-1; Article 146-2; Article 146-4; Article 146-5; and Article 146-7. With respect to assets for which a separate account is required under paragraph 5, if a proposer retains an insurance enterprise by means of an insurance contract to exercise discretionary allocation of the assets and those assets are allocated to the purchase of the securities defined in Article 6 of the Securities and Exchange Act, application for concurrent operation of discretionary investment services shall be made in accordance with the Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act. With respect to the derivatives trading of paragraph 1, subparagraph 7, the competent authority shall prescribe regulations governing the terms and conditions of such trading, the scope thereof, transaction limits, internal handling procedures, and other compliance matters.

  第146-1 条保险业资金得购买下列有价证券:




  保险业依第一项第三款投资, 不得有下列情事之一:

  Article 146-1

  The funds of an insurance enterprise may be used to purchase the following marketable securities:

  1. Government bonds and treasury bills. 2. Financial bonds, negotiable certificates of deposit, banker's acceptances, and commercial promissory notes guaranteed by a financial institution, the aggregate amount of which may not exceed 35 percent of the funds of the insurance enterprise. 3. Publicly issued corporate stocks approved in accordance with the law, provided that the aggregate amount of corporate stocks in any one company may not exceed 5 percent of the funds of the insurance enterprise, and the aggregate amount of the stocks in any one company in which an insurance enterprise invests may not exceed 10 percent of the paid-in capital of the company issuing the stocks. 4. Publicly issued guaranteed corporate bonds or corporate bonds issued by a company rated by a rating agency at no lower than a specified rating and approved in accordance with the law, provided that the aggregate amount made by an insurance enterprise in such corporate bonds may not exceed 5 percent of the funds of the insurance enterprise, and the aggregate amount of bonds from any one company may not exceed 10 percent of the paid-in capital of the company issuing the corporate bonds. 5. Beneficial interest certificates for securities investment trust funds and mutual trust funds for which public issue has been duly approved. The aggregate amount of such investment made by an insurance enterprise may not exceed 10 percent of the funds of the insurance enterprise, and an insurance enterprise may not invest in more than 10 percent of the aggregate amount of the beneficial interest certificates issued by any fund.

  6. Securitization products and other marketable securities that the competent authority has granted approval for insurance enterprises to purchase, the aggregate amount of which may not exceed 10

  percent of the funds of the insurance enterprise. The aggregate amount of the investments contemplated under subparagraphs 3 and 4 of the preceding paragraph may not exceed 35 percent of the funds of the insurance enterprise. It is prohibited for any of the following circumstances to obtain with respect to an investment made by an insurance enterprise in accordance with paragraph 1, subparagraph 3:



  第146-2 条保险业对不动产之投资,以所投资不动产实时利用并有收益者为限;其投资总额,除自用不动产外,不得超过其资金百分之三十。但购买自用不动产总额不得超过其业主权益之总额。保险业不动产之取得及处分,应经合法之不动产鉴价机构评价。

  1. For the insurance enterprise or a representative thereof to be a director or supervisor of the investee company.

  2. For the insurance enterprise to exercise voting rights in support of a related party, or a director, supervisor, or employee of a related party, becoming a director or supervisor of the investee financial institution.

  3. For a person dispatched by the insurance enterprise to be hired as a manager of the investee company. With respect to investments by an insurance enterprise pursuant to paragraph 1, subparagraphs 3 to 6 in publicly issued securities not listed on an exchange or OTC market, or in privately placed securities, the competent authority shall prescribe regulations governing eligibility conditions, scope and type of investments, investment rules, and other compliance matters.

  Article 146-2 Investments in real estate by an insurance enterprise shall be limited to real estate that can be used immediately and from which benefit may be derived. The total amount of such investments, apart from real estate held for an insurance enterprise's own use, may not exceed 30 percent of an insurance enterprise's funds. In the case of real estate purchased for self-use, the total amount invested in by an insurance enterprise may not exceed the total amount of its owner's equity. The acquisition and disposal of real estate by an insurance enterprise shall be evaluated by a legally established real estate appraisal organization.

  第146-3 条险业办理放款,以下列各款为限:






  Article 146-3 Loans made by an insurance enterprise shall be limited to the following items:

  1. Loans guaranteed by a bank, or by a credit guarantee institution recognized by the competent authority.

  2. Loans secured by personal property or real property.

  3. Loans secured by qualified securities as defined in Article 146-1.

  4. For life insurance enterprises, loans secured by life insurance policies issued by said life insurance business. For loans made pursuant to subparagraphs 1 to 3 of the preceding paragraph, the amount loaned to each borrower may not exceed 5 percent of an insurance enterprise's funds, and the total amount of all loans shall not exceed 35 percent of an insurance enterprise's funds.

  Where an insurance enterprise provides a secured loan pursuant to paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1, 2, or 3 to one of its responsible persons, employees, major shareholders, or to a person having an interested party relationship with one of its responsible persons or with an employee in charge of administering the loan, the loan shall be fully secured, and the conditions may not be better than those extended to other loanees of the same class. A loan that is equal to or more than the dollar amount specified by the competent authority shall also be approved by three-fourths of the directors present at a board of directors meeting attended by at least two-thirds of the directors. The competent authority shall prescribe regulations governing the definition of interested parties, loan limits and aggregate loan balances, and other compliance matters. The combined total amount of (i) an insurance enterprise's investment in corporate stocks and corporate bonds of a given company in accordance with Article 146-1, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 3 and 4, and (ii) loans made in accordance with paragraph 1, subparagraph 3 that are secured by corporate stocks and corporate bonds issued by that same company, shall exceed neither 10 percent of the insurance enterprise's funds nor 10 percent of the paid-in capital of the company issuing the stocks and corporate bonds.

  第146-4 条保险业资金办理国外投资,以下列各款为限:


  Article 146-4 Foreign investments of insurance enterprise funds shall be limited to the following:

  1. Foreign currency deposits.

  2. Foreign securities.

  3. Establishment of or investment in a foreign insurance company, insurance agent company, insurance broker company, or other insurance-related enterprise approved by the competent authority.

  4. Such other foreign investments as may be approved by the competent authority. The competent authority shall set limits on the aggregate dollar amount of foreign investments of insurance enterprise funds based on the state of the business of each individual insurance enterprise. At maximum, such investments may not exceed 45 percent of the funds of any individual insurance enterprise. The competent authority shall prescribe regulations setting forth investment rules, investment limits, review procedures, and other compliance matters pertaining to foreign investments of insurance enterprise funds.

  第146-5 条保险业资金办理项目运用、公共及社会福利事业投资应申请主管机关核准;其申请核准应具备之文件、程序、运用或投资之范围、限额及其它应遵行事项之办法,由主管机关定之。前项资金运用方式为投资公司股票时,准用第一百四十六条之一第三项规定;其投资之条件及比率,不受第一百四十六条之一第一项第三款规定之限制。

  第146-6 条保险业业主权益,超过第一百三十九条规定最低资本或基金最低额者,得经主管机关核准,投资保险相关事业所发行之股票,不受第一百四十六条之一第一项第三款及第三项规定之限制;其投资总额,最高不得超过该保险业业主权益。保险业依前项规定投资而与被投资公司具有控制与从属关系者,其投资总额,最高不得超过该保险业业主权益百分之四十。保险业依第一项规定投资保险相关事业,其控制与从属关系之范围、投资申报方式及其它应遵行事项之办法,由主管机关定之。

  Article 146-5 Application shall be made to the competent authority for approval of allocations of insurance enterprise funds to special projects and investments in public utilities and social welfare enterprises. With respect to applications for approval, the competent authority shall prescribe regulations governing required documentation, procedures, scope of and limits upon allocations and investments, and other compliance matters. Where the funds referred to in the preceding paragraph are allocated to investment in corporate stocks, the provisions of Article 146-1, paragraph 3 shall apply mutatis mutandis. The conditions and percentages related thereto shall not be subject to the restrictions set forth in Article 146-1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 3.

  Article 146-6 When the owner's equity of an insurance enterprise exceeds the minimum capital or the minimum fund provided for in Article 139, it may, with the approval of the competent authority, invest in shares issued by insurance-related enterprises without being subject to Article 146-1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 3, or to paragraph 3 of that same article. The aggregate dollar amount of such investments may not exceed the owner's equity of the insurance enterprise. Where an insurance enterprise makes an investment in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph and it has a relationship of control or subordination with the investee company, the total dollar amount of the investment may not exceed 40 percent of the owner's equity of the insurance enterprise. With respect to insurance enterprise investments in insurance-related enterprises made in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1, the competent authority shall prescribe regulations defining the scope of relationships of control or subordination, the method of reporting investments, and other compliance matters.

  第146-7 条主管机关对于保险业就同一人、同一关系人或同一关系企业之放款或其它交易得予限制;其限额、其它交易之范围及其它应遵行事项之办法,由主管机关定之。前项所称同一人,指同一自然人或同一法人;同一关系人之范围,包含本人、配偶、二亲等以内之血亲及以本人或配偶为负责人之事业;同一关系企业之范围,适用公司法第三百六十九条之一至第三百六十九条之三、第三百六十九条之九及第三百六十九条之十一规定。主管机关对于保险业与其利害关系人从事放款以外之其它交易得予限制;其利害关系人及交易之范围、决议程序、限额及其它应遵行事项之办法,由主管机关定之。

  Article 146-7 The competent authority may limit the ability of insurance enterprises to make loans to, or engage in other transactions with, a single party, a single related party, or a single related enterprise. The competent authority shall prescribe regulations to set such limits, define the scope of "other transactions," and set out other compliance matters. The term "a single party" in the preceding paragraph means a single natural person or a single juristic person. The scope of a "single related party" includes the principal, his/her spouse, blood relatives within two degrees of kinship, and any enterprise of which the principal himself/herself or his/her spouse is the responsible person. The scope of "a single related enterprise" shall be governed by Articles 369-1 to 369-3, Article 369-9, and Article 369-11 of the Company Act. The competent authority may limit the ability of an insurance enterprise to engage in non-loan transactions with an interested

  party. The competent authority shall prescribe regulations defining the scope of interested parties and regulated transactions, procedures for the adoption of resolutions, limits on transaction size, and other compliance matters.

  第146-8 条第一百四十六条之三第三项所列举之放款对象,利用他人名义向保险业申请办理之放款,适用第一百四十六条之三第三项规定。向保险业申请办理之放款,其款项为利用他人名义之人所使用,或其款项移转为利用他人名义之人所有时,推定为前项所称利用他人名义之人向保险业申请办理之放款。

  第146-9 条保险业因持有有价证券行使股东权利时,不得有股权交换或利益输送之情事,并不得损及要保人、被保险人或受益人之利益。保险业于出席被投资公司股东会前,应将行使表决权之评估分析作业作成说明,并应于各该次股东会后,将行使表决权之书面纪录,提报董事会。保险业及其从属公司,不得担任被投资公司之委托书征求人或委托他人担任委托书征求人。

  Article 146-8 For any prospective loan recipient listed in Article 146-3, paragraph 3 who applies under the name of another person to an insurance enterprise for a loan, the provisions of Article 146-3, paragraph 3, shall apply. If money obtained through a loan from an insurance enterprise is used by a person using another person's name, or the money is transferred to the ownership of a person using another person's name, it shall be presumed that the loan was obtained from the insurance enterprise by the person applying in the name of another person as referred to in the preceding paragraph.

  Article 146-9 In the course of exercising shareholder rights of securities that it holds, an insurance enterprise may not do anything that would involve exchange of equity ownership or funneling of interests, nor may it prejudice the interests of a proposer, insured party, or beneficiary. Before attending a shareholders meeting of an investee company, an insurance enterprise shall prepare an explanation of how it has evaluated and analyzed the exercise of voting rights, and after each such shareholders meeting shall submit to its board of directors a written record of the exercise of voting rights. An insurance enterprise and any subordinate company thereof may not act as proxy solicitor for an investee company or mandate another party to act as proxy solicitor for an investee company.

  第147 条保险业办理再保险之分出、分入或其它危险分散机制业务之方式、限额及其它应遵行事项之办法,由主管机关定之。

  第147-1 条保险业专营再保险业务者,为专业再保险业,不适用第一百三十八条第一项、第一百四十三条之一、第一百四十三条之三及第一百四十四条第一项规定。前项专业再保险业之业务、财务及其它相关管理事项之办法,由主管机关定之。

  Article 147 The competent authority shall prescribe regulations governing the manner in which insurance enterprises cede or assume reinsurance or operate other risk spreading mechanisms, limits applying thereto, and other compliance matters.

  Article 147-1 An insurance enterprise that engages exclusively in reinsurance business is a professional reinsurer, and is not subject to the provisions of Article 138, paragraph 1, Article 143-1, Article 143-3, or Article 144, paragraph 1. The competent authority shall prescribe regulations governing the business, financial, and other related management matters of the

  professional reinsurers referred to in the preceding paragraph.

  第148 条主管机关得随时派员检查保险业之业务及财务状况,或令保险业于限期内报告营业状况。前项检查,主管机关得委托适当机构或专业经验人员担任;其费用,由受检查之保险业负担。前二项检查人员执行职务时,得为下列行为,保险业负责人及相关人员不得规避、妨碍或拒绝:

  Article 148 The competent authority may, at any time, dispatch officers to inspect the business and financial conditions of an insurance enterprise, or order an insurance enterprise to report, within a prescribed limit of time, the condition of its business. The competent authority may engage an appropriate agency or professional expert to conduct the inspection referred to in the preceding paragraph. Expenses thus incurred shall be borne by the insurance enterprise that is inspected. In performing the tasks referred to in the preceding two paragraphs, inspectors may take any of the following actions, which the responsible person and relevant persons of the insurance enterprise

  may not evade, obstruct, or refuse:







  第148-1 条保险业每届营业年度终了,应将其营业状况连同资金运用情形,作成报告书,并同资产负债表、损益表、股东权益变动表、现金流量表及盈余分配或亏损拨补之议案及其它经主管机关指定之项目,先经会计师查核签证,并提经股东会或社员代表大会承认后,十五日内报请主管机关备查。保险业除依前项规定提报财务业务报告外,主管机关并得视需要,令保险业于规定期限内,依规定之格式及内容,将业务及财务状况汇报主管机关或其指定之机构,或提出帐簿、表册、传票或其它有关财务业务文件。前二项财务报告之编制准则,由主管机关定之。

  1. Ordering the insurance enterprise to provide the types of documents and forms described in Article 148-1, paragraph 1, and to present evidencing documents, vouchers, books, lists, and related materials.

  2. Making inquiries of the persons in charge of (and other personnel involved in) relevant business operations of the insurance enterprise. 3. Assessing the assets and liabilities of the insurance enterprise. In performing the tasks in paragraphs 1 and 2, inspectors may, after receiving permission from the competent authority, take any of the following actions as necessary in order to investigate the facts and evidence of a case:

  1. Requesting that enterprises affiliated with the insurance enterprise being inspected provide financial statements, allow inspection of their related books or documents, or permit questioning of their relevant employees.

  2. Inspecting the records of other financial institutions of transactions of the insurance enterprise, its affiliates, and others whose names are suspected to have been used by it for transactions. The scope of "affiliates" in the preceding paragraph shall be governed by Articles 369-1 to 369-3, Article 369-9, and Article 369-11 of the Company Act.

  Article 148-1 At the end of every fiscal year, an insurance enterprise shall (i) compile a report detailing its operational status and the use of its funds, attaching a balance sheet, profit and loss statement, statement of changes in shareholders' equity, cash flow statement and proposal for allocation of surplus profit or compensation of deficit, and other matters designated by the competent authority, (ii) have the above items certified by a certified public accountant, (iii) submit the above items for approval at a shareholders meeting or a general assembly of cooperative members, and (iv) thereafter submit the above items to the competent authority within fifteen days for recordation. In addition to the financial and business reports that an insurance enterprise must submit pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the competent authority may, as the need arises, require either that an insurance enterprise report, within a specified time limit and observing all format and content requirements, its business and financial conditions to the competent authority or an institution designated thereby, or that an insurance enterprise furnish account books, statements, vouchers, or other related financial and operational documents. Standards governing preparation of the financial reports referred to in the preceding two paragraphs shall be prescribed by the competent authority.

  第148-2 条保险业应依规定据实编制记载有财务及业务事项之说明文件提供公开查阅。保险业于有攸关消费大众权益之重大讯息发生时,应于二日内以书面向主管机关报告,并主动公开说明。第一项说明文件及前项重大讯息之内容、公开时期及方式,由主管机关定之。

  第148-3 条保险业应建立内部控制及稽核制度;其办法,由主管机关定之。保险业对资产质量之评估、各种准备金之提存、逾期放款、催收款之清理、呆帐之转销及保单之招揽核保理赔,应建立内部处理制度及程序;其办法,由主管机关定之。

  Article 148-2 An insurance enterprise shall, in compliance with regulations, truthfully prepare explanatory documents detailing the enterprise's financial and business matters, and shall make such documents publicly available for inspection. If an insurance enterprise becomes aware of any material information with a bearing upon the rights and interests of consumers, it shall report to the competent authority in writing within two days and explain the matter publicly. The explanatory documents referred to in paragraph 1, and the contents as well as the timing and manner of disclosure of the major information referred to in the preceding paragraph, shall be prescribed by the competent authority.

  Article 148-3 An insurance enterprise shall establish internal control and auditing systems. Regulations governing such systems shall be prescribed by the competent authority. An insurance enterprise shall establish internal handling systems and procedures for: assessment of asset quality; provision for various kinds of reserves; resolution of overdue loans and non-accrual loans; write-off of bad debts; and policy solicitation, underwriting, and claims settlement. Regulations governing such systems and procedures shall be prescribed by the competent authority.

  第149 条保险业违反法令、章程或有碍健全经营之虞时,主管机关除得予以纠正或命其限期改善外,并得视情况为下列处分:







  Article 149 If an insurance enterprise violates laws, regulations, or its articles of incorporation, or is suspected of improper management, the competent authority may issue an official reprimand or order it to take corrective action within a specified period of time, and may, depending on the circumstances, take the following disciplinary actions:

  1. Restrict the scope of its business or funds allocations.

  2. Order the insurance enterprise to suspend sales of an insuranceproduct or products or restrict its launch of new insurance products.

  3. Order the insurance enterprise to increase its capital.

  4. Order removal of its managers or employees from their positions.









  If an insurance enterprise does not comply with the disciplinary actions of the preceding paragraph, the competent authority shall take the following disciplinary actions as circumstances merit:

  1. Revoke the resolutions of statutory meetings.

  2. Dismiss its directors or supervisor(s), or suspend them from their duties for a certain period of time.

  3. Any other necessary disposition.

  If directors or supervisors are dismissed pursuant to the provisions of preceding paragraph, subparagraph 2, the competent authority shall notify the competent authority for company (cooperative) registration to cancel the registration of the directors and supervisors. If the business or financial conditions of an insurance enterprise deteriorate so significantly that the insurance enterprise is unable to pay its debts or perform contractual obligations, or the rights and interests of insured parties are adversely affected, the competent authority may, depending on the severity of the circumstances, take the following disciplinary actions:

  1. Place the enterprise under conservatorship.

  2. Place the enterprise under receivership.

  3. Order the enterprise to suspend business and undergo rehabilitation.

  4. Order dissolution of the insurance enterprise.

  If, pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, an insurance enterprise is ordered into conservatorship, receivership, suspension of business and rehabilitation, or dissolution, the competent authority may mandate another insurance enterprise, insurance-related institution, or professional expert to serve as conservator, receiver, rehabilitator, or liquidator. Where there are

  matters of compensation involving a stabilization fund, the cooperation of the stabilization fund shall also be requested. A related institution or individual mandated by the competent authority as provided for under the preceding paragraph shall not be subject to the provisions of the Government Procurement Act when handling the matters for which it was mandated. When an insurance enterprise is placed under receivership or ordered to suspend business and undergo rehabilitation, the provisions of the Company Act pertaining to temporary managers and inspectors do not apply, and with the exception of a reorganization filed for in accordance with the provisions of this Act, any other petition for reorganization, bankruptcy, or composition shall be automatically stayed, as shall any compulsory execution proceeding. A receiver filing for reorganization in accordance with the provisions of this Act may petition the court to hear or rule upon its petition together with any petition for reorganization filed by the insurance enterprise under receivership before it was placed under receivership. The court may as necessary question interested parties before issuing a ruling. If an insurance enterprise has been placed under conservatorship by the competent authority pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 4, subparagraph 1, the insurance enterprise may not perform any of the following acts without the consent of the conservator:

  1. Make payments or dispose of property in excess of a limit

  prescribed by the competent authority.

  2. Enter into any contract or undertake material obligations.

  3. Any other matter that would significantly affect its finances.

  The relevant provisions of Article 148 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the conservator's performance of his/her duties as conservator. The competent authority shall prescribe regulations governing the procedures for conservatorship or receivership of insurance enterprises, the duties of conservators and receivers, fee burdens, and other compliance matters.

  第149-1 条保险业收受主管机关接管处分之通知后,应将其业务之经营及财产之管理处分权移交予接管人。原有股东会、董事、监察人或类似机构之职权即行停止。保险业之董事、经理人或类似机构应将有关业务及财务上一切账册、文件与财产列表移交与接管人。董事、监察人、经理人或其它职员,对于接管人所为关于业务或财务状况之询问,有答复之义务。

  第149-2 条保险业于受接管期间内,主管机关对其新业务之承接、受理有效保险契约之变更或终止、受理要保人以保险契约为质之借款或偿付保险契约之解约金,得予以限制。接管人执行职务而有下列行为时,应事先取得主管机关许可:



  Article 149-1 After receiving a notice of receivership from the competent authority, an insurance enterprise shall surrender to the receiver its right to run business operations and manage and dispose of property. All authorities of office of the original shareholders' meeting, directors, supervisors, and other similar offices shall be suspended immediately. Directors, managers, or persons holding other similar positions in the insurance enterprise shall transfer all account books, documents, and property relating to business and financial matters to the receiver along with a list of what has been transferred. The directors, supervisors, managers, and other staff shall be obligated to respond to the receiver's inquiries concerning business and financial matters.

  Article 149-2 During the period in which an insurance enterprise is under receivership, the competent authority may restrict its ability to write new business, modify or terminate in-force insurance contracts, provide proposers with loans secured by insurance contracts, or pay the surrender value of insurance contracts. A receiver shall obtain prior permission from the competent authority if, in executing his or her duties, he or she intends to take any of the following actions:

  1. Carry out a capital increase, or capital decrease followed by capital increase.

  2. Assign operations, assets, or liabilities in whole or in part.



  接管人接管保险业后三个月内未将全部营业、资产或负债移转者,除有重建更生之可能应向法院声请重整外,应报请主管机关为清理之处分。上述期限,必要时接管人得向主管机关申请展延。法院受理接管人依本法规定之重整声请时,得径依主管机关所提出之财务业务检查报告及意见于三十日内为裁定。依保险契约所生之权利于保险业重整时,有优先受偿权,并免为重整债权之申报。接管人依本法声请重整之保险业,不以公开发行股票或公司债之公司为限,且其重整除本法另有规定外,准用公司法有关重整之规定。受接管保险业依第二项第二款规定让与全部或部分营业、资产或负债时,如受接管保险业之有效保险契约之保险费率与当时情况有显著差异,非调高其保险费率或降低其保险金额,其它保险业不予承接者,接管人得报经主管机关核准, 调整其保险费率或保险金额。

  第149-3 条监管、接管之期限,由主管机关定之。在监管、接管期间, 监管、接管原因消失时,监管人、接管人应报请主管机关终止监管、接管。接管期间届满或虽未届满而经主管机关决定终止接管时,接管人应将经营之有关业务及财务上一切账册、文件与财产,列表移交与该保险业之代表人。

  3. Merge with another insurance enterprise.

  4. Other important matters as designated by the competent authority. When a receiver does not assign the entire operations, assets, or liabilities of an insurance enterprise within three months after taking it into receivership, unless there is a possibility of rescue (in which case a petition for reorganization shall be filed in court), the receiver shall report to the competent authority and request that the latter carry out rehabilitation. A receiver may as necessary apply to the competent authority for an extension on the aforementioned time period.

  When a court receives a petition for reorganization filed by a receiver in accordance with the provisions of this Act, it may proceed forthwith to issue a ruling within 30 days on the basis of operational and final examination reports and opinions provided by the competent authority. When an insurance enterprise is undergoing reorganization, rights arising out of its insurance contracts shall constitute preferential claims and need not be declared as rights of creditors in reorganization. The insurance enterprises for which a receiver may file for reorganization are not limited to companies that have publicly issued stock or corporate bonds, and except as otherwise provided in

  this Act, the reorganization thereof shall be subject mutatis mutandis to the provisions of the Company Act relating to reorganization. When a receiver intends to assign operations, assets, or liabilities in whole or in part in accordance with paragraph 2, subparagraph 2, if premium rates on the in-force contracts of the insurance enterprise under receivership are significantly out of line given current conditions and the other insurance enterprise will not accept the assignment unless premium rates are increased or insured amounts are reduced, the receiver may adjust premium rates or insured amounts after approval is granted by the competent authority.

  Article 149-3 The period of conservatorship or receivership shall be determined by the competent authority. If during the period of conservatorship or receivership, the reason for conservatorship or receivership ceases to exist, the conservator or receiver shall report to the competent authority and request termination of conservatorship or receivership. When the period of receivership expires, or if the competent authority decides to terminate the receivership prior to expiration of the period of receivership, the receiver shall transfer all relevant account books, documents, and property relating to business and financial matters of the insurance enterprise to the representative of the insurance enterprise along with a list of what has been transferred.

  第149-4 条依第一百四十九条为解散之处分者,其清算程序,除本法另有规定外,其为公司组织者,准用公司法关于股份有限公司清算之规定;其为合作社组织者,准用合作社法关于清算之规定。但有公司法第三百三十五条特别清算之原因者,均应准用公司法关于股份有限公司特别清算之程序为之。

  第149-5 条监管人、接管人、清理人或清算人之报酬及因执行职务所生之费用,由受监管、接管、清理、清算之保险业负担,并优先于其它债权受清偿。前项报酬,应报请主管机关核


  第149-6 条保险业经主管机关依第一百四十九条第四项规定为监管、接管、勒令停业清理或命令解散之处分时,主管机关对该保险业及其负责人或有违法嫌疑之职员,得通知有关机关或机构禁止其财产为移转、交付或设定他项权利,并得函请入出境许可之机关限制其出境。

  Article 149-4 When an insurance enterprise organized as a company is ordered to dissolve in accordance with the provisions of Article 149, the provisions of the Company Act concerning liquidation of a company limited by shares shall apply mutatis mutandis to the enterprise's liquidation procedures unless otherwise provided in this Act. If the insurance enterprise is organized as a cooperative, the provisions of the Cooperative Act concerning liquidation shall apply mutatis mutandis, provided that if special liquidation procedures are required for any of the reasons contained in Article 335 of the Company Act, the procedures for special liquidation of a company limited by shares, as set forth in the Company Act, shall apply mutatis mutandis.

  Article 149-5 Remuneration of the conservator, receiver, rehabilitator, or liquidator, and expenses arising from the performance of their duties, shall be borne by the insurance enterprise under conservatorship, receivership, rehabilitation, or liquidation, and shall take precedence over the rights of other creditors. The remuneration referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be submitted to the competent authority for approval.

  Article 149-6 When an insurance enterprise is ordered by the competent authority, pursuant to the provisions of Article 149, paragraph 4, into conservatorship, receivership, suspension of business and rehabilitation, or dissolution, the competent authority may instruct the relevant authorities or institutions to prohibit the insurance enterprise, its responsible person, or any of its employees suspected of violating the law, from transferring, delivering, or otherwise encumbering property of the enterprise, and may also request by letter that immigration authorities prevent such persons from leaving the country.

  第149-7 条股份有限公司组织之保险业受让依第一百四十九条之二第二项第二款受接管保险业让与之营业、资产或负债时,适用下列规定:





  Article 149-7 When an insurance enterprise organized in the form of a company limited by shares takes assignment of the operations, assets, or liabilities of another insurance enterprise that is under receivership pursuant to Article 149-2, paragraph 2, subparagraph 2, the following provisions shall apply:

  1. For a company limited by shares, assumption in whole of operations, assets, or liabilities shall proceed upon adoption of a resolution by a majority vote of the voting rights represented at a shareholders meeting attended by shareholders representing a majority of the total issued shares. Dissenting shareholders may not request repurchase of their shares and the requirements of Article

  185 to 187 of the Company Act shall be waived.

  2. Notice of the assignment of creditors' rights shall be given by public announcement, and the requirements of Article 297 of the Civil Code shall be waived.

  3. Where debt is assumed, the provision of Article 301 of the Civil Code requiring acknowledgement by the creditor shall be waived.

  4. Where the competent authority deems that there is a need for urgent measures and that there will be no material adverse impact on market competition, the requirement to report a business combination to the Fair Trade Commission of the Executive Yuan under Article 11, paragraph 1 of the Fair Trade Act shall be waived. Where an insurance enterprise merges, pursuant to Article 149-2, paragraph 2, subparagraph 2, with an insurance enterprise under receivership, the provisions of subparagraphs 1 and 4 of the preceding paragraph shall apply, notice of merger or dissolution may be given by public announcement, and the requirements of Article 316, paragraph 4 of the Company Act shall be waived.


