patent application contract, patent assignment contract 专利申请/专利权转让合同
专利申请号:_______________ 专利申请日: ________________________
专利申请名称: ____________________________________________________________
转让方(签章): 受让方(签章):
转让方法人代表(签章): 受让方法人代表(签章):
年 月 日 年 月 日
I/We, the assignor, the owner of the patent application
Patent Application Number: _________________ Filing Date: ___________________
Title: ________________________________________________________
do hereby assign all of our share to the rights and interests in relation to the above identified patent application in the People’s Republic of China to the assignee as listed below.
By Assignor: By Assignee:
Signature of the Legal Representative of Signature of the Legal Representative
of the Assignor: of the Assignee:
_www.legaltranz.com______________ __law.legaltranz.com____________
Dated this: _________________ Dated this: _________________